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BJP to use old religion card in polls

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Why buy facile peace?
Arif Mohammed Khan

Singing the National Song is not a threat to Islam, terrorism is

Tasleemat, maan tasleemat/ tu bhari hai meethe pani se/ phal phoolon ki shadabi se/ dakkin ki thandi hawaon se/ faslon ki suhani fizaaon se/ tasleemat, maan tasleemat/ teri raaten roshan chand se/ teri raunaq sabze faam se/ teri pyar bhari muskan hai/ teri meethi bahut zuban hai/ teri banhon mein meri rahat hai/ tere qadmon mein meri jannat hai/ tasleemat, maan tasleemat - Urdu translation of Vande Mataram

The new controversy regarding Vande Mataram is unnecessary and irrelevant. It is true that in the 1930s, there were differing opinions. The Congress Working Committee after lengthy deliberations took a view in 1937 to adopt first two stanzas as National Song. It is also true that the Muslim League persisted in its opposition till the country was divided. But the Constituent Assembly adopted Vande Mataram alongwith Jan Gan Man as National Song. Those who persist in their opposition are actually negating a constitutional ideal. After all, the Constitution is not merely an exercise in semantics but expression of the people's national faith.

Vande Mataram was composed in 1870 and was made part of the Anandamath in 1881. In the Calcutta session of the Congress, the song was sung by Rabindranath Tagore, who had composed music for the song as well. This session was attended by good number of Muslim delegates and nobody had objected to the song. In fact, since 1896, the song had become permanent part of the proceedings of Congress sessions held in various cities of India.

It is important to remember that when Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the president of the Congress, Vande Mataram was sung in all party sessions. In fact, Mr Rafi Ahmad Kidwai in his statement that was published in The Pioneer on October 19, 1937, observed: "For years the song was sung at the beginning of Congress sessions and Muslims including Jinnah began to object only in the late 1930s. Jinnah left Congress not because he thought Vande Mataram was an anti-Islamic song but because he had found the idea of swaraj unacceptable."

There is no denying the fact that Vande Mataram was a great source of inspiration for freedom fighters and became a powerful expression of Indian resolve to free the nation from foreign subjugation. The British Government, on the other hand, saw it as challenge to its authority and subsequently declared singing of the song a crime. The opposition to Vande Mataram came from the Muslim League, which under the leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah had developed a different attitude from those of nationalists on the question of India's freedom from foreign rule.

It is worth recalling the comment of Reyazul Karim, a leading litterateur of Bengal who wrote a critique of Vande Mataram. Karim said, "The main purpose of opposition to Vande Mataram was to bring Muslims out of the freedom struggle." He further said that the song gave language to the du mb and courage to the faint-hearted, and this remains Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's lasting gift to the country. He went to the extent that "even if criticism against Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay is accepted, is his literary worth lessened by that. Literature should be read as literature".

There are people who hold Allama Iqbal as one of the ideologues of Pakistan, but are we going to allow them to demand that because of his authorship we should jettison singing Sare jahan se achchha Hindustan hamara? Fortunately, nobody has raised this demand.

With this historical background, I have no doubt that opposition to Vande Mataram is not rooted in religion but in divisive politics that led to Partition. This song is important not only because it inspired our freedom fighters, but also because it gives remarkable description of beautiful and beneficent aspects of the motherland.

While opposing Vande Mataram, the Muslim Personal Law Board has gone to the extent of advising Muslim parents not to send their ward to schools on September 7. May I inform them the every session of Parliament concludes with Vande Mataram. Are they going to advise Muslim MPs to abstain from Parliament when Vande Mataram is being sung, or will they ask Muslims not to participate in elections because of the National Song?

From the Islamic viewpoint, the basic yardstick of an action is Innamal Aamalu Binnyat (action depends on intention). Hailing or saluting Motherland or singing its beauty and beneficence is not sajda. Maulana Azad was a great Islamic scholar, but he found nothing anti-religion about this song. Rafi Ahmad Kidwai strongly defended Vande Mataram. Moreover, we must remember the words of the Prophet: "The whole earth has been made mosque for me." Now, nobody would dispute that mosque deserves reverence. More so the piece of earth where we are born and brought up, the piece of earth that God has blessed us with to enjoy its beneficence. And if we join our compatriots to revere that piece of earth as our motherland, can this be anti religious? Certainly not.

The Government has rightly asked the educational institutions to organise collective singing of Vande Mataram as a tribute not only to the author but also freedom fighters who laid down their lives with this song on their lips. But the strange thing is that now they are sounding defensive as if they have done something wrong.

