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Blast reported in North Waziristan while a convoy was passing through. | Aug 2022 .

Here we go again. Fights on.

May Allah grant the Pakistan Army, Air force, Navy and all other armed forces that are on the frontlines against this terrorism the strength to wipe them out for good. Ameen
We hit them yesterday? and they hit us back. The goal is to be in the battle and not to win it like IEA vs the coalition. The war ends until one side loses the will to fight more. I hope we don't like we haven't on eastern side.

@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

We have an Indian laughing at the shaheed. Please do the needful
Nothing personal against anyone who got martyrdom in the line of duty.(May Allah give them highest place in jannah)

But after drone attack, and killing of top ttp commander taken out. This was expected. This cat and mouse game will go on, with blood on both sides.

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