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Biography of a Nawaz Shareef being pushed to public libraries under the guise of education


Oct 19, 2016
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United Arab Emirates

This is the state of education in the country.

A biography of a corrupt Prime Minister being pushed to public libraries under the guise of education.

When will Pakistan learn? Or more fittingly how many more lies will the country be forced to learn as "history"?

Its a very small corruption as compared to what he has been doing with the countrymen. If you are disturbed on this corruption, what would you do to yourself when you'd know he is selling entire country to IMF so he may live few years as PM of the country.

Pakistan's debt is continuously on the rise, without any one getting where is this money being spent - and despite having 20 Billions in reserves, why are we still borrowing more.
Yes finally!!! can't wait to read to story of becoming billionaire by sucking the blood of Pakistanis. I hope they will cover the topic of Panama too that's very important for future corrupt leeches like him after all they need to learn how to hide all that money.
If it was hassan nawazs biography i would have surely read it! The guy become billionare when he was inside his mothers womb and no he worked hard for it!
well why cant you ppl take him out fcuk the fat bas tard. atleast the afghans shoot a traitor but pakistanis feed them.
Mohtram nay corruption ki ibtidai taleem jeddah may hasil ki phir aala taleem k liye PAnama chaley gaye .
Corruption k hunar may maharat hasil kar key apney hum-khayal or hum-pallah zardari say dosti garh li or intkhabaat may hissa liya
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