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Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry


Jun 23, 2013
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For the first time since World War II, the Red Cross has had to help collect food aid in the U.K. as welfare cuts and rising prices lead to an explosion of charity food banks for the hungry

Westminster Chapel, an evangelical church in London, sits among the many cafés, bars and upmarket hotels catering to the smartly dressed workers of the area, just a stone’s throw from Britain’s most iconic royal site, Buckingham Palace. It’s here, in the heartland of the U.K.’s political district of Westminster, that the church operates the borough’s only food bank, providing emergency supplies of food for struggling residents.

Miriam Etter, a volunteer who runs the food bank, admits that many locals in the area are shocked to hear that some residents are in need of emergency food handouts. But it’s an evident and growing need for some people across the U.K. Based on unofficial data there are up to 600 food banks in the country, more than half of which are operated and run with the assistance of the charity the Trussell Trust, including the one at Westminster Chapel.

The Trussell Trust says that there has been a 170% rise in the numbers turning to food banks for emergency provision in the last year, and it’s now opening up to three food banks every week (compared to one every week in 2011). Users of these food banks must be referred by doctors, social workers or others in a position of authority, and are typically given three days’ worth of non-perishable food items. A report by the U.K.-based international aid agency Oxfam and campaign group Church Action on Poverty earlier this year indicated that half a million Brits turned to food banks and food parcels to feed themselves and their family in the last year, triple the number that did in the year before. The international aid agency the Red Cross announced in October that it would help with food aid collection in Britain—the first time it has done so since World War II.

(MORE: London’s Tale of Two Cities: Inequality Worsens in Europe’s Booming Metropolis)

This picture of a modern Britain, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with potentially hundreds of thousands in need of food handouts is one that many outside the country find difficult to swallow, says Chris Johnes, director of Oxfam’s U.K. poverty program. He recounts a story of when he was talking to a group of South Korean businessmen about the problem, and the interpreter refused to translate immediately “because his jaw was dropping down to the table.”

The Trussell Trust and other campaigners point to a number of reasons why the demand for food aid has become so acute: In the past six years food prices have risen by 12.6% above inflation, this, together with flat lining or falling wages, the recession, austerity measures introduced by the British government that have in turn impacted welfare benefits and rising energy prices have all contributed to the problem.

Though the Trussell Trust started opening food banks in 2000, predating both the financial crisis and the tightening of the rules for access to welfare introduced in April this year, Johnes describes food poverty as a “product of the more recent recession” and says Oxfam have been trying to have a dialogue with the British government to address the issue. “I think they are very unsure of how to react, because for a long time they’ve been unable to agree this degree of hardship exists, and what’s more that some of this hardship is as a result of their own policies,” says Johnes.

(MORE: Howard G. Buffett Wants to End Hunger, One Chance at a Time)

Miriam Etter, says she too has had to readjust her views on poverty as a result of her volunteer work at the Westminster Chapel. “I grew up in Malawi so my idea of what poverty is is people really having nothing,” says Etter, who adds that she has been shocked by some of the stories of those who have used the food bank’s resources. “You think living in the U.K. everyone has access to these things, but not everyone does.”

Chris Mould, director of the Trussell Trust, is hopeful that government departments will engage with them on the issue. But he rebuts criticism that by continuing to open new food banks, they are providing a safety net that the government should perhaps be doing itself. “This isn’t about bailing out government,” he says, adding that he has been “disappointed” by their “unwillingness to talk with us.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Work and Pensions, which oversees U.K. welfare policy, told TIME that “the Trussell Trust itself says it is opening three new food banks every week, so it’s not surprising more people are using them. They also agree that awareness that helped to explain their recent growth.” They added that food banks were part of a “tradition in this country of voluntary and charity organizations providing support to people in addition to the safety net provided by government.”

(MORE: Panera Bread CEO Living Off $4.50 a Day for Hunger Awareness)

However, the growth in their use has spurred another government department, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), to commission research earlier this year into food aid provision in the U.K. Earlier in November the Sunday Times newspaper speculated that the department is now delaying publishing that report because of suspicion that “the findings are embarrassing for the coalition.” A Defra spokesperson denied this, explaining that it was still going through “the necessary review and quality assurance process.”

Although green shoots of recovery have started to appear in the U.K. economy, Johnes says “all signs show we’re heading for a million people using Trussell Trust food banks alone this year.” He warned that as the winter season sets in, some people will be forced to chose between “eating and heating” because of high energy bills. The best we can hope for, says Johnes, “is a mild winter and no shocks to food prices.”

