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Breaking News : Kerry calls Hasina


Mar 20, 2006
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Published: Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Kerry calls Hasina

Star Online Report

US Secretary of State John Kerry today telephoned Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the wake of a government move to execute Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah.

The call, which came in the morning, was intended to convey the United States’ worry at the current political events.

“I can confirm Secretary Kerry spoke with Sheikh Hasina today about current events in Bangladesh,” US Embassy Spokesperson Kelly McCarthy said when contacted by The Daily Star for confirmation of the call.

Kerry calls Hasina
Published: Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Kerry calls Hasina
Star Online Report

US Secretary of State John Kerry today telephoned Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the wake of a government move to execute Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah.

The call, which came in the morning, was intended to convey the United States’ worry at the current political events.

“I can confirm Secretary Kerry spoke with Sheikh Hasina today about current events in Bangladesh,” US Embassy Spokesperson Kelly McCarthy said when contacted by The Daily Star for confirmation of the call.

Asked specifically whether the Secretary of State called to talk about Mollah’s execution, the embassy spokesperson reiterated their position on war crimes trial.

“Before any sentence is carried out, it is essential that the process itself stands up to international standards,” she said.

She pointed out that the US said at the time of the first verdict in Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), it supports bringing to justice those who committed atrocities in the 1971 Liberation War.

“We believe that the trials should be fair and transparent, and in accordance with international standards Bangladesh has agreed to uphold through its ratification of international agreements, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”

She also referred to the statement of Ambassador-at-Large Stephen Rapp, Office of Global Criminal Justice, made during media interview earlier this year when he said that countries that impose a death penalty must do so with great care, “in accordance with a very high standard of due process and respect for fair trial guarantees”.

Kerry calls Hasina
During the night, the UN issued a press release stating that:
'UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Tuesday called for an eleventh-hour stay of execution for Abdul Quader Mollah, a Bangladeshi politician convicted of war crimes in a trial that did not meet stringent international standards for imposition of the death penalty.' It goes on:
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has written to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, HE Sheikh Hasina, in a last-minute appeal to halt the execution.

In a statement last month, the High Commissioner urged the Government of Bangladesh not to proceed with the death penalty in cases before the International Crimes Tribunal, particularly given concerns about the fairness of the trials.

The United Nations opposes the imposition of the death penalty under any circumstance, even for the most serious international crimes.

Two UN Special Rapporteurs, on the independence of judges and lawyers, and on summary executions, have also called for the execution to be stayed.​

well, atleast Hasina is getting phone calls and catching the interest of popular figures. Good on you, Hasina. Bet she is thinking she surpassed Dr.Yunus now
Who is US to dictate ? Did they think when they hanged Saddam ?

That's coz USA is a superpower.

If Bangladesh had its way of this 'trial', Bangladesh would have become a superpower as well. And I, Loki would be the Fuhrer of Bengal. In fact, you all should kneel before me.

No pun intended.
That's coz USA is a superpower.

If Bangladesh had its way of this 'trial', Bangladesh would have become a superpower as well. And I, Loki would be the Fuhrer of Bengal. In fact, you all should kneel before me.

No pun intended.
Milord.....Shogun would suit your DP more!
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Who is US to dictate ? Did they think when they hanged Saddam ?

The same way awami tribunal was set up on Indian prescription.

well, atleast Hasina is getting phone calls and catching the interest of popular figures. Good on you, Hasina. Bet she is thinking she surpassed Dr.Yunus now

Being the mayor of Dhaka that's quite some international attention. But still no noble "peace" prize. :rolleyes:
Who is US to dictate ? Did they think when they hanged Saddam ?

Why don't india label US supporting "extremist" and tell US "who are you to dictate?" Could Indian govt say that or indian media carry out that message?
Who is US to dictate ? Did they think when they hanged Saddam ?
AL n Hasina never meant to hang mollah in the first place .scattered AL bast..and scared, hiding ,party supporter's needed a motivation at the 11th hour.
The shahabagi chu... S needed a longer rope to hang themselves, that's why they are back in the street.
Despite his failed attempt to leave the country IH sarkar is getting paid handsomely.
During the night, the UN issued a press release stating that:
'UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Tuesday called for an eleventh-hour stay of execution for Abdul Quader Mollah, a Bangladeshi politician convicted of war crimes in a trial that did not meet stringent international standards for imposition of the death penalty.' It goes on:
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has written to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, HE Sheikh Hasina, in a last-minute appeal to halt the execution.

In a statement last month, the High Commissioner urged the Government of Bangladesh not to proceed with the death penalty in cases before the International Crimes Tribunal, particularly given concerns about the fairness of the trials.

The United Nations opposes the imposition of the death penalty under any circumstance, even for the most serious international crimes.

Two UN Special Rapporteurs, on the independence of judges and lawyers, and on summary executions, have also called for the execution to be stayed.​

well, atleast Hasina is getting phone calls and catching the interest of popular figures. Good on you, Hasina. Bet she is thinking she surpassed Dr.Yunus now

Yeah...this making her feel she surpassed all by these UN, US has other implication also...a coup, ultimately that may help her surpass all :) .
Human Rights Watch has long supported justice for war crimes committed in Bangladesh’s 1971 war of liberation. Those responsible should be brought to justice through fair trials that meet international standards. Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty in all circumstances.
Human Rights Watch calls on Bangladesh not to carry out the execution of Abdul Quader Mollah and deplores the fact that he will be executed after an unfair trial and denial of a full and impartial appeal of his conviction. Mollah was accused of atrocities in the 1971 war of liberation and was originally sentenced to life in prison. The government pushed through changes in the law with retroactive effect that allowed the prosecution to appeal the acquittal. Mollah was sentenced to death on the basis of the testimony of a woman who was 12 years old in 1971 and had changed her story. Human Rights Watch said that many governments and the United Nations have called on Bangladesh not to impose the death penalty in this case and expressed concern about the conduct of the trial. Human Rights Watch takes no position on Mollah’s guilt or innocence, which can only be established after a fair trial.

“War crimes verdicts have already led to major protests and violence this year,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “A hanging in such a controversial case in a volatile political atmosphere in the run-up to national elections will likely lead to large numbers of deaths, injuries and property damage. Many observers believe that the government wants an execution so close to the election in order to score political points. The government should not act irresponsibly at such a volatile moment. The government and protest leaders must take all possible steps to avoid violence.”

Poor poor Shabaggis
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