History shows us that by giving concessions to communal demands, we can buy temporary peace but in the long term the country pays dearly and we become abettors in perpetuating the legacy of divisive politics. We have not able to overcome the malignant fallout of what we did in 1986 under pressure of the Muslim Personal Law Board. We simply can not afford another blunder.

Challenge to religion comes from those who indulge in terrorism in the name of religion, not from those who sing the National Song and express their gratitude for all the beneficence of motherland - thus strengthening the bond of fraternity and brotherhood.

(The writer is a former Union Minister)


That should explain.
Sir, What if I am programmed to not want to understand any explanation. Why oppress me and my kind?


Jana, Neo, ab ... Leave me out of your forum love games.. ;)
BJP-ruled states to make Vande Mataram mandatory

Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi,
August 28, 2006

Upping the ante amid the ongoing controversy over the Vande Mataram in its centenary year, the BJP president Rajnath Singh on Monday instructed the chief ministers of all five party-ruled states to make singing of the national song mandatory in all educational institutions.

"The country feels betrayed by the Congress-led government's yet another appeasement policy by rescinding their earlier decision of compulsory recitation of the national song in all educational institutions," said Singh.

The party is in power in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh has already announced that singing of the song will be mandatory in all educational institutions of the state, including madrassas.
The BJP chief has directed all its state units to recite Vande Mataram at state and district headquarters of the party September 7 to mark the centenary of the song's recitation at the Indian National Congress' Calcutta Session.

It was also announced that the party's national executive meeting beginning on the same day in Dehradun would begun its deliberations with the recital of the national song.

The party's minority wing has sought permission from Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee for reciting the national song next to Mahatma Gandhi's statue in the Parliament complex September 5.

A controversy erupted after a section of Muslims objected to the singing of Vande Mataram as they said it conflicted with their religious beliefs.


that goes to show one thing... that there are muslim fanatics out there who do not want Indian Muslims to be incorporated as Indians... The fanatics want to FORCE MUSLIMS NOT TO SING!!!... and in response the fanatic BJP will now FORCE THEM TO SING!!! do you see what a couple of idiotic fanatic muslims started??? they took the personal choice from the people to sing or not... now it will be... either be forced to sing or forced not to sing... I hope the Mullahs are happy now...
Sad a non issue has become an Issue.

I am sure there are greater issues that effects the improvement of the lot of the common man than all these nebulous issues.
Sad a non issue has become an Issue.

I am sure there are greater issues that effects the improvement of the lot of the common man than all these nebulous issues.

Sir if its a non issue why the indians are bent upon making it mandatory to sing in the schools.

All of you know and sepcially sir ur generation know well that same Vande Mataram was used to stire sentiments against Muslims at the time (before) of partion.

The Hindus were forcing Muslim students to sing it as they knew in Islam a Muslim dosnt bow before anyone except ALLAH.

Now sir u know if there is oppostion to this thn why the government is bent upon forcing Muslims to sing. Why they want to make atmosphere worse and create tension between the two communities.
Vande Mataram had nothing to do with stirring the sentiments against Muslims. It was infact composed during 1870 by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee against British rule in India. It was nation's cry for freedom & against opression. It was the voice of people of India who wanted liberation from British Raj. It is for anyone & everyone who wanted to stand for freedom movement & consider themselves Indian. Muslims are a part of India & therefore they automatically endorse it. I find it rather cheap for some muslim clerics to oppose it. If they do so then they have no moral right to call themselves Indian & corrupt Indian muslims.
Ab herez News and Back Ground plus the implications of a forcing this song on everyone


Hindu, Muslim groups tussle over national song
Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:40 PM IST

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's opposition Hindu nationalists and Muslim groups are heading for a confrontation over a controversial move to get all Indians to sing the national song on the centenary of its adoption next month.
The row was sparked this month after the government asked all schools, including Islamic madrasas, to get students to sing the song, which is separate from the national anthem, on Sept. 7.

Within days, it backed down and made singing voluntary after Muslim leaders objected.

Muslim groups say the Sanskrit language song, "Vande Mataram", penned by Bengali poet Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, has strong connotations of Hindu deity worship because it reveres India as a holy goddess, which is against Islam's basic tenets.

But the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has pounced on the government's climbdown, saying it smacked of discrimination and encouraged a lack of patriotism.

