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Boeing made great advances in 2008


Dec 20, 2008
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Significant milestones in major network systems programs — like the U.S. Army’s Future Combat Systems (FCS), the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system and the SBInet component of the Department of Homeland Security’s Secure Border Initiative — added up to a successful 2008 for the network-centric information-sharing technologies business at Boeing.

“We continue to provide our diverse customer base with networked solutions from across The Boeing Company,” said Nan Bouchard, vice president and general manager of Boeing C3 Networks. “Successful implementation of many of these systems in operational modes provides increased mission effectiveness for our customers and a solid foundation for future growth in Boeing’s networked systems business.”

Boeing made several advances with its network-enabled, complex, large-scale “system of systems” solutions such as FCS, GMD and SBInet. FCS, during the U.S. Air Force-led Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment 2008, enabled situational awareness among ground and air assets and called for joint network fires to engage a target. Using data gathered from multiple sensors, GMD successfully tracked and intercepted a target warhead in the most challenging test of the system to date. Boeing also received full government acceptance of its SBInet security solution demonstration, Project 28, which networks cameras, radars, sensors and communications along 28 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Boeing also opened a new experimentation center in Suffolk, Va., bringing its full modeling, simulation, analysis and experimentation capability to government customers in the high-tech Hampton Roads, Va., area. Suffolk joined Boeing’s network of experimentation centers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Boeing achieved several space and ground communications milestones critical for network-centric operations. The company’s first Wideband Global SATCOM satellite became operational, supporting the government’s transformational communications architecture. Boeing and the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office, Joint Tactical Radio System demonstrated how software-defined Ground Mobile Radios are able to operate with one another in a tactical operational environment. And the ability to link military ground, air and space assets took a step closer to reality with the delivery of Boeing’s next-generation Family of Advanced Beyond line-of-sight Terminals prototype.

Boeing has also been network-enabling aircraft, improving situational awareness for the warfighter. The AH-64D Apache Block III helicopter, with its network-centric communications capabilities, completed its first flight, while Boeing delivered the first U.S. Navy EA-18G Growler to the fleet. The EA-18G integrates the capabilities of the most advanced Airborne Electronic Attack system with the advanced weapons, sensors and communications systems found on the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. In addition, Boeing integrated network-centric capabilities into two operational U.S. Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft for Empire Challenge 2008, a joint military exercise.

Two acquisitions, Federated Software Group and Tapestry Solutions, will help Boeing provide its customers with network-centric logistics through integrated command and control, data fusion, and logistics- and knowledge-management products and services. Project Alpine, an Integrated Live, Virtual and Constructive proof-of-concept training demonstration linking real and simulated F-15E aircraft, won the Outstanding Achievement in Modeling & Simulation award from the National Training and Simulation Association.

Boeing Phantom Works, a division of Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, participated in company demonstrations that showed how Network-Enabled Operations can support the Federal Aviation Administration’s Next-Generation Air Transportation System by enabling different systems from different agencies to talk with one another.
Just curious Moscow, Are you specifically interested in Boeing technology or large scale computer integrated systems? Does Russia have a comparable company to Boeing or Lockheed?
Just curious Moscow, Are you specifically interested in Boeing technology or large scale computer integrated systems? Does Russia have a comparable company to Boeing or Lockheed?

i accept the fact that russia is way behind in terms of computer integrated system but studying the advances made by leading US companies like Boeing helps us to figure out how much we need to catch up.
its always a good idea to learn from the leaders,there is no shame in it
russia has the potential we only need to implement it at various levels and at a quicker pace. thanx:cheers:
i am sorry for posting the article in the wrong section. i just realised it please can u relocate the post. thank you,
boeing lol impressive no doubt the only thing that is frustrating is why US govt dumped F-32 over F-35. F-32 vertical takeoff was extremely stable than that of F-35.
F-32 vertical takeoff was extremely stable than that of F-35.