Read more: Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry | TIME.com Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry | TIME.com
I heard from people who visited to UK that Food and accommodation is quite expensive.
For the first time since World War II, the Red Cross has had to help collect food aid in the U.K. as welfare cuts and rising prices lead to an explosion of charity food banks for the hungry

Westminster Chapel, an evangelical church in London, sits among the many cafés, bars and upmarket hotels catering to the smartly dressed workers of the area, just a stone’s throw from Britain’s most iconic royal site, Buckingham Palace. It’s here, in the heartland of the U.K.’s political district of Westminster, that the church operates the borough’s only food bank, providing emergency supplies of food for struggling residents.

Miriam Etter, a volunteer who runs the food bank, admits that many locals in the area are shocked to hear that some residents are in need of emergency food handouts. But it’s an evident and growing need for some people across the U.K. Based on unofficial data there are up to 600 food banks in the country, more than half of which are operated and run with the assistance of the charity the Trussell Trust, including the one at Westminster Chapel.

The Trussell Trust says that there has been a 170% rise in the numbers turning to food banks for emergency provision in the last year, and it’s now opening up to three food banks every week (compared to one every week in 2011). Users of these food banks must be referred by doctors, social workers or others in a position of authority, and are typically given three days’ worth of non-perishable food items. A report by the U.K.-based international aid agency Oxfam and campaign group Church Action on Poverty earlier this year indicated that half a million Brits turned to food banks and food parcels to feed themselves and their family in the last year, triple the number that did in the year before. The international aid agency the Red Cross announced in October that it would help with food aid collection in Britain—the first time it has done so since World War II.

(MORE: London’s Tale of Two Cities: Inequality Worsens in Europe’s Booming Metropolis)

This picture of a modern Britain, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with potentially hundreds of thousands in need of food handouts is one that many outside the country find difficult to swallow, says Chris Johnes, director of Oxfam’s U.K. poverty program. He recounts a story of when he was talking to a group of South Korean businessmen about the problem, and the interpreter refused to translate immediately “because his jaw was dropping down to the table.”

The Trussell Trust and other campaigners point to a number of reasons why the demand for food aid has become so acute: In the past six years food prices have risen by 12.6% above inflation, this, together with flat lining or falling wages, the recession, austerity measures introduced by the British government that have in turn impacted welfare benefits and rising energy prices have all contributed to the problem.

Though the Trussell Trust started opening food banks in 2000, predating both the financial crisis and the tightening of the rules for access to welfare introduced in April this year, Johnes describes food poverty as a “product of the more recent recession” and says Oxfam have been trying to have a dialogue with the British government to address the issue. “I think they are very unsure of how to react, because for a long time they’ve been unable to agree this degree of hardship exists, and what’s more that some of this hardship is as a result of their own policies,” says Johnes.

(MORE: Howard G. Buffett Wants to End Hunger, One Chance at a Time)

Miriam Etter, says she too has had to readjust her views on poverty as a result of her volunteer work at the Westminster Chapel. “I grew up in Malawi so my idea of what poverty is is people really having nothing,” says Etter, who adds that she has been shocked by some of the stories of those who have used the food bank’s resources. “You think living in the U.K. everyone has access to these things, but not everyone does.”

Chris Mould, director of the Trussell Trust, is hopeful that government departments will engage with them on the issue. But he rebuts criticism that by continuing to open new food banks, they are providing a safety net that the government should perhaps be doing itself. “This isn’t about bailing out government,” he says, adding that he has been “disappointed” by their “unwillingness to talk with us.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Work and Pensions, which oversees U.K. welfare policy, told TIME that “the Trussell Trust itself says it is opening three new food banks every week, so it’s not surprising more people are using them. They also agree that awareness that helped to explain their recent growth.” They added that food banks were part of a “tradition in this country of voluntary and charity organizations providing support to people in addition to the safety net provided by government.”

(MORE: Panera Bread CEO Living Off $4.50 a Day for Hunger Awareness)

However, the growth in their use has spurred another government department, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), to commission research earlier this year into food aid provision in the U.K. Earlier in November the Sunday Times newspaper speculated that the department is now delaying publishing that report because of suspicion that “the findings are embarrassing for the coalition.” A Defra spokesperson denied this, explaining that it was still going through “the necessary review and quality assurance process.”

