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BNP-Jamaat govt will cause damage to Bangladesh, India: Awami League leader Muzammel Haque


Dec 31, 2010
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BNP-Jamaat govt will cause damage to Bangladesh, India: Awami League leader Muzammel Haque​

Claiming that the BNP was created by the ISI, the veteran politician Muzammel Haque said that if BNP-Jamaat comes to power, the development of Bangladesh will be hindered and it will also cause damage to India.​

Sahidul Hasan Khokon
Sahidul Hasan Khokon
Dhaka,UPDATED: Apr 1, 2023 23:37 IST
[IMG alt="BNP-Jamaat govt will cause damage to Bangladesh, India: Awami League leader Muzammel

Organizing Secretary of the ruling Awami League in Bangladesh, BM Muzammel Haque.

By Sahidul Hasan Khokon: The Organizing Secretary of the ruling Awami League in Bangladesh, BM Muzammel Haque, believes that if the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)-Jamaat-e-Islami comes back to power, control of Bangladesh will go into the hands of the Pakistani intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Bangladesh will elect its next government in elections that could be held in December this year or early January 2024.

Claiming that the BNP was created by the ISI, the veteran politician said that if BNP-Jamaat comes to power, the development of Bangladesh will be hindered and it will also cause damage to India.

In an interview with India Today, Muzammel said that after the defeat of the 1971 war of independence, the ISI killed the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975, as part of an international conspiracy. "Basically, through this, they took control of Bangladesh at that time. They destroy our spirit of freedom, our constitution and halt the march of secular Bangladesh," he said.

Claiming that Bangladesh was controlled by the ISI for 21 years from 1975 to 1996, the top local leader of the Awami League said that for a long time, the country had been following the pattern of the Pakistani regime. "Militancy was cultivated here in the name of anti-India. This is what BNP-Jamaat has implemented for ISI," Muzammel said.

BM Muzammel also said that General Zia formed the BNP on the prescription of ISI and rehabilitated the opponents of the independence war. “During this period, General Zia killed thousands of freedom fighters and people with the spirit of the liberation war. Besides rehabilitating the anti-independence party in his own party, the general made the Jamaat a political path,” he told India Today.

“The Jamaat, which organized millions of massacres, rapes, arson and other crimes against humanity in the liberation war, got political asylum and turned Bangladesh towards Pakistan again just 4 years after the liberation war,” Muzammel alleged.

Terming the BNP as India's enemy, this Awami League leader said that from 1975 to 1995, opposition to India reached its peak in Bangladesh.

“We saw the anti-India card being used a lot in politics in the 90s. At that time, voters heard BNP-Jamaat saying that 'boats are shown in different parts of India', 'Delhi will be Dhaka if Sheikh Hasina comes to power' or 'Masjids will become Hindu shelters'. Through such propaganda, an attempt was made to sow a kind of anti-India and anti-Awami League seed among the people. The BNP's anti-India sentiments became evident during their rule. During that period, very few agreements in Bangladesh were executed with India,” the Awami League leader said.

BM Muzammel Haque termed the BNP-Jamaat as an anti-independence, power-hungry, plunderer of people's wealth, and said that their aim is to grab state power through the back door by creating a chaotic situation. He said, “Anti-independence activists are being vocal once again about the elections. Their target is to disrupt the progress of democracy. They hired mercenary intellectuals and commentators at home and abroad with looted money.”

He said, “We are expecting a free, fair, impartial and competitive election. This is the first time a law has been passed in Bangladesh to form the Election Commission. The Election Commission has been given financial independence. The commission is working independently and will continue to do so in the future. The government will provide all assistance to the Election Commission for fair and peaceful elections.”

Muzammel Haque told India Today, “The Awami League is a party of the people, believes in the peace of the people, and believes in the power of the people. If the Awami League wins, it will continue to fulfil the national responsibility of building the country.”

Muzammel Haque said that after building a digital Bangladesh, the next goal of our government is to build a smart Bangladesh. Our team has taken the initiative to train the youth by taking various aspects of the fourth industrial revolution, he said.

“The use of robotics, artificial intelligence, nano technology, genetic engineering, biotechnology i.e. digital devices will be ensured in all fields including smart Bangladesh, smart government, smart population, smart industrial factories and trade, health, education, trade, agriculture. Emphasis is placed on research in all areas,” Muzammel said.

He said, “Since 2009, the Bangladesh Awami League government has been in charge of running the country after being elected by the people. People will judge and analyze what the Awami League has been able to give to the country in the last 14 years. I believe the people will not take the country back, they will re-elect the Awami League and continue the country's progress.”

Claiming that Bangladesh is moving towards the desired goal, the top local leader of the Awami League said, "When we assumed the responsibility of running the government in 2009, the global recession was still going on. The prices of daily necessities, including rice, were skyrocketing. On the other hand, people's purchasing power went downward. We took the responsibility of running the government in such an economic crisis.”

“Now after 'Rupkalpo 2021’, we have formulated ‘Rupkalpo 2041’ and ‘Delta Plan 2100’. In Vision 2021, we wanted to build Digital Bangladesh besides achieving other goals. Today, we can say with satisfaction that we have been able to fulfill that promise,” Muzammel said.

‘Vision 2041’ aims to establish Bangladesh as a developed and prosperous country on the world map by 2041. The goal of ‘Delta Plan 2100’ is to make Bangladesh a sustainably developed and prosperous country.

He also said, "Our government has completed the construction of Padma Bridge with its own funding, ignoring various obstacles. This bridge directly connects 21 districts of the south and south-western regions with Dhaka and other districts by road. With the inauguration of Metrorail on December 28, we have touched another milestone in connectivity.”

He claimed, "The great achievements, including the establishment of an independent sovereign Bangladesh, have been achieved by the hands of the Awami League government. And the people will bring it back to power.”


Referring to the dark chapter of the BNP-Jamaat alliance's 5-year rule, BM Muzammel Haque said that the Jamaat-BNP alliance came back to power in 2001 through farcical elections. “Those 5 years of BNP-Jamaat coalition government was a scandalous chapter in the history of Bangladesh. People of this country have never seen the milestones that the coalition government set in misrule, including killings, disappearances, rapes, looting, terrorism, spreading the poison of communalism and fostering militancy.”

“Thousands of Awami League leaders and activists were killed at that time. The wheels of the economy came to a standstill. Inflation, rise in commodity prices, decline in power generation, decline in literacy made people's lives miserable. At the end of the term, by resorting to various tactics, it created obstacles in the normal transfer of power. 1 crore 23 lakh fake voters were included in the voter list as they conspired to bypass the electoral process,” Muzammel told India Today.

In the face of such an anarchic situation, the military-backed caretaker government declared a state of emergency and took over the responsibility of running the country. Not only did they fail to meet the expectations of the people, but they tarnished various institutions, including the army.

Then, an acceptable election was held on December 29, 2008. The Awami League won more than two-thirds of the seats in that election and formed the government.


BM Muzammel Haque said revolutionary development has been achieved in the last 14 years in the communication sector. “The construction of bridges over major rivers was necessary to establish uninterrupted road and rail connectivity in riverine Bangladesh. In the last 14 years, our government has constructed and reconstructed hundreds of bridges, roads, highways including Padma Bridge, Bangabandhu Jamuna Bridge, Teesta Bridge, Payra Bridge, II Kanchpur Bridge, II Meghna, II Gomti Bridge,” the leader said.

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