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Boycott Elections 2013

And how exactly do you intend to guarantee that a 'Chinese style system' will take hold in Pakistan, and that the leadership it throws up will be just as committed to Pakistan's development and progress as is China's leadership?

And how do you know it won't? Just like IK has suddenly become better then 'everyone' else, any system will be better then 'current' rotten democratic one in Pakistan. North Koreans don't die from US drones every day and their troops are not slaughtered whilst they are sleeping on their borders, they don't have 5 separatists organizations working inside their homeland killing 100,000 of their citizens during last 1 year. Chinese don't take loans from World Bank every 2 months and they have a veto power in UN SC. They are far better and secure then an average Pakistani. Thanks to the democracy which was installed using 45% of fake votes. This time it will be 80% fake votes. Just like everyone has wet-dreams of achieving perfection in western styled corruption free democracy, there is no harm in feeling same for chinese model. But no, Pakistani's never learn, the worship everything, whether democracy or Imran Khan.
Then who do you suggest if not Imran Khan? Zardari? Nawaz Sharif? Mullahs?
PTI says it will boycott polls under Zardari

Mumtaz Alvi
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Wednesday said it would not take part in the next general elections if they were held under incumbent President Asif Ali Zardari.

PTI Central Vice-President Rauf Hasan told The News here that the way the Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan elections were held was a glaring example of rigging and better results could not be expected if Zardari was in charge at the time of general elections.

"This is my personal viewpoint: that in the presence of Zardari, the PML-N should also boycott the next election," Rauf, who is in charge of PTI's Information and Media Wing, said. He explained that his party was keen on achieving some major objectives prior to going to the polls i.e. preparation of error-free fresh electoral rolls, registering those who had attained the age of 18 years, constitution of an independent Election Commission and a blueprint for an interim set-up to oversee the electoral exercise.

Rauf contended that it was imperative to ensure a fair-playing field for all political players before the next general election. In this connection, he referred to PTI Chairman Imran Khan's demand made during the Lahore rally that all politicians declare their assets publicly. "Our demand is that all politicians must declare the billions of dollars stashed in foreign banks under benami," he maintained.

Replying to a question, the PTI vice-president said if the status quo were to persist and general election were held under it, the objective to transform Pakistan into a politically and economically independent state would not be achieved. He said the party would hold deliberations shortly to discuss how the pre-election objectives of PTI could be achieved, but insisted the Supreme Court and PPP-led government also had a role to play in this.

Meanwhile, the PTI has decided to summon its CEC meeting within a week to chalk out future line of action after creating ripples on the political scene by holding the biggest rally in decades last Sunday. The final date of the forum's session will be fixed on the return of PTI Chairman from China. He is expected back home on November 04.


lolz we are living in free world and ali is saying we should go back in black hole :rofl:
Well, i am favorable more of Islamic Shariah. But to avoid Fake votes, i think everyone should Vote. If everyone go to poll and vote then there wont be any fake vote at all.

Ps: As per Islamic Shariah if you vote for a person knowing that he will do bad things, then you also share his sins in your Amal nama. So if you don't think anyone is good enough then trash up your vote by putting your stemp in wrong section.
Double agent Rehman Malik is head of NADRA.

During his term many terrorists were caught with ID cards issued by NADRA (yet fake).

All ID cards issued by Rehman Malik must be scrutinized.

Voting in Pakistan had never been fair.

Most of the people don't come out to vote but there votes are casted.

In 2008 election on a vacated seat from Lahore... Total votes casted were more than the registered voters in that constituency.
I wonder what happens in smaller cities and rural areas!!!

If some one recall in 90's when Manzoor Watto displayed on TV, suitcases full of ID cards seized from Sharif's residence.
In the same show he also broke news that Sharif's have imported machines from bhart to print Pakistani ID cards or currency or both.
There was no NADRA in that time.
No to democracy - Yes to chinese style ruthless authoritarian system.

OK, I'll bite.

I accept that "tough love" may be an option at this point in time. Who do you have in mind for this role of benevolent dictator?

They need to be

a) capable
b) trustworthy
c) alive

PS. Don't tell me you are waiting for the Imam/Jesus/Khalifa to descent from heaven and wave their magic hand to fix everything.
ShutUP you can leave Pakistan and go to KSA or Afghanistan , Pakistan is for democracy without democracy no rule would work neither we let it work.

Reading a few of his posts, I believe either he is not a Pakistani, or he fell on his head in childhood, or may be he is three pounds lighter than an average human being.
Bogus votes is a serious issue ...

How it could be solved ? i have few suggestions
  1. Votes should only be allowed computerized cards.
  2. Total no of votes should match the population of area.
  3. Voting system should have trackback ability so the if anyone feels somewhere system was unjust if he files case in court and court order for checking of polling results , these results could be presented to the court and every person name and voted candidate name is visible at the order of court only.

Your suggestion / increments please ?
I am hopeful this time NADRA and Election commission will fulfill their commitment with apex court.
I have no doubts that Election commission is unbiased.
If people are going to boycott election then Zardari will remain seated,
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