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Bol ke lab azad hain tere, bol zubaan ab tak teri hai

Ali Tariq

Mar 17, 2017
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Bol ke lab azad hain tere, bol zubaan ab tak teri hai



I know this article will make me very unpopular among most Indians, and I may be soundly berated and condemned by the largely jingoistic and bellicose Indian media, but that does not matter. I am not in a popularity contest, and I have often said things which made me very unpopular. I believe in Faiz’s dictum ( the title of this piece ) and I will say things I believe to be true and in my country’s interest, however unpopular and hated they make me.

I have been very critical of Pakistani Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan in the past over his taking help from religious extremists like Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, giving PTI tickets to dubious ‘electables’ and dismissing the internationally renowned economist Atif Mian from his Economic Advisory Council only because he was an Ahmadi.

But I am full of praise for him today for his remarkably wise and restrained speech broadcast on TV regarding the developments after the Pulwama attack.

PM Imran Khan said he understood the grief of the families of those killed in the Pulwama attack, and his government was willing to cooperate in any kind of investigation which the Indian government wants. He has offered talks with New Delhi for this purpose. He said Pakistan too has been a victim of terrorism, and he has visited hospitals where he had seen victims of terrorist attacks who have had to suffer amputations or lost their eyes.

He also said that there are miscalculations in wars. It is easy to start a war, but no one can predict its outcome. Both World Wars were started with a certain plan, but ended otherwise. He could have also referred to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, which resulted in the destruction of the Grand Army.

In my opinion Imran Khan has shown the restraint and wisdom of a statesman, unlike the xenophobia of most Indian political leaders, many of whom have an eye on the coming Parliamentary elections

The greatest tragedy in this episode is of the Kashmiris. Kashmiri students studying in Indian educational institutions have been insulted, attacked and often forced to flee, though they had nothing to do with the Pulwama attack. Kashmiri traders doing business outside Kashmir have often been attacked by right wing elements.

I was informed by a friend who lives in a small town called Kulti in West Bengal that there is a Kashmiri family living there in a rented house. They run a small shop where they sell handicraft goods which they bring from Kashmir. There was no problem earlier, but after the Pulwama attack, people who had taken goods from there on credit are refusing to pay for them. What a wonderful way to show one’s patriotism! It seems this jingoism and xenophobia has gripped even small towns throughout India.

And as regards conditions within Kashmir, internet connections are often snapped by the authorities, and remain snapped for long periods, whenever there is some encounter with militants, without realising that internet is a necessity these days. To fill a simple form, which could be done immediately online, now often requires travelling to a distant office scores of kilometres away. I am informed by a Kashmiri that the internet is presently disconnected all over Kashmir

What a way to win hearts and minds!

The writer is a former Judge in the Supreme Court of India

Published in Daily Times, March 2nd 2019.
my dear judge did nto say about pilot it seems it before pilot episode . last time when news anchor said we have did surgical strike he relied .if you enter in house of neighbor while he sleeping you slap him and run away its surgical strike ? he warned paksitanis are ready this time . but people laugh even me i was surprised .
In my opinion Imran Khan has shown the restraint and wisdom of a statesman, unlike the xenophobia of most Indian political leaders, many of whom have an eye on the coming Parliamentary elections
Not just xenophobia but blood thirst! More like elections at the expense of any blood!
And truth shall prevail :agree:
not our own Chacha.

TBH, nobody was expecting such a calm, confident, responsible response from PM IK. Looks like he has really transformed his self into a real statesman. He is sincere with his country and really want peace with neighbouring countries. I really hope that now some sane and reasonable person comes to power in India and both countries can solve issues with sincerity. But I'm afraid that as long as Modi is in power, it's not going to happen.

I really feel sorry for the sane minds in India. I can only assume that how embarressed they feel when they see MODI as their PM.
Ex-Indian SC judge Markandey Katju in trouble for praising PM Imran Khan


NEW DELHI: Former Indian Supreme Court Judge, Justice Markandey Katju is receiving threats and being asked to migrate to Pakistan by Hindu extremists for praising Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

In a Tweet on Saturday, Markandey Katju also praised Pakistani nation for showing maturity and cool temperament.

He tweeted, “When I called Pakistan a fake, artificial country, not a single Pakistani abused me.”

Katju added “But when I praised Imran Khan, dozens of Indians abused me, calling me senile, traitor, mad and what not, and telling me to migrate to Pakistan.”

Markandey Katju


When I called Pakistan a fake, artificial country, not a single Pakistani abused me.

But when I praised Imran Khan, dozens of Indians abused me, calling me senile, traitor, mad and what not, and telling me to migrate to Pakistan.
Now who has more maturity ?

3:05 PM - Mar 2, 2019
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“Now who has more maturity?”, the ex-judge questioned.

Katju on February 28, after Prime Minister Imran Khan’s address to nation, had said, “I was earlier a critic of Imran Khan, but after the wise and restrained speech he gave on TV I have become his admirer.”

Also, in his Facebook post today, justice Markandey lauded PM Imran Khan, saying

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s offer to cooperate with the Indian government in any kind of investigation into Pulwama attack is reasonable and his offer for talks instead of jingoistic sabre rattling, as is being done by many Indian politicians, has proved his maturity, sagacity and statesmanship.

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