Although green shoots of recovery have started to appear in the U.K. economy, Johnes says “all signs show we’re heading for a million people using Trussell Trust food banks alone this year.” He warned that as the winter season sets in, some people will be forced to chose between “eating and heating” because of high energy bills. The best we can hope for, says Johnes, “is a mild winter and no shocks to food prices.”

Read more: Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry | TIME.com Britain’s Breadline: Austerity Leads to Growing Ranks of the Hungry | TIME.com
Yeah absolutely awful here, we are all starving to death, bodies in the streets, people without food, Shocking, well I better go out and raid the garbage tip again..
Yeah absolutely awful here, we are all starving to death, bodies in the streets, people without food, Shocking, well I better go out and raid the garbage tip again..
I think you do not quite correct understand the meaning of the article.
By the way, in 2008, Britain had 27,000 people that take part in food aid programs. In 2013, they have 357,000. The trend, however.
I think you do not quite correct understand the meaning of the article.
By the way, in 2008, Britain had 27,000 people that take part in food aid programs. In 2013, they have 357,000. The trend, however.
As I now work in the UK News media Industry I am well aware of what is going on in my own country thank you and 'perfectly' understand your 'article' which has its own agenda..and have you ever seen the phrase 'Talking up ' a situation? Many of these 'starving' people can however afford to buy cigarettes at £20 a go every week. Have you been here recently and seen it for yourself?
As I now work in the UK News media Industry I am well aware of what is going on in my own country thank you and 'perfectly' understand your 'article' which has its own agenda..and have you ever seen the phrase 'Talking up ' a situation? Many of these 'starving' people can however afford to buy cigarettes at £20 a go every week. Have you been here recently and seen it for yourself?
You personally followed up each of the 357,000 people receiving food and found out that he is - a crook?
As I now work in the UK News media Industry I am well aware of what is going on in my own country thank you and 'perfectly' understand your 'article' which has its own agenda..and have you ever seen the phrase 'Talking up ' a situation? Many of these 'starving' people can however afford to buy cigarettes at £20 a go every week. Have you been here recently and seen it for yourself?
You personally followed up each of the 357,000 people receiving food and found out that he is - a crook?
I ask again, rather than quote a news article have you been here to see yourself..I can quote endless stories about Russia but I have not been there for 30 years.. do you think I would believe every piece of Left wing Propaganda I see in print? And there are over SEVENTY MILLION people here.
Time to bring democracy for Britain with Al Qaeda democrats
I ask again, rather than quote a news article have you been here to see yourself..I can quote endless stories about Russia but I have not been there for 30 years.. do you think I would believe every piece of Left wing Propaganda I see in print? And there are over SEVENTY MILLION people here.
An interesting question is obtained. That is, if I had never been to the Moon, all that I know about it - lies and propaganda?
Britain can not affected by the crisis? Maybe there do not happen pogroms when migrants tow cars and beating people?
I do not urge you to believe or not believe.
If you live in a wealth district, it does not mean that the state does not have a gettto and settlements illegal migrants who are starving.
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its not as bad as it sounds.

An interesting question is obtained. That is, if I had never been to the Moon, all that I know about it - lies and propaganda?
Britain can not affected by the crisis? Maybe you do not happen pogroms when migrants tow cars and beating people?
I do not urge you to believe or not believe.
If you live in a wealth district, it does not mean that the state does not have a gettto and settlements illegal migrants who are starving.
nobody is starving mate. Believe whatever you want to but when somebody says UK has poor people, dont visualize african or south asian poor.
Poor here are relatively well off. Nobody is on the street begging for food.
They do not ask for food on the street. They go to the food bank and get food there.
Where I wrote that Britain became poor as Africa or Asia? Just crisis has caused some negative trends, increased the number of poor.
its not as bad as it sounds.

nobody is starving mate. Believe whatever you want to but when somebody says UK has poor people, dont visualize african or south asian poor.
Poor here are relatively well off. Nobody is on the street begging for food.
They do not ask for food on the street. They go to the food bank and get food there.
Where I wrote that Britain became poor as Africa or Asia? Just crisis has caused some negative trends, increased the number of poor.
ah, am not not going to dispute that. They were living on borrowed money, something labour govt does. Conservatives come and pay back so everybody feels poor.
It will look better after 2018.
UK is fine, tabloid newspapers love too exaggerate and talk shit! I recently went Christmas shopping for my Christian friends and all the major designer shops are jam packed with people, you can hardly move. Does that sound like a country that @vostok is making it out too be?

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