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#Breaking | Rajiv Jain and Anil Dhasmana appointed chief of Intelligence Bureau and chief of R&AW.

YES, indeed it is .In addition to motivation of self-defense and struggle against hypocrites and oppressors.
Good Joke: motivation of self-defense and struggle against hypocrites and oppressors
Even in places where they are already 99%.
Ministry of Home Affairs
22-December, 2017 20:34 IST
Union Home Minister delivers 30th IB Centenary Endowment Lecture

IB is making a major contribution in curbing the menace of terrorism and Naxalism: Shri Rajnath Singh

Security component should be an integral part of the smart cities at the conceptualisation level, says Home Minister

The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh delivered the 30th Intelligence Bureau (IB) Centenary Endowment Lecture, here today. The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir was also present. The Union Home Minister spoke on various aspects of policing that need to be addressed for making a ‘SMART’ police by the year 2022 i.e. when India completes 75 years of independence. He shared his own childhood and other experiences to describe the role of police in the life of a common man. He spoke on various challenges for police in future i.e. cyber crime, urbanisation, radicalisation and various steps that need to be taken to tackle these challenges.

While delivering the lecture, Shri Rajnath Singh said that faith of a common man in police is very important and this faith can be increased. He said that police can meet any challenge and face any adverse situation if they take action with due wisdom and patience. He further said that Intelligence agencies play an important role in the successful operations by police, because police needs concrete information to take any action. IB is making a major contribution in curbing the menace of terrorism and Naxalism, he said. The Union Home Minister also appreciated IB for fulfilling their duties with due dedication and commitment.

The Union Home Minister said that a lot needs to be done for making police more capable of meeting the challenges of future. He said that Police Modernisation is very important to achieve the desired results. Elaborating on the challenges of policing in 2022, he said that mega-city challenges are going to increase with increasing urbanisation in future. He emphasised on ‘SMART’ and technology-driven policing to meet these challenges. He said that security component should be an integral part of the smart cities at the conceptualisation level itself. Police should get real time information, he further said. He also emphasised on ‘intelligent traffic management system’, as maximum number of deaths happen due to road accidents. He also said that police system needs to be strengthened in villages as well, as 70% of the population of India lives in villages. He said that the old chaukidari system prevalent in village needs to be revived and strengthened.

Speaking on the use of force by the police, Home Minister said that the police need to be cautious while using force against people, specially youth and the police should use due wisdom and patience in dealing with such situations.

Speaking on the challenge of cyber crime, the Home Minister said that infrastructure and expertise needs to be developed to meet the challenge of cyber crime. He also stressed upon coming out of regional attitudes and at the same time emphasised on sharing of information and best practices. The police cannot work in isolation, he further said. Speaking on the phenomena of radicalisation, he said that recently a separate Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalization Division has been set up to meet this challenge. He also said that base of police i.e. constables need to be empowered and they can be given the responsibility of investigating minor crimes. He also laid emphasis on skill upgradation and regular training and also increasing their promotional avenues to build up their morale. He also informed that Student police cadet programme will be rolled out from Haryana to tap the energies of youth.

Speaking on the occasion, Director, IB Shri Rajiv Jain said that this year IB has completed 130 years since its formation in the year 1887. He said that many important personalities have delivered the IB endowment lecture and this is the 30th lecture in that series.

Senior officers of IB and MHA were also present on the occasion.


The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh delivering the 30th Intelligence Bureau (IB) Centenary Endowment Lecture, in New Delhi on December 22, 2017.

The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh delivering the 30th Intelligence Bureau (IB) Centenary Endowment Lecture, in New Delhi on December 22, 2017.
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Indian intelligence agencies doesnt get along with narcotics/drugs groups as these mafia groups are part of enemy state and if any administration protects them then it means we doesnt have relations on Government level.
These are regular appointments in IB and R&AW ,don't make a mountain out of mole calling him Baluchistan expert
Means we are going to arrest more RAW agents from Baluchistan in next few time... :rofl:

Or you will taste your own bitter medicine.

I Am Willing To Bet That My Knowledge of Arunachal Pardesh Is Better Than His Knowledge of Balochistan :lol::lol:

You lot underestimating us is not a new phenomenon, but let me remind you, most of our defense people are not handed over positions because they have political connections, unlike in your nepotistic clusterf#*k you call polity.

Our people work from the ground up to get these coveted positions.

Here, have a read about the chinese intelligence aparatus by Ajit Doval.

But sure, you would know more.
Or you will taste your own bitter medicine.

You lot underestimating us is not a new phenomenon, but let me remind you, most of our defense people are not handed over positions because they have political connections, unlike in your nepotistic clusterf#*k you call polity.

Our people work from the ground up to get these coveted positions.

Here, have a read about the chinese intelligence aparatus by Ajit Doval.

But sure, you would know more.

The Fact That You Indians Actually Think That There Is An "Independence Movement" In Balochistan Goes To Show How Much You Know LOL.The Fact That I,A Native Of Balochistan Does Not Know Anything And Indians Sitting Thousand Miles Away Know Everything Is The Height Of Comedy.

And You Would Not Utter Such Idiocity If You Had The lightest Idea of Our Defence Establishment
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The Fact That You Indians Actually Think That There Is An "Independence Movement" In Balochistan Goes To Show How Much You Know LOL.The Fact That I,A Native Of Balochistan Does Not Know Anything And Indians Sitting Thousand Miles Away Know Everything Is The Height Of Comedy.

And You Would Not Utter Such Idiocity If You Had The lightest Idea of Our Defence Establishment

I am sure you would unequivocally accept the fact that there was a secessionist movement in your country in front of everyone if you do eventually realise that there was one, right?

So lets not kid ourselves.
Ever heard about Hindukush and reality behind it?
it is hindu kesh but hindu kush . any mention of this word anywhere in any book ?????? only sam~skript has the mention , anyways you are free to live in the world of delusions and manipulation . bye for now .
I am sure you would unequivocally accept the fact that there was a secessionist movement in your country in front of everyone if you do eventually realise that there was one, right?

So lets not kid ourselves.

What You Call A "Secessionist Movement" Is Nothing More Than A Few Tribesman Of Marri,Mengal and Bugti Clans Who Are Loyal To Their Respective Chiefs.And Even They Are Now Surrendering In Droves
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