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Border breached as India, Bangladesh remember 'language martyrs'

West Bengal is culturally very strong. If the whole Bengal were together I would prefer west Bengal as capital of culture.

HeHeHe, now you'll make some guys here very angry with that. Better still you can be the Capital of Culture by yourself while the folks in West Bengal can also work to make their own Capital of Culture. And meet frequently on the border to celebrate Culture together; while the Gun-totin' guys just have to stand quietly and watch.

What do you say to that proposal instead ? :)
Oye ji, BD main bhi acche Rasgulle milte hain.

@Loki, what is your idea of good Rossogullas? I remember a chain of sweet shops in BD called "Fullkolli" which had good sweets. Are they around still? One particular one in Chittagong was nice gathering place for all kinds of interesting people for long chats on various topics. Gave me quite a lot of insight in to matters in BD.

Well, I was born in Chittagong :D

Never heard of Fulkoli. Maybe it's Banoful?

My idea of a good roshgolla is that it is to be as white as snow, and I can squeeze it so that it doesn't break easily. That is good roshgolla. It is also light, and not too sugary! And of-course, made from pure milk. No funny stuff in it :no:



There are many traditional sweet meat shops in Bangladesh. Some are old-school, and some like Premium Sweets and Khzana Mithai are on the high-end. Most are somewhere in the middle.

From my knowledge, Alibaba Sweets make some of the best Roshgollas. Their signboards and boxes look something like this:

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HeHeHe, now you'll make some guys here very angry with that. Better still you can be the Capital of Culture by yourself while the folks in West Bengal can also work to make their own Capital of Culture. And meet frequently on the border to celebrate Culture together; while the Gun-totin' guys just have to stand quietly and watch.

What do you say to that proposal instead ? :)

You know we r very proud of our language but not doing much to upgrade or spread it.
But west Bengal is doing marvelous job. Their movies, songs, poets and novels r world class.
They r now on a race with other industries of india.
But for lack of support its not going far.
I watched a movie named "ami shuvash bolsi"
In that movie how implemented the sunset of golden bengal really hurts me.
Bengal should rise again in every way thats my proposal :angel:
@ Do you have any doubt ? This "Udichi Shilpi Ghushti" is always being financed by RAW. It is open secret -------

I have no doubts, dude,

I'll now tell you a "closed secret". All the Ghosh Mishti-wallahs are also RAW agents. Even the Cows that they get milk from to make Rossogollas are RAW agents. Now don't tell anyone, shhhhh.

You know we r very proud of our language but not doing much to upgrade or spread it.
But west Bengal is doing marvelous job. Their movies, songs, poets and novels r world class.
They r now on a race with other industries of india.
But for lack of support its not going far.
I watched a movie named "ami shuvash bolsi"
In that movie how implemented the sunset of golden bengal really hurts me.
Bengal should rise again in every way thats my proposal :angel:

Of course; your ideas are admirable. Now Bangla Desh is an Independent Sovereign Republic. Bangla Desh should rise in its own way to find its own Destiny and Glory.

While the people on both sides are able to preserve the greatness of the Culture and Heritage.
I never imagined I would see such a thread on PDF. So much of bonhomie between Indians and Bangladeshis :angel:

P.S. sometimes I do miss fights of the old times (with Jamatis). But its become more and more rare. Only the Pakistanis are left now to save the day :pop:
Keeping old cultural traditions, including language is positive for maintaining historical continuity, a very valuable factor for competitive edge. That said, I want to share some controversial historical points:

- at outset in Pakistan after 1947, instead of Urdu, I feel we should have chosen English as the official language, while maintaining local languages as 2nd official languages. Urdu was and still is not mother tongue of any significant portion of the people that is forced to learn and speak it. Urdu was not even the official language of Mughal empire, Persian was. Turkic languages were mother tongue of most Islamic rulers in South Asia (Persian speaking Turkic people from Central Asia), while Persian was language of court and literature

