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Bombs, Protests, Blackouts Fail to Cripple Pakistan Economy:Bloomberg


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
(Bloomberg) -- Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has had a rough six months. He’s seen street protesters nearly oust him, some of the worst fuel shortages in recent memory and a child massacre that shocked the world.

Beyond the negative headlines, he’s also managed to start turning around the economy. Lower oil prices, higher remittances and increased consumer spending are pushing growth toward a seven-year high. Corporate earnings are soaring, stocks have surged and the currency is among the world’s top performers.

The steady economic upturn as growth prospects weaken in many emerging markets has underpinned Sharif’s political support, with his party gaining in a Senate election held this month. While much more needs to be done to fix an economy dependent on financing from the International Monetary Fund, the perception of Pakistan is starting to change.

“Sharif’s government has improved things with the help of the IMF,” Sayem Ali, head of investments strategy and advisory at Standard Chartered Plc’s Karachi unit, said by phone. “They have put Pakistan back on the radar in terms of international investors.”

When Sharif took power in May 2013, he faced a balance-of-payments crisis that forced him to seek help from the IMF. Foreign exchange reserves have doubled in the past year to $16 billion, the budget deficit has narrowed and inflation is easing as global oil prices fall.

Pakistan last month said it regained its eligibility to borrow from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, making it eligible for $2 billion of credit over the next four years. The IMF also is optimistic it will meet the conditions of the $6.6 billion loan it received two years ago.

‘Good Foundation’
“I see Pakistan breaking with past precedent of failed IMF programs and half-completed reforms, which set the stage for a crisis,” Jeffrey Franks said last month, when he was IMF mission chief. The country has a “good foundation” for further growth, a delegation led by his successor said on March 9.

The IMF forecasts Pakistan’s economy to expand 4.3 percent this year, compared with the five-year average of 3.6 percent. Pakistan’s moves to bolster its public finances are credit positive, Moody’s Investors Service said in a report on Monday.

“It is striking that reforms have continued despite disruptive domestic political challenges over the last year, and heightened security threats from Islamist terrorism,” Moody’s analysts wrote.

Pakistan’s middle class more than doubled to 84 million in 2002-2011, according to a study by Jawaid Abdul Ghani, a professor at the Karachi School for Business and Leadership. That’s brought almost half the nation into that segment for the first time, boosting profits at Nestle Pakistan Ltd. and Lucky Cement Ltd. to record levels.

Stocks Surge
Sharif is aiming to raise $2 billion from asset sales in the year ending June 30 to meet conditions attached to the IMF loan. Up for grabs in the next few years are stakes in Habib Bank Ltd., the nation’s biggest lender by assets, and Pakistan International Airlines Corp., the national carrier.

The benchmark KSE100 stock index has rallied 62 percent since Sharif took office, the sixth-best performance among 93 world gauges tracked by Bloomberg. Over the past six months, Pakistan’s rupee has outperformed every major global currency.

“The private sector is coming into play,” said Nadeem Siddiqui, Pakistan head at the International Finance Corp. “But the main problem will not be solved overnight.”

As always with Pakistan, caveats abound. Political protests last year showed that a few thousand protesters camped on the streets could trigger fears of a coup, a common occurrence in a nation where the military still calls most of the shots on foreign policy and internal security.

‘Tall Order’
The slaughter of 134 students in December underscored the ongoing risk from Taliban militants, part of an insurgency that has killed more than 50,000 people since 2001. Sharif has stepped up an offensive into border regions and improved ties with neighboring Afghanistan in a bid to stem the violence.

Sharif canceled a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos in January as fuel shortages left motorists stranded across the country. Shortly afterward, a terrorist attack triggered a blackout that left 80 percent of the country without power.

Plans to sell state assets have also hit stumbling blocks. The government was forced to scrap a November sale of shares in Oil & Gas Development Co. Ltd., its biggest energy company, due to political unrest and falling oil prices.

Fixing Pakistan’s weaknesses are “a tall order, requiring political will, good governance, patience and capital,” said Hasnain Malik, head of frontier markets strategy at Exotix Partners LLP in Dubai. “The long-term economic benefits are huge, but so are the organizational and political challenges standing in the way.”

