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Blast at funeral in Quetta kills 30+ & DIG operations

And please enlighten us with your knoweldge, what is the real cause?

SO you accept that Social and economic reasons are not the root cause?

Let me enlighten you Ignorant. The rout cause is the seeds of terrorism sown by army to damage the neighbors particularly. These seeds have now become harvest. The only difference is that it backfiring on Pakistan more than hurting India.
SO you accept that Social and economic reasons are not the root cause?

Let me enlighten you Ignorant. The rout cause is the seeds of terrorism sown by army to damage the neighbors particularly. These seeds have now become harvest. The only difference is that it backfiring on Pakistan more than hurting India.
First thing - No personal attacks if you want an answer (atleast from me), I replied to you , because you asked a valid question, thats why I asked you to elaborate what you wrote. So next time have some respect for person you are talking to.

Second thing, Yes Social & Economic are not the root cause BUT as I said above, it is ONE of the causes.

for the second part - no I don't agree with you, you are confusing, LeT/JuD, with TTP/ BLA/ LeJ, and to top it all you are confusing them all with Afghan Taliban.
Now I will not be a Teacher for you, so you will have to do some research of your own. You need to look at how TTP was formed, in what year, how they gained their support, where their funding comes from, What is their Agenda, what is their motive.
However before you do this all, you need to let go of your hatred for Pakistan Army.
Oh I've never asserted anything to the contrary - I'm just not convinced that our current gung-ho attitude, in the few instances it seems to have worked, is the way forward !

What we need is a National Counter-Terrorism Policy that deals with everything from certain Cultural Centers to certain other's funded Madrassas to Social & Economic Development to Neighborhood Watches to Capacity building & De-Politicization of the Police & Levies along with the formation of dedicated Rapid Reaction Teams for the task.
Now you are on the right track.

Kill & Dump isn't the way forward.
I had lengthy debate with our fellow member Argus on the issue, Kill & Dump isn't the way forward but is the need of the hour, as long as other state institutions don't stand up to take on their Real Role, expect the same Institutions which are State within a State.
So I might be an emotional fool and a fanboy, But I support this move unless other instituions do their job properly

this is unacceptable - an investigation should be carried out that how he managed to break the cordon, though I know how easy it is in a situation like this to let loose, but someone has to take responsibility for their negligence and incompetence - starting from the Govt
Quetta has seen 70 bomb blasts in 2013 alone which have claimed some 614 lives.
From what I have heard through some friends in Quetta, the DIG had actually identified the suicide bomber. The DIG was standing there while the bomber was coming from the other direction, DIG told him to stop or don't move and the bomber kept on coming. DIG then shouted to the people to move and run, the bomber then exploded himself, the DIG was practically touching the bomber...

A very brave act by the DIG< he actually acted to stop the bomber with his bare hands.
From what I have heard through some friends in Quetta, the DIG had actually identified the suicide bomber. The DIG was standing there while the bomber was coming from the other direction, DIG told him to stop or don't move and the bomber kept on coming. DIG then shouted to the people to move and run, the bomber then exploded himself, the DIG was practically touching the bomber...

A very brave act by the DIG< he actually acted to stop the bomber with his bare hands.

and why not they shot him like hazara people did last month ? DIG must have some elite guys with him .
and why not they shot him like hazara people did last month ? DIG must have some elite guys with him .

They were at a funeral, I won't expect the DIG to have a side arm at the ready, the above took place in seconds, not a long time.

The failure was of the guards at the gate of the police lines...

Inside the police lines and standing there in front of the body, you don't have 10 guys around you.

And that Hazara incident...the guy who shot the bomber was a security guard (private one of the mosque) and not normal public.
Can you suggest a plan of action (which is not currently followed by security agencies in pakistan) that can be a game changer (but doable at the same time)

These are 15 points I suggest to eliminate terrorism in Pakistan. They are part of a wider plan/report I have made that may help eliminate the Taliban utterly.

1) Proper intelligence network, not shoddy intelligence chasing innocent civilians instead of terrorists but real intelligence.
2) Repeal of biased disgraceful laws based on Shariah such as the hudood law and blasphemy law.
3) Rehaul of the education system. Stop preaching hate to children about Hindus and anyone else.
4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of FCR which holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of one evil man.
5) Development through education programs and improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level.
7) Improvement of the security forces and the police (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorists.
8) Targetted operations against the terrorists which do not harm innocent civilians. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillary shelling and airstrikes
9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations.
10) No talk of peace deals with the Taliban.
11) No painting of liberals as enemies of Pakistan, instead listening to their message of peace and harmony.
12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.
13) Introduce a government accepted curriculam to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools.
14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached instead of hate against other religions. Their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted.
15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targetting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars
Murder and terrorism is always a pain. Specially around festivals (Eid and Teej). It comes naturally to compare the 2 tragedies = 5 Indian Soldiers ambushed on LoC & this bomb blast that is being discussed (although there are several tragedies over the last 2 days in Pakistan all equally painful, but just for the sake of simplicity, let us pick up this one), it is really sad for the men to have been murdered and killed. However, probably the difference being that the Indian Army Soldiers died in the line of duty and their families could at least grieve over the irreparable losses to their lives (it remains to be seen what steps GoI and Indian Army will take to normalize these killings) however, in case of these Pakistani deaths it is so unfortunate that they had actually gone to grieve over a death of their colleague and even they got blown away to bits. So much so that even their body parts are mangled. It is so unfortunate that the TTP cadre is actually not even allowing people to grieve over the deaths of their colleagues and family.

Looking that the situation, may be better not to attend funeral processions in Pakistan. It is surely not safe anymore.

And the worst part of these suicide blasts by TTP Cadre is that they go so close to the crowds and detonate that even the body pieces of the victims cannot be identified and put together. Really unfortunate.
i'm guessing some low paid cop looking for a promotion on guard duties decided to go walkies when Mr T came knocking.

10 minutes later, he's now the new DGI.

nothing else can explain this.
i'm guessing some low paid cop looking for a promotion on guard duties decided to go walkies when Mr T came knocking.

10 minutes later, he's now the new DGI.

nothing else can explain this.
I dont think people are this mean, killing their own comrade just to be promoted. :disagree:
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