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BJP leader calls for Hindu state again in Nepal


Aug 29, 2009
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BJP leader calls for Hindu state again in Nepal

A little-known Hindu organisation's call for reinstatement of a Hindu state in Nepal received an unexpected support here from a visiting top leader of India's Bharatiya Janata Party.

Former BJP president Rajnath Singh, who had arrived in Nepal Sunday to attend the last rites of former Nepali prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who was also the architect of a secular Nepal, said at a press conference in Kathmandu Monday that he supported a Hindu state in the Himalayan republic.

'We used to feel proud that Nepal was the only Hindu kingdom in the world,' Singh said. 'I will be happy when Nepal is a Hindu state again.'

The Indian leader said that there were other theocratic countries in the world - including in the European Union and in South Asia.

'But no one is opposed to them,' Singh said. 'No one is appealing to (the Islamic states of) Pakistan and Bangladesh to become secular. But it was done in Nepal.'

Singh, who met Nepal's Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal and President Ram Baran Yadav Monday prior to his departure, said Hinduism was a way of life and tolerant of other religions.

'That is why India is secular,' he said. '(But) Pakistan separated (from India) to become theocratic and look at the state of the country today.'

Asked about the sectarian riots in western India's Gujarat state under a BJP government, the BJP leader said his party condemned violence.

Singh also made a veiled attack against Nepal's former Maoist guerrillas, who waged a 10-year war for a secular state and are now the biggest party in Nepal following the election in 2008.

'Weapons belong to defenders of the state, not the masses,' he said, obliquely referring to the allegation against the Maoists that they have still retained weapons.

'In a healthy democracy, there shouldn't be arms in people's hands.'

The Indian leader said he had urged Nepal's leaders to implement the new constitution on the basis of consensus within the May deadline.

Singh's remarks are likely to fuel a controversy in Nepal at a time when several Hindu organisations are calling for a Hindu state.

A little-known group called the Vishwa Ekata Parishad set two buses and a motorcycle on fire in Kailali district in farwestern Nepal during a general strike called by them in western Nepal Monday.

The group is seeking to reinstate Hinduism as the state religion. An anti-monarchy campaign led to parliament declaring the country secular in 2006.

The new constitution is expected to consolidate the nature of the secular republic.

However, ahead of the new constitution, Hindu groups have begun raising demands for a Hindu state.

Last week, a National Religious Revival Campaign kicked off in Kathmandu, attended by lawmakers and veteran politicians, making the same demand.

There has also been a series of visits by Hindu preachers, including controversial Indian Chandraswamy, who have been attending rituals calling for a Hindu state.

The last of them, a nine-day ritual, was attended by three former prime ministers of Nepal and deposed Hindu king Gyanendra himself.

Nepal's only openly royalist party, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal), is demanding a Hindu kingdom.

Kamal Thapa, who was home minister in king Gyanendra's regime and heads the royalist party, has warned of protests against the new constitution unless the government holds a referendum ahead of it.

Thapa says people should be allowed to decide if they want a king and a Hindu state through the referendum.

In the past, the party called a general strike in Kathmandu valley to show its clout and also blockaded major ministries.
BJP leader calls for Hindu state again in Nepal
I am personally for complete separation of religion & administration. Don't really know the logic behind Rajnath's statement, but it is completely foolish. When his own country is not a religious state, why should he expect Nepal to be one? Look at Indonesia. World's largest Muslim country is following a non-religious regime for their own good.
Shame on him for saying. Religon and politics should not mix. All the countries which are based on religon as their primary ideology are in a big mess today. We do not want another mess in the neighbour
I am personally for complete separation of religion & administration. Don't really know the logic behind Rajnath's statement, but it is completely foolish. When his own country is not a religious state, why should he expect Nepal to be one? Look at Indonesia. World's largest Muslim country is following a non-religious regime for their own good.

1. you can't compare apples with oranges.

2. The Indonesia is day by day falling into hand of hardcore radicals.

3. Rajnath has the liberty of saying anything he want, it is up to people and leaders of Nepal to decide.

4. That was great chinese plan, the Nepal's Royal have the deep respect of all the Nepali people they get Royal Family eliminated.