Collecting Tax
Sharif is looking abroad for help. He’s asked the Chinese to help set up coal-based power plants to reduce reliance on imported oil. The nation’s first liquefied natural gas terminal is expected to receive its first shipment this month from Qatar.

One key test will be Sharif’s ability to boost one of the world’s lowest tax collection rates. Government data show that less than 1 million people, or 1 percent of the world’s sixth-largest population, file tax returns.

In the 12 months through June, Sharif’s first full-year in office in this term, Pakistan earned about $9 billion from direct taxes. Of that, the nuclear-armed nation spent more than two thirds on defense. The budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1 will probably be presented in the last week of May or early June, according to a statement from the Finance Ministry on Monday.

Look Long-Term
“It may seem bizarre that something as mundane as tax collection will be such a critical determinant of Pakistan’s economic future, but it’s absolutely true,” said Michael Kugelman, an analyst at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. “Getting the common people to pay more taxes is politically risky enough, but not nearly as risky as pressuring powerful players in the agricultural industry and the military.”

It remains to be seen if Sharif will take tougher steps to boost the economy. While his Pakistan Muslim League party nearly doubled its seat total in a Senate election this month, the memory of protesters blocking streets in the capital of Islamabad is still fresh.

“Sharif has gained very good ground and should now make long-term decisions,” said Qazi Masood, a professor at the Institute of Business Administration in Karachi. “The next three years are very important. If they are short-sighted, then they will be wiped out.”
@That Guy

Pls balance this thread with your valuable posts.
  1. “The private sector is coming into play,” said Nadeem Siddiqui, Pakistan head at the International Finance Corp. “But the main problem will not be solved overnight.”
  2. The country has a “good foundation” for further growth. no doubt we have man power, indigenous power resources including gas, coal and hydro(though we misused gas)
  3. it eligible for $2 billion of credit over the next four years from WB.
  4. Chinese to help set up coal-based power plants to reduce reliance on imported oil. The nation’s first liquefied natural gas terminal is expected to receive its first shipment this month from Qatar.

  1. negatives
  2. “It may seem bizarre that something as mundane as tax collection will be such a critical determinant of Pakistan’s economic future, but it’s absolutely true,”
  3. Power distribution getting worse day by day causing a collosal lose to goverment
  4. slow or lack of reforms due to politcal consideration in lose making institutes
it all comes out the fact that there is fiscal mismanagement of over trillion rupees that is hurting growth, even if pakistan achieve a rate of 5%(which we will miss) it will still be the slowest growing economy in the region, looking at huge resources we have and the fact we are in rebound, that is extremely disappointing.

the positive thing is that the private sector is going into a rebound after being suppressed for over 5 years due to very high return rates and lack of any questions asked by sharif govt. also Chinese banks are opening up founding for private sector, allowing engro and other companies to borrow heavily and invest. the reason is both political and fact that Chinese economy is slowing down
  1. Power distribution getting worse day by day causing a collosal lose to goverment
There is not much to add to what the article has said. The rest of Shareef's term is extremely important, if he doesn't do something to increase tax collect or fix the energy crisis soon, expect N-league to be wiped out next elections by PPP and PTI.
Fix energy crisis and increase tax collection.

Army is doing a good job of cleaning up the security mess.
No one says that N league doesnt work. The problem is their competence. Even if they have good intentions they lack the vision to guide pakistan.

the most they can do is build roads or some bridges.
This is to Sharif's credit.

And to the credit of PPP too: Had Zardari taken the bait to join the PTI protests during the summer of 2014 then Pakistan would have been plunged into a deep political crisis, hurting the economy.

Political Instability is the mother of all corruption, as I keep saying. With the possible exception of societies like North Korea.

So one more peaceful transition of power in 2018--I don't care who! I'd pick PTI if I feel Imran Khan has sobered up/matured by then.
Fix energy crisis and increase tax collection.

Army is doing a good job of cleaning up the security mess.

To everyone who is talking about tax collection, it will not be implemented!

Nawaz needs to win next election. This is not possible if he goes after rich.

Recipe to win next election: Fix gas shortage and largely electricity shortage. Army is fighting terrorism, so that's all good. Other projects are also on track, not related to major problems (airports, PIA, steel mills, privatization, loans payback etc).

