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BREAKING: Explosion near US Embassy in Kabul - one dead & eight wounded

USA also said wmd were in Iraq, that also said they killed obl. That also said many things. Where is the proof for any of them. You Indian like the AmericAns talk sh1t. You know it your families know and the world knows it. In fact you stink of it
you quoted the qrong guy and wrong post :p
Did I touched your nerve "Kris", come on why are you ashamed of your real indian name, spell it out, get over it, let me help you, come on now what is it, DickShit? no, how about SuckDeep.......I know it sounds weird but it goes very well with you Indian's nature of arse licking, stop that slurping when I am talking to you weirdo.....
LOL....get back to work now and call some one in US to tell them their computer has a virus

probably to improve your service, jack A*s
Did I touched your nerve "Kris", come on why are you ashamed of your real indian name, spell it out, get over it, let me help you, come on now what is it, DickShit? no, how about SuckDeep.......I know it sounds weird but it goes very well with you Indian's nature of arse licking, stop that slurping when I am talking to you weirdo.....
LOL....get back to work now and call some one in US to tell them their computer has a virus

why should i be ashamed of my name idiot. that is my name
you are talking just like your nature, 4th grade and cheap

probably a pakistani should not call out about arse licking,
India is always proud and independent
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