Then they install a bad Raja and get the Moist popular.

And as Maoist are their puppets they are dancing on his' master's voice.

Fulfilling chinese agenda and working against India.
Nepal was a hindu state and the only hindu state till the maoist came to power backed by chinese.

Maoism is worse than communism and Nepal again should be a democratic state.

Nothing wrong in saying that it should be a hindu state.

Assuming Saudi becoming a maoist state and the muslim leaders asking it to be into a muslim state.

So nothing wrong if nepal again becomes a hindu state once again.
Nepal is the only Hindu Country in the world. They should save their basic heritage.
1. you can't compare apples with oranges.

I know. But I did not do that in my earlier post. Comparing two religion based regimes is not equivalent to comparing apples with oranges.

2. The Indonesia is day by day falling into hand of hardcore radicals.

That does not make it OK to have religious regimes at work.

4. That was great chinese plan, the Nepal's Royal have the deep respect of all the Nepali people they get Royal Family eliminated.

Then they install a bad Raja and get the Moist popular.

And as Maoist are their puppets they are dancing on his' master's voice.

Fulfilling chinese agenda and working against India.

I understand your point here, but opposing Maoists is not equivalent to having a Hindu regime a Nepal. We can definitely work in a direction to get Maoists out of power & get a democratic government which has the support of its people. If they want to be a Hindu kingdom, its their call. Rajnath is no one to suggest anything like that to Nepal.
2. The Indonesia is day by day falling into hand of hardcore radicals.

Where did you get that from. Indonesia is a stable democracy for the past 10-11 years. Its a trillion dollar economy. And in the most recent elections in 2009, the parties running on a religious platform saw their share fall by more than half.

For example the National Awakening Party (the biggest political-religious party) saw its share fall from 10% to under 5%. Indonesia is still officially a secular republic and partly because despite having an observant Muslim population (86% Muslim), they know that secular is not contrary to Islam as long as it basically applies to equality of religion.

Read this article to education your self about Indonesian politics.
Indonesia Holds Fast To Secular Politics - washingtonpost.com

Religious nationalist politics are a bane and can have no benefit to society, no matter which religion it is from, because they will just use the excuse of religious sanction to bypass any sane debate.
Where did you get that from. Indonesia is a stable democracy for the past 10-11 years. Its a trillion dollar economy. And in the most recent elections in 2009, the parties running on a religious platform saw their share fall by more than half.

For example the National Awakening Party (the biggest political-religious party) saw its share fall from 10% to under 5%. Indonesia is still officially a secular republic and partly because despite having an observant Muslim population (86% Muslim), they know that secular is not contrary to Islam as long as it basically applies to equality of religion.

Read this article to education your self about Indonesian politics.
Indonesia Holds Fast To Secular Politics - washingtonpost.com

Religious nationalist politics are a bane and can have no benefit to society, no matter which religion it is from, because they will just use the excuse of religious sanction to bypass any sane debate.

Absolutely correct for most of Indonesia. However Aceh province has a very strict kind of shari'a law in place.
^^^That's because Aceh has special autonomy provisions vis a vis the Indonesian state that other provinces don't have. There was a civil war that was recently brought to a close in 2005.

Its only a matter of time when people find out that these so called Islamic parties are just people who are making the general populations fools in the name of Islam.Just wait for the next round of elections for Aceh and see how the populace votes.

Lets not forget that Indonesia has suffered from a similar history where it was used as a Muslim bulwark against Communism just like Pakistan.

Suharto a military dictator was supported by the Americans and for the around 25-30 years he was in power, he supported Islamic parties giving them free hands and marginalized any other opposition that was legitimate and actually questioned him.
Rajnath Singh statement is nonsense.
Being a senior leader in second biggest party of India, his satement may be interpreted as meddling in other nation's internal affairs. Also we would never know why should Nepal be "Hindu" state.
Arre guys build a humane state and its automatically hindu, muslim, christian and sikh enough for all of us.

then what will happen to those politicians and their families.
R they not humun????
Apna hi phayda dekhte ho hamesha.
think they have to eat also:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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