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Frankly in todays highly connected world, its really going to be hard to contain such infections. Thousands of people travel every day to and from china frm every country daily. Its just a matter of time before it crosses borders.
:dirol: anyone want the Pork Steak ? Juicy Virus in it :mamba:

Scientist have been experimenting with organ transplant involving Pigs / Humans as the biology was stated to be similar , well no wonder the virus is able to jump across from Pigs to Humans

Viruses are very dangerous they see no border

Very concerning time specially in China hope people are safe

Virus are naturally occurring entity . It evolves continuously , today's medicine may not work on a future mutation


The speed of spread of Virus is astonishingly fast
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Animal based viruses can happen anywhere
A variation of Virus was active in Middle East Desert Areas for last 5-7 years

The stories were present in Local Arabic papers not widely covered in international media
what are we Pakistanis doing to prevent this virus from coming to Pakistan ?
Frankly in todays highly connected world, its really going to be hard to contain such infections. Thousands of people travel every day to and from china frm every country daily. Its just a matter of time before it crosses borders.

They should have locked down Wuhan, if this virus gets out of control thousands could die.
:dirol: anyone want the Pork Steak ? Juicy Virus in it :mamba:

Scientist have been experimenting with organ transplant involving Pigs / Humans as the biology was stated to be similar , well no wonder the virus is able to jump across from Pigs to Humans

Viruses are very dangerous they see no border

Very concerning time specially in China hope people are safe

Virus are naturally occurring entity . It evolves continuously , today's medicine may not work on a future mutation


The speed of spread of Virus is astonishingly fast

There’s way more than the official number of 300.

You should escape China before the societal collapse!! Run while the borders are still open!! Grab a weapon and RUN!!!! ARGH!!! This is far worse than the BlackLivesMatter societal collapse stuff you were warning about. The sky is falling!! China is doomed! Think of the children!!!!
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Scientist have been experimenting with organ transplant involving Pigs / Humans as the biology was stated to be similar , well no wonder the virus is able to jump across from Pigs to Humans
Errr... No dear. Coronavirus spreads easily with contact. Its similar to swine-flu and bird-flu of yore.
Novel viruses can be scary, especially when we hear that it’s a Coronavirus, the same family as MERS and SARS (both can be deadly).

No need to panic at all, every few years we have a new outbreak. SARS, H5N1, swine flu, Ebola, MERS, and now Wuhan nCoV.

It’s remarkable how easy it is to minimise threat of contracting these viruses though. I travel on a packed subway daily, packed trains with people who have cold and flu in winter. Simple precautions like avoiding fomites, avoiding touching your face with your hands, washing hands when returning home. It massively lowers chances of contracting anything. That and other basic hygiene common sense.
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