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Books You Have Read Lately

Lord of the flies - William Golding.....since it's a literary classic makes no light read...
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"Life of Pi" by Yann Martell

"Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai
I just finished Open, Andre Agassi's autobiography. Its a a recommended read for any tennis fan. The guys a typical flawed genius. The first sentence of the book hits you the hardest. "I hate tennis. I have always hated it since I was 5".


I have now picked up the "Undercover Economist" by Tim Harford.

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The conspiracy club by Jonathan Kellerman, what a book, highly recommend it.
Imran Series, by Ibn-e-Safi, the original writer.

Mazhar Kaleem version Sux.
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Descent into Chaos By Ahmed Rashid

A book on how America is losing the War on Terror in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.
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