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Bolivia leader's jet diverted 'amid Snowden suspicions'


Feb 2, 2007
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Bolivian President Evo Morales's plane has been diverted to Austria amid suspicion that US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden is on board, the Bolivian foreign minister has said.

David Choquehuanca denied that Mr Snowden was on the plane.

France and Portugal reportedly refused to allow the Bolivia-bound flight to cross their airspace.

Mr Snowden is said to have applied for asylum in 21 countries to avoid extradition to the US.

Mr Choquehuanca told reporters on Tuesday that France and Portugal had closed their airspace over the "huge lie" that Mr Snowden, 30, was on board.

"We don't know who invented this lie, but we want to denounce to the international community this injustice with the plane of President Evo Morales," he said.
'Hostile act'

An Austrian foreign ministry official, Alexander Schallenberg, said Mr Snowden was not on board the Bolivian leader's aircraft, according to AFP news agency.

The Bolivian defence minister, also on the flight, pilloried the US after the unscheduled landing.

"This is a hostile act by the United States state department which has used various European governments," Ruben Saavedra said.

The jet was reportedly allowed to refuel in Spain before the Falcon aircraft went on to Vienna. President Morales was said to be at the airport in Vienna discussing his return route to Bolivia early on Wednesday.

The Bolivian president had been on a visit to Moscow, where the former CIA contractor has reportedly been holed up in an airport transit area since arriving from Hong Kong on 23 June.

President Morales told Russian television that Bolivia had not yet received an application from Mr Snowden, however, his request, if sent, would be considered.

Asylum requests

Rejected: Austria, Brazil, Finland, India, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland

Withdrawn: Russia

Pending: Bolivia, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Nicaragua

Unconfirmed: France, Venezuela

"Bolivia is ready to accept people who disclose espionage if one can call it this way," he said.

Mr Morales and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had been in Moscow for a meeting of gas-exporting countries.

President Maduro said he had not formally received an asylum request, but expressed support for Mr Snowden, saying he "deserves the world's protection" from the United States.

"Why are they persecuting him? What has he done? Did he launch a missile and kill someone? Did he rig a bomb and kill someone? No. He is preventing war," he told Reuters news agency.

Mr Snowden withdrew his application to Russia after President Vladimir Putin said he could stay only on condition that he stopped damaging Russia's "American partners" with his leaks, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry

Spy chief's apology

He is wanted by the US on charges of leaking secrets he gathered while working as a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), America's electronic spying agency.

The European Commission's president said the snooping allegations are "very disturbing"

On Tuesday, National Intelligence Director James Clapper apologised for telling Congress in March that the NSA did not have a policy of gathering data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.

He said in a letter to Dianne Feinstein, head of the Senate intelligence committee, that his answer had been "clearly erroneous".

The leaking of thousands of classified intelligence documents has led to revelations that the US is systematically seizing vast amounts of phone and web data.

Wikileaks, which says it is advising Mr Snowden, said most of the asylum requests - including to Russia itself - had been handed to the Russian consulate at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport late on Sunday for delivery to the relevant embassies in the capital.

BBC News - Bolivia leader's jet diverted 'amid Snowden suspicions'

wow how can you stop a country's President ?
Had it been a powerful country, it would have been different.

NATO countries run around doing as they please because they have no challenger.
you happen to living off a NATO country.

And I accept that country's secular laws whole heartedly and want to criticize it if it strays from its democratic path.

This country has taught me to exercise freedom of expression.
now according to this report he said

" President Morales told Russian television that Bolivia had not yet received an application from Mr Snowden, however, his request, if sent, would be considered. "Bolivia is ready to accept people who disclose espionage if one can call it this way," he said.

but earlier he said
" Ecuador is not considering Edward Snowden's asylum request and never intended to facilitate his flight from Hong Kong, president Rafael Correa said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-we-helped-snowden-mistake.html#ixzz2Xwav3gO3

And I accept that country's secular laws whole heartedly and want to criticize it if it strays from its democratic path.

This country has taught me to exercise freedom of expression.

yeah sure, you express freedom just 100% of times anti it and it's allies. Nothing undemocratic of asking for a criminal to be brought back. Like it not - if you work for national security telling others the names of of our assets internationally or spying technique (which every country does) is not brave- it is treason"
That's the rule of jungle if you ask me.
Just imagine what Europeans or Americans would do if a country like Bolivia did similar to their officials.
now according to this report he said

but earlier he said

yeah sure, you express freedom just 100% of times anti it and it's allies. Nothing undemocratic of asking for a criminal to be brought back. Like it not - if you work for national security telling others the names of of our assets internationally or spying technique (which every country does) is not brave- it is treason"

Snowden is a US problem and not the country's citizen which I am currently residing in.

Next, this is a legal issue as the US should have passed laws to 'spy'. Spying on people goes against US's own laws. US used to accuse the Soviets of doing exactly the same and used to tout themselves as free during the 80s.

Just trying to be on the right side of history and nothing else.
@HongWu funny Mi Hung Lo is not visiting his parents per his masters wishes
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Snowden is a US problem and not the country's citizen which I am currently residing in.

Next, this is a legal issue as the US should have passed laws to 'spy'. Spying on people goes against US's own laws. US used to accuse the Soviets of doing exactly the same and used to tout themselves as free during the 80s.

Just trying to be on the right side of history and nothing else.

HUH :rofl: this so astoundingly void of any sense ...

but if you read the latest public opinion, 44% in the U.S support Snowden

which in math makes them the minority...and the support is falling everyday.
which in math makes them the minority...and the support is falling everyday.

Not so fast.

Those who reject are 42%. I don't remember what leftover was but i'm guessing it must have been undecided / no comment
For the senseless it is.

You win! yes I'm sure among your ilk , US does not have spying laws and it claims to not have spies ...

Not so fast.

Those who reject are 42%. I don't remember what leftover was but i'm guessing it must have been undecided / no comment

then go research it...


Washington (CNN) - A majority of Americans don't approve of the actions of the man who leaked classified documents on U.S. surveillance programs, and they think he should be brought to justice, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey released Monday morning indicates that 52% of the public disapproves of Edward Snowden's actions, with 44% saying they approve of the leaks by the former government contractor who worked for the National Security Agency.
You win! yes I'm sure among your ilk , US does not have spying laws and it claims to not have spies ...

In case you took it personally, I humbly apologize, but I reserve the right to disagree with you on the limits of democratic rights.

good day.
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