The party said late on Monday that the five states it rules would make the singing of "Vande Mataram" mandatory on Sept. 7 and would act against those disobeying the order. "There are some things which are symbols of national pride and 'Vande Mataram' is one of them. It can't be made optional," said Vijay Kumar Malhotra, a top BJP leader.

"We will enforce it, whichever school it is will have to sing it. We will see what action can be taken against those who do not," Malhotra told Reuters.

"Vande Mataram", which translates as "I bow to thee Mother", was the national slogan during India's independence movement against British colonial rule.
Sept. 7 is the culmination of year-long celebrations to mark the centenary of its 1905 adoption as the national song.


Although "Vande Mataram" was the frontrunner to become the national anthem when the country became independent in 1947, it was rejected as Muslims felt offended over the depiction of the country as a Hindu goddess.

Instead, "Jana Gana Mana", penned by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, was chosen.

Muslim leaders said the BJP was once again trying to provoke the country's majority Hindus for political gain by stoking anti-Islamic sentiments.

Hindus account for more than 80 percent of India's 1.1 billion population. Muslims make up about 13 percent, the third largest Islamic community after Indonesia and Pakistan.

Nationalism should not conflict with religion in an officially secular country, said Kamal Farooqui, secretary of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.

"My problem is Islam does not allow me to worship an image of my prophet, who is the most sacred person to me, or even my mother," Farooqui said.

"So when they represent India with an image of a Hindu goddess and ask us to sing her praise to prove we are Indians, is it fair?" he asked.

The BJP and its sister Hindu organisations have in the past raked up similar, communally sensitive issues such as banning cow slaughter, revered by Hindus but eaten as beef by Muslims, and opposed special marriage laws for Muslims.

The party, which rose to prominence on the back of a Hindu revivalist movement in the late 1980s, was struggling for direction after it was thrown out of power in 2004 and has been trying to experiment with communal issues, analysts say.
Sir if its a non issue why the indians are bent upon making it mandatory to sing in the schools.
Indians are not bent on making it mandatory to sing... it still isn't mandatory to sing... but some Islamic Fanatics are bent upon making it mandatory not to sing for the muslims... in other words to carve out the muslims apart from other Indians... and what you are seeing is the zero IQ idiotic response from fanatic BJP... and even that I doubt will last long simply because once the media picks up on something, they make life hell for the politicians...

All of you know and sepcially sir ur generation know well that same Vande Mataram was used to stire sentiments against Muslims at the time (before) of partion.
wrong... Vande Matram was sung by all Indians... irrespective of religion... it was one of the first national warcry's against British rule!!!

The Hindus were forcing Muslim students to sing it as they knew in Islam a Muslim dosnt bow before anyone except ALLAH.
wrong... no one was/is forcing anyone else to sing it... like I said before a lot of the kids don't even know the whole song except for first 2 lines... how the heck are you going to get them to sing it??? VANDE MATRAM WAS NEVER MANDATORY!!! Vande Matram is played in many schools but everyone doesn't have to sing it... infact no one has to sing it but it's your own choice... but you have to stand their quitely and still give respect to the song...

Now sir u know if there is oppostion to this thn why the government is bent upon forcing Muslims to sing. Why they want to make atmosphere worse and create tension between the two communities.
it is actually the Mullahs that want to create tensions... the BJP is a party of no-brainer idiots (except for Vajpayee)... and it is still not mandatory!!!!!! I don't know if BJP will be successful in implementing it... but there is no use complaining about it now... it still isn't implemented and we don't know if it will get around to being implemented... watch and see.... if it gets implemented then I hope all Indians take to the streets... but it isn't so no point in complaining already...
Tronic i had posted the news above i will repeat it its not from any Pakistani news its from Rueters

The BJP leader Vijay Kumar Malhotra, a top BJP leader.

"We will enforce it, whichever school it is will have to sing it. We will see what action can be taken against those who do not," Malhotra told Reuters.

Now Tronic come on put aside hate for Muslims for a minute and tell me is it not wrong to make it mandatory to sing all schools has anyone of u seen that in any country they made any song mandatory in shcools and other educational institutes.

Is the Education Important or the song
"We will enforce it, whichever school it is will have to sing it. We will see what action can be taken against those who do not," Malhotra told Reuters.

Just to let you know Tronic that the core of 'Vande Mataram' is a hymn to goddess Durga.

So they will enforce Muslim schools to sing about some hindu goddess?
BJP banned cow slaughter & opposed muslim marriage laws,why are they trying to take away the freedom of religion in so called "secular" India? :rolleyes:

Looks like BJP is trying to start another pre-planned hindu-muslim clash in India.
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