- with this step, we could avoid a language movement that opened up the ethnic fault line between two sides, eventually broke up Pakistan and gave India a strategic victory

- after 1971, AL led by Mujib made Bangla as the medium of instruction, pretty much abolishing English medium education (except for church affiliated schools), affecting the continuity of English medium education from colonial times. This has negatively affected Bangladesh competitive edge in many economic sectors

- instead of religion or language or ethnicity, as a culture and civilization, we should rather look at more practical needs and factors, such as sources of water and size of economy. If we concentrated on these essential factors instead of basing our decisions on fears and emotions, IMO we would not commit the blunder of separating in a state with the Radcliffe borders and box ourselves in and got into a fight for "independence" with another wing that happens to be 1200 miles away, a fantastic arrangement for a country to begin withN

- the story of our country and people have been one fantastic geopolitical blunder after another, which resulted in our current sorry state, but no matter, all problems have solutions, difficult as they may be. The most important part is that we should learn from our mistakes, not base our decisions on emotional factors such as language, ethnicity or religion, rather practical needs such as development and economic advancement and explore geopolitical options that are open to us

- if we give the option to a Bangladeshi that he will get a visa to US or EU, will he care that these places do not have the same religion, ethnicity or language, almost every Bangladeshi would decide to go to these places, regardless of the difference. Just to give you an example. What we understand as individuals, the drive to improve our economic situation, we have to do that kind of thinking as a nation

Now, please do not use the above, like someone we know, to twist it every which way you can and propagate that I am not patriotic etc. etc., actually I do not believe in territorial nationalism. IMO it is obsolete, I believe in regionalism.

I am sitting here stunned.

If you expand your vision, do you realize what it implies?

Having said which, your point of view overlooks the whole question of identity. The Indian experience is that while the Two Nation Tneory was wrong and proven wrong, so is the One Nation Theory that Gandhi implicitly put forward. The proof is in the continuing struggle for identity which continues to convulse India from time to time. Some of these struggles have been realized by statesmanlike compromises, often by seeming surrender of part sovereignty, which has actually led to more resilient, less rigid bonding. Others continue, and have been co-opted by opportunistic and obsolete political movements, who continue to tap that struggle for violence for their own political purposes, leading to a kind of stasis where nobody ever wins, everybody loses.

Overall, India is strong to the extent that she is due to having resolved these identity issues partially. If India had come to a full understanding of the issue through proper political analysis, there would probably not be any need for the kind of sub-optimal and fear-based political aggregations you seem to be rejecting.
I never imagined I would see such a thread on PDF. So much of bonhomie between Indians and Bangladeshis :angel:

P.S. sometimes I do miss fights of the old times (with Jamatis). But its become more and more rare. Only the Pakistanis are left now to save the day :pop:

Oh, its all because of Language, Literature, Music, Dance and Art. Simple as that.
But our "usual suspects" came to tell us that Singing, Dancing, Reciting Poetry and Making Rossogollas are activities funded and created by RAW.
Funny world; don't you think so?
Mother Language or Mother Tongue is such massively inspiring force in that part of the world. I have not seen it replicated on that scale anywhere else world-wide.

Look at Tamil Nadu..:angel:..we can give the Bengalis any day a run for their money.
Oh, its all because of Language, Literature, Music, Dance and Art. Simple as that.
But our "usual suspects" came to tell us that Singing, Dancing, Reciting Poetry and Making Rossogollas are activities funded and created by RAW.
Funny world; don't you think so?

Jamaats will be Jamaats. They can't help it. They see RAW everywhere and in everyone other than themselves.
Also see how our responses have changed. Few months ago this line from Jamaatis would have led to 10 page trolling.
For what: Singing , Dancing, Reciting Poetry and all that? Maybe?
Do Tamils have a Mother Language Day?

Now :P; Can Tamils make Rossogollas!

Tamils make very nice Rose Milk and Badam milk.
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