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Border violation : Iranian forces fire 4 mortar shells into Panjgur

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third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Border violation: Iranian forces fire four mortar shells into Panjgur - The Express Tribune


QUETTA: Four mortar shells fired by the Iranian border forces on Tuesday landed in Balochistan’s bordering district of Panjgur. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported.

“Three mortar shells landed in open area near Kushak, Surab district of Panjgur,” security sources said.

This was not the first border violation by Iranian border guards this month. A similar incident was reported on July 1.

Earlier in April, eight Iranian border guards were killed in an ambush by armed men near the Pakistan-Iran border. Sectarian outfit Jaish al Adl had claimed responsibility for the attack.

Pakistan has repeatedly raised the border violation issue with the Iranian government, which has maintained that its forces will continue to target terrorists who are a threat to peace.
i would like the views of the Iran loving Pakistanis of PDF here
and why would so called Iranian border guards fire mortal shells into open areas of Pakistan? right, to feed wahhabi/zionist media!

So this is all a conspiracy of the hook-nosed Zionists and the lizard-eating Wahabists to create tensions between two persecuted Muslim brother-nations?
So this is all a conspiracy of the hook-nosed Zionists and the lizard-eating Wahabists to create tensions between two persecuted Muslim brother-nations?
No indeed not .

The same measures have helped Iran in overcoming the consequences of being neighbors with terror stricken countries like Pakistan , Afghanistan and others .

its our bad luck buddy . Mexico's neighbors is US and our neighbors are some opium producing poor nations .

yeah whatever .
No indeed not .

The same measures have helped Iran in overcoming the consequences of being neighbors with terror stricken countries like Pakistan , Afghanistan and others .

yeah whatever .

Remind me how firing mortal shells into empty territory have prevented you from becoming a terror-stricken country.

its our bad luck buddy . Mexico's neighbors is US and our neighbors are some opium producing poor nations .

Support for the Northern Alliance finally biting you in the ***?
I don't think Iranian would fire mortars on innocent civilians or security forces member. Their are too many miscreants on our sides of border. Lets not deviate the issue to Iran vs Pakistan . Keep it Iran\Pakistan vs Miscreants.
Visit tehran and see for yourself :


daily life in pakistan :

The Frame: Images of daily life in Pakistan

this is how . understood ?

Oh ho ho, this is going to turn into what? A mud-slinging fest? Lets return to the topic at hand and explain how firing mortars on empty territory has prevented Iran from becoming a "terror-stricken country".

Selective amnesia?

I don't think Iranian would fire mortars on innocent civilians or security forces member. Their are too many miscreants on our sides of border. Lets not deviate the issue to Iran vs Pakistan . Keep it Iran\Pakistan vs Miscreants.

And this is how you act against miscreants? Fire mortar shells? I even recall a case where Iranian border guards occupied a Pakistani village for several hours (with no miscreants caught or killed, of course as that seems to be the norm)
And this is how you act against miscreants? Fire mortar shells? I even recall a case where Iranian border guards occupied a Pakistani village for several hours (with no miscreants caught or killed, of course as that seems to be the norm)
and what were we doing then? Iran is still in comparatively better position in all sectors then Pakistan, we are not in position of pointing finger on them when we have done nothing effective for border security.
and what were we doing then? Iran is still in comparatively better position in all sectors then Pakistan, we are not in position of pointing finger on them when we have done nothing effective for border security.

Effective border security and terrorizing innocent villagers are two completely different things. Would you also allow India to begin crossing our border to wipe out suspected infiltrators?
Effective border security and terrorizing innocent villagers are two completely different things. Would you also allow India to begin crossing our border to wipe out suspected infiltrators?
Is it sane to compare India with Iran? How many wars we have fought with Iran? India kill our people intentionally , Iranian intentions are to wake us not to hurt us.
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