So Nawaz will not deliver everything this term and risk losing popular support. Taxing the rich and industralist will mean capital fleeing outside, which Pakistan cannot afford. It needs to attract investment.

Once Nawaz has greater support in Senate and wins another election with majority will make it easier for him to implement such changes next term. But even then I'm unsure if it will be implemented, considering big western nations fail when it comes to proper tax collection.
There is not much to add to what the article has said. The rest of Shareef's term is extremely important, if he doesn't do something to increase tax collect or fix the energy crisis soon, expect N-league to be wiped out next elections by PPP and PTI.

unlikely. i think PML N will keep wining in Punjab as PPPP has kept winning in sindh.

Benzair was a prodigy that had a lot of inspirational support of bhutto,the very reason why PPPP would take a few seats in south punjab, sindh combined with KPK and come into power. it seems her son doesnt have it. so its extremely unlikely that PPPP will make in roads in punjab.

PML N has always won in punjab and will continue to do so
, punjab being 50% population it means it will always be in power unless, there is decisive clean victory in KPK or some votes in south Punjab, both a unlikely prospective.

the other key province KPK will determine alot , if PPPP or ANP does a clean sweep there and PPPP secure some votes in south punjab than PML N will be in trouble. otherwise it should be an easy win next time for PML N, no matter how they perform

PTI was the only different variable in the equation, but pml n knows how to tackle it, just label it a "khan" party

To everyone who is talking about tax collection, it will not be implemented!

Nawaz needs to win next election. This is not possible if he goes after rich.

Recipe to win next election: Fix gas shortage and largely electricity shortage. Army is fighting terrorism, so that's all good. Other projects are also on track, not related to major problems (airports, PIA, steel mills, privatization, loans payback etc).

So Nawaz will not deliver everything this term and risk losing popular support. Taxing the rich and industralist will mean capital fleeing outside, which Pakistan cannot afford. It needs to attract investment.

Once Nawaz has greater support in Senate and wins another election with majority will make it easier for him to implement such changes next term. But even then I'm unsure if it will be implemented, considering big western nations fail when it comes to proper tax collection.
well in Pakistan only PPPP and PML N will continue win for atleast next 20-30 years, as both Punjabi and sindhis will never forgo there prime identity as of yet. this election has but proven it.
they should learn from the educated belt of KPK that always vote for a different party be it PPP, PML N,ANP,MMA or PTI.
even the educated class in lahore and multan rejected PTI
unlikely. i think PML N will keep wining in Punjab as PPPP has kept winning in sindh.

Benzair was a prodigy that had a lot of inspirational support of bhutto,the very reason why PPPP would take a few seats in south punjab, sindh combined with KPK and come into power. it seems her son doesnt have it. so its extremely unlikely that PPPP will make in roads in punjab.

PML N has always won in punjab and will continue to do so
, punjab being 50% population it means it will always be in power unless, there is decisive clean victory in KPK or some votes in south Punjab, both a unlikely prospective.

the other key province KPK will determine alot , if PPPP or ANP does a clean sweep there and PPPP secure some votes in south punjab than PML N will be in trouble. otherwise it should be an easy win next time for PML N, no matter how they perform

PTI was the only different variable in the equation, but pml n knows how to tackle it, just label it a "khan" party

well in Pakistan only PPPP and PML N will continue win for atleast next 20-30 years, as both Punjabi and sindhis will never forgo there prime identity as of yet. this election has but proven it.
they should learn from the educated belt of KPK that always vote for a different party be it PPP, PML N,ANP,MMA or PTI.
even the educated class in lahore and multan rejected PTI

N didn't always win in Punjab, Q was winner from 2002-2007.
PML Q was built from remnants of PML N , i was talking about PML in some form..

And there will always be some form because voters vote to known personalities of their areas which N get on their side most of the times. People don't vote based on party name alone, there is biraderi element also in rural areas. Most of PTI new guns failed yet their top guns won despite changing from PPP/N to PTI.

I though you already knew how things work? So many independents won in 2013 because they were known and popular people of their areas. These always end up in winning party at the end.
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