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Brahmin boy accused by Indian govt. of having Naxalite links

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Muslims annoyed by the loudspeaker of a Temple attacked it and killed 2 people (Mother-Son) in Meerut, UP. Yet its not in News.
i know it doesn't conform to your standard sensibilities but the truth is truth.

there may be or may not be a bhramin discrimination, but the given incident and title doesn't match, the boy was not arrested because he was bhramin but because police suspect he is working with the maoists.if you want to discuss bhramin discrimination open another thread with relevant govt policy, social economical conditions of bhramins etc.
An irrelevant thread, created to complain against some imagined persecution.

The plight of the Kashmiri pandits has nothing to do with any discrimination against Brahmins, rather it is a result of the complete lack of strategic clarity on part of the GOI sustained through the decades.

The crackdown on the VHP is similarly a pre-election hedging of vote banks, nothing more and nothing less.

The JNU student under the scanner at the moment may be a Brahmin, but how is that relevant? Can a Brahmin not be a Maoist sympathizer, can a Brahmin not be a traitor to the nation? Is a Brahmin anointed with perfect loyalty to the state by the gods, one thinks not?

Association fallacies and non sequiturs.

where does such rationale goes when talking about Dalits and Muslims ? vote bank or not Barhmins are suffering big time. the problem is real. the government is trying to appease dalits and muslims in a big way. can't you see it . NDTV to HT , everyone seems to be blaming Brahmins.
where does such rationale goes when talking about Dalits and Muslims ? vote bank or not Barhmins are suffering big time. the problem is real. the government is trying to appease dalits and muslims in a big way. can't you see it . NDTV to HT , everyone seems to be blaming Brahmins.

Whatever form of identity politics may be prevalent in this nation it has nothing to do with detaining and/or questioning the youth in question. You have posited that the said youth was detained purely on the basis that he is a Brahmin. You have attempted to substantiate this claim with nothing but logorrhea. The original assertion of this thread is patently untrue and flawed and that's all there is to it.
there may be or may not be a bhramin discrimination, but the given incident and title doesn't match, the boy was not arrested because he was bhramin but because police suspect he is working with the maoists.if you want to discuss bhramin discrimination open another thread with relevant govt policy, social economical conditions of bhramins etc.

they boy may or maynot be a naxalite but the manner in which he has been lifted is heartbreaking. how can GoI be so insensitive in its approach that it quickly painted a Brahmin boy as the traitor of the nation. It should have had done some solid investigation. They have also mentioned his name , imagine what family would have to bear in future .
they boy may or maynot be a naxalite but the manner in which he has been lifted is heartbreaking. how can GoI be so insensitive in its approach that it quickly painted a Brahmin boy as the traitor of the nation. It should have had done some solid investigation. They have also mentioned his name , imagine what family would have to bear in future .

So a Brahmin boy should be treated more gently than others? Basically you want the government to pamper Brahmins like they pamper minorities, instead of desisting from the latter and thus doing justice to the spirit of equality enshrined in the founding principles of this nation? At the end of the day your thoughts are exactly the same as those of minority leaders who wish to be pampered and given more rope to hang themselves with in comparison to the treatment meted out to the general populace- the others.
Whatever form of identity politics may be prevalent in this nation it has nothing to do with detaining and/or questioning the youth in question. You have posited that the said youth was detained purely on the basis that he is a Brahmin. You have attempted to substantiate this claim with nothing but logorrhea. The original assertion of this thread is patently untrue and flawed and that's all there is to it.

Well to be honest , I was sarcastic , I have deliberately put the title to mock similar threads that are opened by our Chinese and Pakistani brothers about Muslims and Dalits in India. I just wanted to show that in India everyone is on the same boat and that everyone suffers some way or the other. It depends upon the community that how much it moves ahead.
Well to be honest , I was sarcastic , I have deliberately put the title to mock similar threads that are opened by our Chinese and Pakistani brothers about Muslims and Dalits in India. I just wanted to show that in India everyone is on the same boat and that everyone suffers in one way or the other. It depends upon the community that how much it moves ahead.

Then you need to be a tad bit more witty in expressing your sarcasm bhai. When identity politics takes hold the path to follow is not to gather up your own community and do the same rather it should be to prevent others from doing it in the first place- na mai khud jaat ke naam pe raajniti me shamil hunga na me doosron ko jaat ke naam pe aisa kaam karne dunga- the tenet must be followed in its entirety.
Then you need to be a tad bit more witty in expressing your sarcasm bhai. When identity politics takes hold the path to follow is not to gather up your own community and do the same rather it should be to prevent others from doing it in the first place- na mai khud jaat ke naam pe raajniti me shamil hunga na me doosron ko jaat ke naam pe aisa kaam karne dunga- the tenet must be followed in its entirety.

pure sarcasm undermines your validity , apart from the naxal incidence all the other things mentioned by me are facts. That there is an ongoing vote based discrimination of Brahmins and other higher castes in India which not healthy. That Hindus at large have failed to voice their concerns and issues to the Indian govt. eg. being Kashmiri Pundits. We can learn from Muslims on how to speak out and protest though most of the times they are too violent and resort to hooliganism which is against the Hindu ethos.
Sick title..... @Aeronaut reboot the thread/title to avoid unnecessary trolling....
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WTF title, if he has links with maoists I hope the police use 3rd degree on this scumbag. Some people just cant go beyond thinking about religion/caste etc etc.
What is the purpose of this thread? The thread title and content make no sense.

He is trying to make a "tit-for-tat" statement here.

Since many a threads crop up on the website bearing titles that insinuate the persecution of non-dominant caste members at the hands of dominant caste members, and are often unrelated, if not contrary, to the subject matter of the article, this person is trying to say that others can play the game too.

Fact is, India's is no more a society dominated by castes, rather it is dominated by power and money and people from all castes come from all walks of life. However, it is only politics that can successfully make a great use of the caste system to prosecute those out of power - it has never worked as a vote bank.
Why would Islam try to hurt Brahmins, we loved Brahmin girls dancing in our courts..

well those were your own mothers and sisters. you have wrong facts. Post reported.
Brahmins have become minority in their own country.
Brahmins have become minority in their own country.

buddy in India everyone is a minority one way or the other... being a minority is not an impediment ... it is about the choice you make for yourself .. playing the victim card ,, whining and peeving and complaining .. sticking to regressive beliefs are all imediments . Parsis are such a small minority .. barely 50,000 but they are so successful , Sikhs after shedding separatist mentality became a force to reckon with , Chamar - a type of Dalits is a successful class exerting great influence.
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