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You can't steal land from people who have no concept of land ownership.

By that logic you can't accuse of China in south china sea. What if Chinese don't consider your concept same as thier own? You are saying that Australians took over the whole continent and killed naive people because they let them? Now Australians are sitting on huge resources and they have completly wiped out naive population. One can only see hypocrisy when the west tells other how to treat thier minorities. Because of this same hypocrisy Chinese want expansion. Maybe its you who should consider giving quota for naives in government and jobs in US and Australia. Atleast 50%. Because till then there won't be any difference between US, Australia and China. You took over land in past, Chinese want to do it now.
By that logic you can't accuse of China in south china sea. What if Chinese don't consider your concept same as thier own? You are saying that Australians took over the whole continent and killed naive people because they let them? Now Australians are sitting on huge resources and they have completly wiped out naive population. One can only see hypocrisy when the west tells other how to treat thier minorities. Because of this same hypocrisy Chinese want expansion. Maybe its you who should consider giving quota for naives in government and jobs in US and Australia. Atleast 50%. Because till then there won't be any difference between US, Australia and China. You took over land in past, Chinese want to do it now.
What makes you think it matters to us who controls the South China sea? It's not exactly close by is it?
It does matter because South China sea is just a start.
Start of what? Is China going to invade Europe? Why on earth would they do that? What could they possibly gain?
Start of what? Is China going to invade Europe? Why on earth would they do that? What could they possibly gain?
First of all this is off topic. Don't divert from main topic. Its Chinese way of capturing, very slow since they are patient. If US think Chinese are doing wrong they must first admit thier own mistakes and give atleast 50% land to naives, same in Australia and other colonized countries.
You can't steal land from people who have no concept of land ownership.
I don't know why but reading your comment i remembered a certain quote by Thomas Babington who served in the supreme council of India in 1894. "I have never found one among them who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia."
You can't steal land from people who have no concept of land ownership.

They lived there and the land obviously belonged to them.

You mass executed them because they didn't live up to your standard?
They lived there and the land obviously belonged to them.
They believed in the communal ownership of land. If land belongs to everybody then how can the first person who claims it for himself be stealing it?

You mass executed them because they didn't live up to your standard?
They died of smallpox.
They believed in the communal ownership of land. If land belongs to everybody then how can the first person who claims it for himself be stealing it?

You have not answered my question. Did the Brits mass execute the natives because they didn't live up to standard?

Brits have a full history of brutally colonizing different parts of the world. You can't convince me otherwise. History doesn't lie.
You have not answered my question. Did the Brits mass execute the natives because they didn't live up to standard?
No. We didn't. They died of smallpox for the most part and half a million are still alive today.
Where did you read that?
Its pretty much well known if you posess an IQ over 70.

Smallpox is exogenous to Australia. The first recorded outbreak, in 1789, devastated the Aboriginal population; while the extent of this outbreak is disputed, some sources claim that it killed about 50% of coastal Aboriginal populations on the east coast.[68] and there is an ongoing historical debate concerning two rival and irreconcilable theories about how the disease first entered the continent. The central hypotheses of these theories suggest that smallpox was transmitted to indigenous Australians by either:

One immediate consequence of British settlement was a series of European epidemic diseases such as measles, smallpox and tuberculosis. In the 19th century, smallpox was the principal cause of Aboriginal deaths.[46]

A smallpox epidemic in 1789 is estimated to have killed up to 90% of the Darug people. Some scholars have attributed the outbreak to European settlers,[47][48][49] while other writers, such as Judy Campbell,[50] argue that Macassan fishermen from South Sulawesi and nearby islands may have introduced smallpox to Australia prior to European settlement.

I dont think a handful of British sailors and convicts can wipe out a gigantic nations populace, disease can wipe out any populace fairly quickly though.

The thing about Australia is that it was never really that populated to begin with and the native population is most likely the highest it has been in history.

Its just the way of tribes, look at Indians treatment of the Andamanese tribes, theres a highway going through one of the main villages and people have been taking photos of them, making them work for food etc and this is recent, you cant stay isolated without bad things happening eventually.

Disease and Expolitation Threaten Indigenous Andaman Island Tribe | Latest News | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute

See that for example, this is recent i.e past few years and its one of the few tribes that know exists in the modern age and Indians are building resorts next to the reserve, exploiting the small populace that is left, trying to take the natural resources off the Island and with a big highway running through it are interacting and destroying their land. Sure its small scale but its pretty much the same shit. Except its now the 21st century and we are a globally connected society as opposed to back then when it took a year on a boat to get to a place like Australia and chances are you die on the journey.
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Its pretty much well known if you posess an IQ over 70.

I dont think a handful of British sailors and convicts can wipe out a gigantic nations populace, disease can wipe out any populace fairly quickly though.

The thing about Australia is that it was never really that populated to begin with and the native population is most likely the highest it has been in history.

Its just the way of tribes, look at Indians treatment of the Andamanese tribes, theres a highway going through one of the main villages and people have been taking photos of them, making them work for food etc and this is recent, you cant stay isolated without bad things happening eventually.

Disease and Expolitation Threaten Indigenous Andaman Island Tribe | Latest News | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute

See that for example, this is recent i.e past few years and its one of the few tribes that know exists in the modern age and Indians are building resorts next to the reserve, exploiting the small populace that is left, trying to take the natural resources off the Island and with a big highway running through it are interacting and destroying their land. Sure its small scale but its pretty much the same shit. Except its now the 21st century and we are a globally connected society as opposed to back then when it took a year on a boat to get to a place like Australia and chances are you die on the journey.
All made up theories to hide genocide. Its like criminal playing the role of witness.
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