As for your question why the F-35 is being develpoed when you have the F-22

F-22 is an air superiority aircraft whose sole purpose is to engage enemy aircraft during the intial stage of the war. Once the enemy airspace has been cleared, only then can the ground attack aircraft engage the enemy

An air superirity aircraft cannot perform the task due to its low weapon carrying capacity

the F-35 JSF is a multi-role combat aircraft, than can perform both air superiorit duties [not as good as the air superiority aircraft] and also ground attack duties [better than the air superiority aircraft]

Each has their utility in the Air Force

As for your question why the F-35 is being develpoed when you have the F-22

F-22 is an air superiority aircraft whose sole purpose is to engage enemy aircraft during the intial stage of the war. Once the enemy airspace has been cleared, only then can the ground attack aircraft engage the enemy

An air superirity aircraft cannot perform the task due to its low weapon carrying capacity

the F-35 JSF is a multi-role combat aircraft, than can perform both air superiorit duties [not as good as the air superiority aircraft] and also ground attack duties [better than the air superiority aircraft]

Each has their utility in the Air Force

He means this aircraft

YouTube - Boeing JSF X-32B Maximum Power Untethered Engine Runs
Slugger i hope you are not blind! i said F-32 or my bad i shud have said X-32 not F-22.

Thanks Kayser...

My o my if Mr. India has no knowledge of F-32 and he can't read my simplest first post how in the hell are you going thru all these forum post are you getting the simplist engish at all?
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Slugger i hope you are not blind!
My ability to establsih correct visual identification was proven, when I correctly noted that you had stated the aircraft as F-32 and not X-32

My o my if Mr. India has no knowledge of F-32 and he can't read my simplest first post how in the hell are you going thru all these forum post are you getting the simplist engish at all?
I agree, I have absolutely no knowledge of the F-32 as it is a very old aircraft which did not interest me enough to lern more about

A little reading into the nomenclature used by the US for naming their aircrafts would have indicated to you that the X-32 can not be refered to as the F-32
The change in designation from X to F occurs only when the particular aircraft is planned for induction in to the USAF and the X-32 was not. It will always be called an X-Plane

As for you calling the X-32 better than the F-35B, on what basis did you draw such a conclusion?
Engineers have all acknowledged that the verticle lif-fan approach of the F-35B offers far superior hover and VTOL characteristics than the down-vectored thrust approach taken by the X-32.
[though the F-35B can perform VTOL, its qualitative requirment states that the aircraft would required to be operated as a STOVL]

Would you be in a position to corraborate your statement with suitable data supporting your claim.
you said >>My ability to establsih correct visual identification was proven.

Visual identification...Allow me to let you know that u were wrong from the start thats why for ur visual identification admin posted the video to bring you some visuals of F-32 anyone knows which airplane is F-32 if you have known about this project you would have identified you know about F-35 and you have know knowledge of F-32???
Its an old plane?? did u drink cow piss again? Do you know how sophisticated this project was till now thats why US is not giving some info to UK as well. And you are calling it old plane lol. i think than ur harriers are new right? lol get de hell out of this forum you scum bag. Dude if you did not identify F-32 how can you even present your expertise over it?? do you how to type google.com plz go type it and search info the rejection of this plane alone is another mystery. Don't tell me more if you can't identify you blind man than don't post me info. you blind man! its proved its vertical takeoff and landing was more stable than F-35...F-35 NOW WITH F-35B is the stabilize version. I would suggest since its an old plane but newer than LCA go buy it replace with with ur LCA. :P
I have given a link to the F-32 in my post above yours. It is a very old plane.

Would care to give a link to the latest F-32 that you re talking about

I have also written in lucid language about the differentiation between F and a X
would you be in a position to comprehend the difference and reply accordingly

Please follow the nomenclature used by the USAF while replying :)
slugger i am guessing you are a real idiot here..no matter how many links you give you i have enough of data on JSF X-32 it was fully test from small to large testing the plane was completely operational it was rejected for some mysterious reasons...
Mr. slugger its still not a paper plane. And Yes its not an old plane old plane let me clear it up >>>LCA <<<A Perfect Old plane.

Son you messed up you called F-32 as F-22 ur visual identification is very poor more over u have gone blind..in what sense is it an old plane explain it to me right here but challange is you will not copy paste any material and it should come out of ur head not anything that u read else where...
Can you do that i will be waiting...Just Explain in detail why is it an Old Plane what it doesn't have that other planes have???:azn:
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