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BJP of India condemns Congress for sabotaging election in Bangladesh


Feb 12, 2013
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The globally much watched and locally boycotted, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina pocketed 154 seats uncontested in her one-sided election already to cling on to power. Today's election only proves how farcical election it is.
Meanwhile, the direct involvement of India in Bangladesh politics and specially in the elections lending support to Sheikh Hasina to hold the unilateral polls excluding the major opposition BNP has turned the situation highly volatile.
Emboldened with India's support the Prime Minister is riding on a highly politicized administration while remaining defiant to demands from home and abroad to hold the polls free and fair under an impartial arrangement.
The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Rokibuddin Ahmed yesterday said all preparations are afoot to hold the polls, however in only 146 seats while the election to the remaining 154 seats is already technically over without a ballot being cast by voters in polling centers. The Commission has gained more than Tk 500 crore, the people are the losers. More money has been spent than before in this fraudulent election.
Meanwhile tension of bloody confrontation is running high in the election designated areas of the country as BNP-led opposition parties are at work in the field to resist it. Agency reports said around 100 polling centers were torched, ballot boxes snatched and motor vehicles carrying election materials were vandalized at many places yesterday throughout the country and the incidents may further rise overnight. At least two persons were killed in election related incidents.
Those who condemn violence resorted to by the opposition have no idea of the liberation war. The violence of the liberation war was directed against denial of people's voting rights and free election. Thus we know that the liberation war began because Pakistan army refused to recognize electoral victory of Awami League.
But the ruling party and its leftist allies are projecting their strategy of the unilateral election as a fight to keep the 'fundamentalist, communal and terrorist forces' meaning the Islamists out of the mainstream politics. They forget that the liberation war against the people's voting right.
Some elements are even openly out to place priority over fighting the Islamist in the country instead of preserving democracy. Again being unmindful that the liberation war was for upholding democracy. They do not know what the liberation war was about.
Meanwhile, India has emerged as a visible third party in Bangladesh politics and specially dominating the election to secure the victory of Sheikh Hasina to form the next government. It appears that the Congress government in Delhi is having no sensitivities at all about a free, fair and inclusive election in Bangladesh. It did not care to know that no nation can fight extremism without support of the people.
The unfortunate truth is India has not been accepted as trusted friend of this region for democracy and political stability.
The intervention of Delhi is also visible in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bhutan. India sees itself as a dominant power in the region to dominate politics of these countries.
Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshed's advice to the US administration that India understands the sentiment of the peoples of this region and he expected the USA to be persuaded by Indian policy toward this region. In effect India wanted the USA not to interfere in the democratic fight in Bangladesh.
But one of the top BJP leaders Dr Subramonium Swamy on the other hand has blamed the Congress government in Delhi in a statement on Thursday for sabotaging the chance of a free and fair election in Bangladesh.
He said BJP wants to see a credible election but Sheikh Hasina is taking the defiant attitude on support of the Congress government to hold such an unprecedented election.
We are of the view that the congress party of India is playing too dangerous a game for peace and stability not only in Bangladesh but also in the region.
The Western friends of ours must not leave us alone in this fight for democracy and peace.

source: News Details - The New Nation
Subramanium Swamy talks about a lot of things without any credible evidence to back it up with, more like few Bangladeshi loonies here.
Subramanium Swamy talks about a lot of things without any credible evidence to back it up with, more like few Bangladeshi loonies here.
now u guys should support modi
one of the top BJP leaders Dr Subramonium Swamy

He wasn't even a BJP man not that long ago. Btw.. when you say 'top'.. how 'top'? What office does he hold within BJP?
He wasn't even a BJP man not that long ago. Btw.. when you say 'top'.. how 'top'? What office does he hold within BJP?

He is making the economic policies , even planning to abolish income tax and replace it with something....
Subramaniam Swamy is someone which even BJP does not take very seriously. He was the leader of a small party in Tamil Nadu who has now joined BJP and is enjoying the lime light of being in the National Party
Yeah! Some clown also mentioned that Nawazji won elections in Pakistan with the help of the Indian Congress too! :D
Propaganda news , can someone prove that how India is influencing electoral procedures of BD ?? That clown Swamy sitting in southern tip of India should not open his mouth without knowing ground realities.
@kalu_miah @kobiraaz @Skies This is a serious question.....although we are ideologically polar opposite of BJP do you think we might have a new found ally here?

I do not think BJP would be more friendly with BD than congress, this is may be because of coming election in India, or may be BJP is pissed up that congress is so openly playing with BD. Perhaps, had BJP been in the power, they would have executed India's notorious plans in more subtle manner and successfully than Congress, therefore, BJP is arngy.

I think India has a specific foreign policy on BD irrespective of which party is in power in India unlike us; I think India's foreign policies on BD is determined by their intelligent agency RAW, not by political parties like Congress or BJP. And that is the right way I think, I mean the foreign policy should be same, but strategy to implement those policies can be different by different political parties. If BD's foreign policies toward India were regulated by our NSI/DGFI/intel , we would not see BAL and BNP are fighting against each other over India, and there were no Dalal or Razakar calling issues. In PK, their foreign policies toward US and India are mostly controlled by ISI, where PPP or Muslim League just play in different way for the same goal, I think.

What BJP is pissed off, may be, is Congress has failed to hide its plan that BJP could have done in different way but the policy/goal is same.
Actually guys know about the credentials of Swamy before commenting about him. He was a Union minister for 2 years, was called to UN as a group of eminent persons to prepare a economic report in 1978, member of planning commission. This guy is so shrewd that he can cause and stop riots. He was the one who stopped Sethusamudram canal project on environmental and religious grounds. His accomplishments are many.
But telling of which, BJP is opposing anything Congress supporting nowadays. Its just Propaganda by BJP, nothing more.
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