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Black holes are a passage to another universe, says Stephen Hawking


Jan 4, 2015
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Black holes are a passage to another universe, says Stephen Hawking - Science - News - The Independent

Black holes are a passage to another universe, says Stephen Hawking

New theory is an answer to a paradox that has puzzled physicists for decades

Andrew Griffin

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Humans could escape from black holes, rather than getting stuck in them, according to a new theory proposed by Stephen Hawking.

Unfortunate space travellers won’t be able to return to their own universe, according to Hawking. But they will be able to escape somewhere else, he has proposed at a conference in Stockholm.

Black holes in fact aren’t as “black” as people thought and could be a way of getting through to an alternative universe.

“The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible,” Hawking said, according to a report from Stockholm University. “The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldn’t come back to our universe. So although I’m keen on space flight, I’m not going to try that.

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Hawking’s proposal is an attempt to answer a problem that has tormented physicists about what happens to things when they go beyond the event horizon, where even light can’t get back. The information about the object has to be preserved, scientists believe, even if the thing itself is swallowed up — and that paradox has puzzled scientists for decades.

Now Hawking has proposed that the information is stored on the boundary, at the event horizon. That means that it never makes its way into the black hole, and so never needs to make its way out again either.

That would also mean that humans might not disappear if they fall into one. They'd either stay as a "hologram" on the edge, or fall out somewhere else.

“If you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up,” he told the audience at the end of his speech. “There’s a way out.”
what is the opinion of islam about black holes in quran. any one?
In the end, god will make black holes even bigger to suck all the life to other universe where you will see heaven and hell...... LOL.... :sarcastic:

Keep the science and religion away.
Im pretty sure u will die anywhere close to a blackhole..No doubt about it...:)

Quran proved existence of black holes and creation of universe 1400 years ago you can look up links on you tube and watch online.

Keep religion and science separate. But some idiots have nothing better to do.
Keep religion and science separate. But some idiots have nothing better to do.
Science and Islam Run parallel to each other, But the problem is our so called Mullahs or Ulma are to dumb to understand so when these people cant understand it how others are suppose to teach about that to others , And the problem is Ulma always try to degrade Normal education
Science and Islam Run parallel to each other, But the problem is our so called Mullahs or Ulma are to dumb to understand so when these people cant understand it how others are suppose to teach about that to others , And the problem is Ulma always try to degrade Normal education
True, in past Islamic civilizations the most religious ones were the most knowledgable. There's a reason Baghdad was the centre of the world.
But the problem is our so called Mullahs or Ulma are to dumb to understand

The Islamic parties neither won any elections in Pakistan nor ruled the country. The failure of not creating a modern scientific curriculum lies with the democratically elected governments and the military regimes in Pakistan. Don't blame the Maulanas, Mullahs, Maulvis, Imams, etc but blame the Generals, Presidents and Prime Ministers !!! Blaming people who had no control on curriculum in Pakistan is actually an organized attempt of distraction from the real culprits.
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He's right lets keep religion and science separate for sake of argument. But just to touch upon it, the early Muslims embraced Science. The latter did not apart from Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. Western world streaked ahead because they developed scientific method and mathematical reasoning.

Back on topic, if you go into a blackhole you are sucked into a singular point of oblivion. This is no door.

My theory is a multiverse does exist. The universe is bubble shaped and to pierce it to another universe then you would need to do the same you do to a rocket when leaving earth. Is there dead space between one universe to another? Like a outerspace of the multiverse bubble? Do laws of physics no longer apply in other universes so would humans even capable of surviving?
The Islamic parties neither won any elections in Pakistan nor ruled the country. The failure of not creating a modern scientific curriculum lies with the democratically elected governments and military regimes in Pakistan. Don't blame the Maulanas, Mullahs, Maulvis, Imams, etc but blame the Generals, Presidents and Prime Ministers !!! Blaming people who had no control on curriculum in Pakistan is actually an organized attempt of distraction from the real culprits.

Yes Our Generals were ruling All muslim land 500 years ago yes Pakistani President was the khalifah , Stop Kidding
Em talking about the History of Muslims when Muslim scientist Changing the world these so called molvis and mullahs were banning Science , Passing Fatwa that astronomy is the study of shatan
Yes Our Generals were ruling All muslim land 500 years ago yes Pakistani President was the khalifah , Stop Kidding Em talking about the History of Muslims when Muslim scientist Changing the world these so called molvis and mullahs were banning Science , Passing Fatwa that astronomy is the study of shatan

If you are talking about the Middle Ages than you should consider that the same was done in Europe by the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages.
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