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Breaking News: Taliban have operationalized atleast two helicopter

I wonder if they'll ask Pakistan Air Force to fly them.

Covertly ofcourse.
Yesterday 2 corps of Aghwan surrendered, so i don't think taliban are going to have any shortage of trained pilots or technicians. Now it will be interesting to see when they'll get their hands on a fixed wing attack aircraft
Yesterday 2 corps of Aghwan surrendered, so i don't think taliban are going to have any shortage of trained pilots or technicians. Now it will be interesting to see when they'll get their hands on a fixed wing attack aircraft

If they do, will we see WW2 era dogfights between ANA and IEA Super Tucanos? Hopefully, some kind of political deal is reached and the People of Kabul are spared the ramifications of a massive battle for the city.
There's a difference between being able to fly an aircraft and being able to fly an aircraft proficiently which takes alot of time, effort and practice.

Also these helicopters require parts and maintenance to remain airworthy. They could always cannibalize a few to keep others airworthy I suppose.

The Taliban number more than 50,000 and they're about to take the whole country so maintenance shouldn't be an issue.

If they do, will we see WW2 era dogfights between ANA and IEA Super Tucanos? Hopefully, some kind of political deal is reached and the People of Kabul are spared the ramifications of a massive battle for the city.
Wont be long before Pakistan sells them JF17.
Because they are going on a tour to Kashmir soon. :P
imagine a ragtag , of 60.000, with no tech,
and fighting an adversery 500.000 strong, with 80 trillions $$$...

and winning in a week,!

whiile we a nuclear nation, and 1.2 mil army, nuclear to teeth

could,t take kashmir from india, in 70 yrs,,,
imagine a ragtag , of 60.000, with no tech,
and fighting an adversery 500.000 strong, with 80 trillions $$$...

and winning in a week,!

whiile we a nuclear nation, and 1.2 mil army, nuclear to teeth

could,t take kashmir from india, in 70 yrs,,,

An indian friend of mine who never talked on kashmir yesterday called me and while conversing actually mentioned about kashmir for the first time , he is like the special status has been revoked what did or can Pakistan do ? He said people are going there , buying properties , i said its still a disputed region according to UN . He said whatever , india took the step already , what has Pakistan done ? Nothing , nothing.. In reality it seems Pakistan elites have compromised.

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