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Borders with Afghanistan sealed off: Rehman Malik

Malik orders strict check on foreigners​

QUETTA - Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said that foreign elements are conspiring and supporting terrorist organisations to destabilise Pakistan.
He expressed these views at the Quetta airport and a news conference at the Chief Minister Secretariat here on Saturday.
“We have sealed the borders along Afghanistan in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and there will be complete restriction on the movement of Afghans because they are behind most of the terror attacks”, he added.
“Terrorist groups have been activated in Balochistan and KP”, he said.
To a question whether key al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives exist in Quetta, he said they had declared Pakistan as their enemy after the death of bin Laden.
Referring to the recent suicide attacks on DIG Frontier Corps Farrukh Shehzad, Malik said: “The Afghan refugees were given shelter here but now they have started terror activities in Pakistan. Afghanistan is our brotherly country but it does not mean her nationals should be allowed to take part in criminal activities. There will be complete restriction on the movement of Afghan refugees in Balochistan and KP.”
He said Army, Frontier Corps, police and Balochistan Levies had been asked to put a check on the free movement of Afghan refugees and other foreigners.
He said they had given the deadline of one month to the illegal immigrants to get refugee cards otherwise they would be arrested, adding Pakistan had also stopped issuing visit visas to the Afghans.
The minister informed that Nadra had so far canceled 90,000 ID cards and scrutiny of others’ cards is underway. “We have revived some check posts while some others will be restored by September 25. All the entry and exit points in Quetta are also being sealed for preventing the entry of terrorists”, he added.
Malik said there was a grand plan to destabilise the country in order to declare it a ‘failed State’ but the credit goes to Army and security forces whose brave officials were engaged in foiling such attempts.
He said: “This plot still exists and I appeal to all political parties, including PPP, MQM, and other stakeholders, to bury their differences and join hands to frustrate this conspiracy.”
He rejected the allegations that any one-sided action was being taken in Karachi. “I state on oath that I have directed the police and Rangers to go the areas wherever they want to carry out search operation without any discrimination.”
He claimed the crime ration in Karachi had gone down to zero, adding over 450 criminals were arrested from Karachi during recent operations. He had also produced 42 videos before the Cabinet wherein people were brutally tortured and killed by the criminals, he said. “Tears oozed out of my eyes as I watched the horror scenes”, he remarked.
Referring to Balochistan, the minister claimed law and order situation here was better than other provinces since Bramdagh Bugti had been driven out of Kabul where he was commanding the militants from.
He said those who had climbed up mountains to secure their rights should put down their arms, salute the national flag and raise the slogan of long live Pakistan. They would be welcomed then, he said.
He refused to comment on Lashkari Raisani’s statements that he had sabotaged the negotiations and reconciliation process in Balochistan.
“Senator Lashkari Raisani is my brother. I have never talked against Balochistan and its people and my speeches had never been provocative”, he remarked.
About the allegations against Frontier Corps (FC), Malik said those who talked against them were enemies of Pakistan because the FC personnel were rendering sacrifices for the sake of their country. There were only 44 persons missing from the province and efforts were underway to trace them,” he said, adding earlier the people had claimed that 133 women and 6,000 Baloch went missing but there was no truth in this statement.
Meanwhile, Rehman Malik chaired a high-level meeting here on Saturday on the law and order situation in the wake of terror strikes on Hazara Eidgah and DIG Frontier Corps in Quetta. The meeting was attended by the Balochistan chief secretary, home secretary, IG Police, IG Frontier Corps, Nadra general manager and others.
Malik visited the blast site and Combined Military Hospital, and inquired after the health of the blast victims.

Malik orders strict check on foreigners | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
because people like Ahmad want terrorists to be able to roam backwards and forwards without checks and official paperwork. We must stop the scum from having free access.

No brother, you didnt get my point. If you want to seal your border then do it, it is your country. Go and read my post i meant something esle.
same old $hit of 1980s and 1960s.lar o bar.muj pukhtun yo ow pakistanay yo.pukhtunistan kho sirf da pukhtano keday shea nu taso sara ba sa kao tajiko sara farsi bano ow gelam jamu sara ba sa kao?hazara ow noro sara?
first put your house in order and then talk about us we dont fight each other for us dollars like karzai

I absolutely agree with the points you raised. We have an internationally recognized border, there is no durand line anymore. Paksitan and Afgthanistan is not about Pakhuns only, other people also live in these countries, we have to look for them too.

peace brother
The primary motive of Lar Ao Bar is the unification of Pakhtuns on both sides, this terms have mostly been used by the Pakhtuns of Afghanistan to encourage the issue of Pakhtunistan.
Lar o bar yo afghan means pashtuns in both countries are one and same people....it doesnt necessarily means unification...
Lar o bar yo afghan means pashtuns in both countries are one and same people....it doesnt necessarily means unification...

In Afghanistan it means unification among the pashtuns of that coutnry. Anyways i might be wrong.
In Afghanistan it means unification among the pashtuns of that coutnry. Anyways i might be wrong.
Yes afghan side use it in that sense but here nationalist pashtuns use it to emphesize the point that pashtuns of both countries are culturally, linguistically, racially and historically same people...they dont use it in loy afghanistan sense.
Yes afghan side use it in that sense but here nationalist pashtuns use it to emphesize the point that pashtuns of both countries are culturally, linguistically, racially and historically same people...they dont use it in loy afghanistan sense.

Thanks for clarification brother.
Sealed off is nothing more than a crap. Unless the wall is build in that boundary, Pakistan troubles will not solve.

This is all B.S about Pashtuns being same people on either side of borders, in this case Punjabis are same on either side of Pak-Ind border, AJK & IOK ppl are same, Karachi & India/Bdsh ppl are same, so do they ask for soft borders? Afghanistan had attacked Pakistan in 50's, Afghanistan opposed Pakistan's UN entry, Afghanistan always supported enemies of Pakistan (specially India over Pakistan), Afghan refugees(not all)brought exteremism,wahabiesm,drug & gun culture with blessings of ziaulhaq, Afghan refugees brought troubles of Pushtunistan, so they are same(or worst) as Indians for Pakistan & Pakistan must build a wall in that border to save it's future generations.
Sealed off already? That is so funny :lol:

The tribes spread across the borders. They are all related 'brothers'. And they have weapons. Nothing less than a thick wall that completely stops any movement, is going to work in that area.
Sealed off already? That is so funny :lol:

The tribes spread across the borders. They are all related 'brothers'. And they have weapons. Nothing less than a thick wall that completely stops any movement, is going to work in that area.

Good they have sealed the border .we should remove every afghan from Pakistan.
Those ungrateful people.

Tribes brothers??? Pukhtoons brothers???? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If so then why are the afghan brothers living in refugee camps in NWFP instead of in the villages and towns together with Pakistan# pukhtoons .

I watched a doc a while ago where it showed some rich pukhtoon landowners in NWFP hiring afghans to do their dirty work and paying them in drugs/roti.

LOL all these pukhtoon nationalists dreaming of unifying with KP can dream on because the pukhtoons of KP would resist any attempts to subjugate them in to afghan control.

That’s all it is , just lust for power and privilege nothing else.

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