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Border dispute solution: China prefers status quo, says book


Apr 15, 2014
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Border dispute solution: China prefers status quo, says book | Zee News

New Delhi: There are few signs that China is willing to settle the boundary issue unless India completely subscribes to its world view and agrees to remain within its 'red lines' which is unlikely to happen, says a new book.

The boundary dispute is utilised by China for trying to coerce foreign policy changes by India that often have nothing to do with the dispute itself, the book, 'India-China Boundary Issues: Quest for Settlement' by former diplomat Ranjit Singh Kalha says.

Kalha, a former Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs Ministry, had led India's negotiating team in the Boundary Sub-Group from 1985 to 1988.

China has used the threat of intrusions across the LAC- as part of coercive diplomacy- in order to influence decisions in a way most desirable for it. And that is also the principal reason why China does not desire an early conclusion, the book, published by Pentagon Press, says.

Solution of the Sino-Indian border question is not a mere technical matter but rather a political and a strategic issue whose ramifications go well beyond the bilateral field. If the Sino-Indian boundary question was merely a technical matter, it would have been resolved a long time ago, the author says.

Policy changes take place after assessing whether such a change, subtle or otherwise, would lead to greater advantage or it would end in a disadvantage. No policy decisions are taken in isolation or are taken in vacuum.

"In other words, a boundary settlement is only possible if India were to remain within the 'red-lines' drawn by China," the book says.

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