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‘black fungus’ EPIDEMIC

I had black fungus in my house in Texas. It was terrible. It’s like you slowly go insane and are constantly spitting out phlegm as your health deteriorates. I had no clue till I had the maintenance guy tell me. I had to move the **** outta there ASAP.
You have experienced everything, met or saw every celebrity and politician..you have so many stories to tell...great.
The Gods have not been blessing India as of late. Is there still time left to repent for your sins? Better hurry and seek shelter inside temples or churches and pray for salvation. Begging for China's forgiveness might help too.
You have experienced everything, met or saw every celebrity and politician..you have so many stories to tell...great.

I never met any celebrity. I met Abdul Sattar Eidi once and an old wrestler named jake the snake on an airplane flight. Never met any politicians.
Yes but funded by Fanci and his gang. That way they sell tests and drugs to make money. It's a trillion dollar business, far more than US military budget.
Hold on...

You are again up to your fake narratives.

Dont you have maths homework or project work to do?
Modi vs Modi...
Great effort by theses people


Covid and black fungus attacks on India. Divine punishment knows no mercy, that's what India get for instigating hostility towards China.
not only china but Pakistan since last 70 years.

lots of deceive, lies by india for the several years with no ethics or civility.

hope every thing will be fine as common indians are suffering who has no say in what their extremist govt do.
5 cases of black fungus are reported in Karachi as well.
I had black fungus in my house in Texas. It was terrible. It’s like you slowly go insane and are constantly spitting out phlegm as your health deteriorates. I had no clue till I had the maintenance guy tell me. I had to move the **** outta there ASAP.

In US it is called Black Mold. Breathing in the spores of the fungus/mold can make you quite sick. It has hallucinatory effects.

Fungus infection is due to weakened immunity after treatment with steroids. Doctors have to be a little careful with steroids and calibrate it as per sugar levels and other side effects. Probably that has taken a backseat due to quantum of COVID patients and extra load on the medical staff.

Since number of cases in India was very high the visibility of fungus cases was also higher. Clubbed with the factor stated above the percentage of fungus infection also could be higher than few other countries. With awareness coming init is likely to be controlled now with calibrated usage of steroids.

Hope and wish that fungus and other secondary side effects remain under control for the other countries.

Chinese friends meanwhile can keep their mouth shut. While expressing joy at Indian cases, they wouldn’t even know if there are fungus cases in China because of their lovely CCP’s authoritarian rule.
100% Devine Punishment here

  • Kashmir Lockdown
  • Sikh Farmer , Abuse

Devine Punishment
  • Covid
  • More Covid British Variant
  • More Covid Indian Variant
  • Black Fungas
  • Typhoon

Don't forget, it was an indian pseudo Muslim who took it upon himself to take out 26 Ayahs of the Noble Qur'an and also petitioned the indian govt to enact it as Federal Law.

Punishment from the Creator of all creation, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah is visible to those who have Imaan in their hearts. Those who don't, are just whistling in the wind, blind as bats.
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