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Black magic Xxxxx

From my research sorcery is controlling the power of Ain.


Ain is the highest power in existence, according to Kabbalah. It is the core fabric of reality beyond space, matter, flow, energy and time. People can shape and control this force how they please, for anything, even upon the inhabitants of earth. This is called doing Sh'Ah'R. This involves creating a energy (Sh) pathway (R) from (Ah) source (Ain) upon any object like a man.

Only few people have vision of Aein, they are born with it. This vision is called Nasar Aein.

This happens in the unseen, meaning the non-observable and non-physical. This is applied at the point in-between the Kabb (innermost) of a being and the Alah (the divine source of a being), hence the word Kabbalah.

I have seen quotes like this on the internet:

'The nasar ain is real and if anything were to overtake the divine decree, it would be the nasar ain'

'One third of those who are in the grave are there because of the nasar ain'

'Most of those who die among my ummah (followers) die because of the will and decree of Allah, and then because of the nasar ain'

So this sounds real, even according to Muslim.
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ذاكر نايك يقصف أعداء الشريعة ويكشف أسرار مرعبة عن سبب تحريم الخمر ! Zakir Naik

فريق مؤسسة الإيمان للدعوة في جامعة مانشستر متروبوليتان

لم الإسلام؟ - أسئلة وأجوبة - الجزء الثاني

Jinns are very real!! After all there is said to be 7 intelligent creations.. 2 in the sky 2 on the land and 2 in the seas... the 7th is angels. The Qurans mentions that human beings were created from “sand” which we can interfere as humans having being made of matter. We are made of uncountable little atoms afterall....Angels are made from “noor” which is light so it is hard to comprehend that some thing exists composed of light but it is quite possible and science is very far behind this as light is Packets of photons .....while Jinns is mentioned as being created from a “smokeless fire” ? So what is this smokeless fire that jinns are made of? I like to think of this smokeless fire as a pure form of energy... what energy am i talking about? Let me explain what we have going on in our nukes e=mc2. Matter can be interconverted into energy and vice versa... Jinns seems to have this ability also but they can contain it maybe because they have a different way of converting matter to what they are themselves made of... Most of you must have heard that in stories of encounters with jinns that possessions suddenly disappear and reappear.... is this really a trick of the eyes or actually jinns turning matter into something else.
When i was younger i asked my Molvi sahib about jinns when he used to come teach me( best molvi ever btw) he told me that his own master who taught him the quran had a madrassa In an isolated place and he taught jinns also... he described them as being smoke or wind itself. His master used to tell his students from staying away from the top floor of the madrassa as thats where the jinns that learnt from him resigned. But the most unusual part he told me was that during his final months there after having learnt the quran and quite alot of sunnah he was in need of some money. While he asked people around him no one had the amount to lend him.... then while he was thinking alone another student approached him one he had never seen before and he thought he must be new.... he askes why are you so disturbed so my Molvi sahib told him he was in need to some amount of money... the boy pulled out money and handed the exact amount to him... my molvi sahib was going to be leaving soon so he told the student he would be back in 3 months to repay him but he replied he would be finished with his learning of the quran by then and would leave so he gave him a address upon which to come if he intended to repay back.... after 3 months my molvi sahib went to that address and upon reaching the street found no house of that number , the street ended and a forrest started ahead... the house number which was mentioned should have been way ahead but the street ended before. He came back to the madrassa to his master and informed him about it who told him that the boy who lent you the money was a jinn who was learning the Quran under him..You don’t need to pay him back now his master told him. Anyways that is the story of my molvi sahib who i have great respects for...
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