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Featured Blast reported at seminary in Peshawar's Dir Colony - 7 Martyred, many injured

It feels like the mid 2000's all over again, the tenure of Kiyani after his extension was same as Bajwa .. looks like he is just busy in renovating his new homes in DHA rather than leading a charge at those anti state elements . what a shame
It feels like the mid 2000's all over again, the tenure of Kiyani after his extension was same as Bajwa .. looks like he is just busy in renovating his new homes in DHA rather than leading a charge at those anti state elements . what a shame
We've explained this again and again - Correlation is not causation - this is drilled into people who actually care about objective analysis.

There are a variety of factors (merging of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the return of IDP's, reduction in check points, etc etc) in play here - the identity of the COAS is not one of them.
We all understand Pakistan is shifting his direction. Finally, this alliance comes into the pictures and will attract more members into this alliance (Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia ). Then China will allow anyone from the country (Pakistan or Turkey) to lead the 57 Islamic countries alliance. Nawaz just a puppet of the external establishment to creating ripple to stop this block and see our Brother country is stepping ax in our back by using him.
I am very saddened by the Peshawar tragedy. All links go in this incident to Nawaz Chor and never thought he and his daughter would fall so much low in the greed of power.

Seven have been martyred. TTP is striking again. We gave them the chance to regroup. India made sure they all get back together and we were sleeping. Until we make India pay the price this crap will keep happening. India needs to pay the price for its crimes.
TTP condemned the attack, it also doesn't make sense for them to attack a madrassa.

The cleric here was known to be pro-Taliban; so it's either the NDS or Daesh that were behind the attack.
- Deash Khorasan a front of NS and RAW in Afghanistan is the 3rd element which people are ignoring

- Current terrorist act should be study in relation with latest Bomb attacks in Afghanistan in the seminary of Shia sect

- While this blast in Pakistan is carried out at the Deobandi School of thought
5000-10000 Afghans are lining everyday to get Pakistani visas. I have zero confidence on our background checking process to vet the good ones from the bad.

Who knows our border agencies issuing official visas to these suicide bombers by the dozens.
Wars are not won defending your home. They are won when you are hitting the enemy. Casualties in an attack are acceptable. Casualties on home territory are not. Unless the fight is taken to the enemy, we will bleed as we have bled. We will cry as we have cried. The slaughter of our children continues while the enemy rejoices in the pool of blood of our children. The enemy threatens us on international television and we choose to not fight back.
We should be vigilant their next target may be a Shia gathering/scholar and then another Sunni gathering/scholar they want to ignite a Shia Sunni fasad for obvious reasons we should do whatever we can to stop this one way of doing this is to unite Shia and Sunni scholars and their followers
To protest jointly in front of Indian embassy
Curse India and make big hue and cry pelt some Stones too at the embassy and so on
@IceCold @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Sorry yaar, I just read your tag now.

India has already said via Gaurav Arya that it is trying to push sectarian conflict between Muslims. This is not only against Pakistanis, but Kashmiris, Indian Muslims, and Afghanis too.

Orya Maqbool Jan kept saying in his show recently that we need to have an Islamic conference hosting all major Sunni and Shia leaders, bridge their differences, and assure patriots are leading major Islamic organizations and influential masajid, maddaris, etc.

8 pages of confusion

I will say it again


the seminary is loosely connected to Gulbudin Hek

He was in Pakistan only a week or so ago

And now a seminary connected to his wider group is targeted

AFGHANISTAN is falling down a hole and the Taliban is winning

This is why this happened

I keep saying this, the Indians are loudmouths but they are largely dickless people
They may have the desire but it's the afghanis pulling the trigger and doing the dirty work

We must target our enemies alongside nullifying the sharifs, Bhutto's etc

Your point is being confused. There is not one Afghanistan today. Some use Afghanistan for Kabul regime, aka ANA and NDS. Some use it for Taliban.

There are also TTP, Daesh being trained by Indians against us.

Even if attack came from Afghanistan, the masterminds are Indians. They have done it once before and have threatened to do it again and again.

Our targeting of India is different

China killing your soldiers, taking 1000sq km of territory and setting up in the LOC and wider Indian border

The use of hindutva extremism internally within India as a tool of division and chaos alongside multiple riots

Our plans against India alongside China are in motion

This explosion however is all Afghanistan, but our historical enemy is always Indua hence they get blamed for everything

You wouldn't support sharifs and Bhutto's if you were

India is the one responsible, the mastermind. NDS, TTP, and Daesh are just happy to be included.

Do not introduce false theories. We all know this.

The problem is we are seeing this event in isolation. This renewed wave of terrorism is highly coordinated and all these pieces are moved by one entity. Political unrest, hybrid warfare on army leadership (we all know it started with Asim Bajwa which was initiated by arya), trying to ignite sectarian violence by killing ulema.
This all started after September. A lot of people here still still cannot connect the dots, and are falling pray to hybrid warfare. All these things are in complete synchronization with each other.

You GET it, brother. Thanks for sharing.

RIP you will be avenged

You will mourn for maddaris children and maulvia?

- Deash Khorasan a front of NS and RAW in Afghanistan is the 3rd element which people are ignoring

- Current terrorist act should be study in relation with latest Bomb attacks in Afghanistan in the seminary of Shia sect

- While this blast in Pakistan is carried out at the Deobandi School of thought

India is gaining multiple advantages from this attack, I will try to list them.

1. Rekindling psychological trauma in Pakistani populace

2. Pushing the idea that security forces have failed (also pushed by their internal puppets like N, PPP, ANP/PTM, and JUIF, i.e. PDM)

3. Striking against Taliban, as this school part of the same firqa. They are trying to prove that Taliban are not safe from them.

4. Trying to create increased sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslim brothers.

5. Villify Afghans in the eyes of Pakistans to create a wedge between us.

6. A rare propaganda victory for besieged and irrelevant Kabul regime.

7. Gain recruits for and promoting their TTP and Daesh proxies in Afghanistan.

8. It all feeds into an effort to remove Imran Khan from power, by ultimately blaming him.

Pakistanis are advised to not fall into any one of these traps.
4. Trying to create increased sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslim brothers.

Game is at regional level .... keep in mind Taliban were supported by Iran as well both in terms of material and political, so by targeting both sects on mass scale would force some elements in these sects to take up arm and join militias specially in Afghanistan which is already too much divided on sectarian lines
Blast reported at seminary in Peshawar's Dir Colony
Ali Akbar | Sirajuddin 27 Oct 2020
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People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV
People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV
People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV
People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV
People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

People are seen at the site of the blast in Peshawar's Dir Colony. — DawnNewsTV

An explosion has been reported at a seminary in Peshawar's Dir Colony, Senior Superintendent of Police (Operations) Mansoor Aman has confirmed.
There are reports of multiple injuries. Police and rescue officials have reached the scene.
SSP Aman said investigation is underway to determine the cause of the blast.
Last month, five people were killed and two others injured in a blast in the Akbarpura area of Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
District Police Officer (DPO) Najamal Hassan said that the explosion occurred in a market situated along the Kabul River. "Some people were collecting scrap material from the stones alongside the river. Some of the scrap included explosive material which detonated when they were weighing it."
This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources such as concerned, qualified authorities and our staff reporters.
I repeat, we got to murder Ajit Doval with whole of his team.
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