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Bill to hang pedophiles in public accepted in National Assembly

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Why the hell is this dabbu crying over this very rightly made decision ? Such decisions are required for sometimes to set an example of overly increasing, p*rn driven mindset pedophiles community and rapists.

Liberals ...

stupid laws by stupid people riding on emotions . no one is against hanging child rapist but starting barbarism of afghanistan did bring any peace in afghanistan ? hanging publicly will make child and young generation more curial and hard . there is dead body on every corner of syria yemen iraq afghanistan did its scared them ? gov is just riding on stupid emotions .
It did reduced crimes to almost zero in saudia ...

Iraq and yemen dead bodies are not punishment but r due to civil war ... dont compare apple with oranges
Stone them to death in public, your problem will vanish overnight after a few punishments.

The lives and honor of women and children are more important than opinions of the West or PR image.
Everyone already knows it's s hanging offence. What will public hanging add?

It acts as a deterent in my opinion. If people see graphical shit it will lead to them to say okay I cant do this.

There is the problem of people having a death fetish too.

Its a 50/50 argument to justify public executions.
Those who oppose public execution, I have a question for you.

What if the child raped and murdered is you own? Will you still oppose it?
they will most likely care about our image in west, EU, sanctions etc so they will forgive the rapist and the murderer.
Those who oppose public execution, I have a question for you.

What if the child raped and murdered is you own? Will you still oppose it?
Subject the pedophile to torture and/or castration before hanging, but behind closed doors.

What's the need to broadcast it and ruin the image of the whole country
we talk too much about "our image" because we dont have any clue about what Quran told us 1400 years ago. "these people will never be happy with you till the time you dont adopt their faith" . turkey did everything to please the west . so called enlightened moderation became part of their evil alliance NATO and still they are considered aleins . forget about the fuc*ing image. take care of your society and defend the weak and try to please one God and not so many gods.
we talk too much about "our image" because we dont have any clue about what Quran told us 1400 years ago. "these people will never be happy with you till the time you dont adopt their faith" . turkey did everything to please the west . so called enlightened moderation became part of their evil alliance NATO and still they are considered aleins . forget about the fuc*ing image. take care of your society and defend the weak and try to please one God and not so many gods.

Good example bro. I've been to Turkey and I felt at home. Istanbul (outside of the historic parts) was like any other European city. Its certainly as European as anyone else in Eastern Europe. Yet the EU denied them access to the EU for years.

We should look to please Allah alone, not Western nations. Did we pull back from nuclear tests because of fear of sanctions?! Now is the time to push our perspectives, the time to push our alternate views. Its not time to bow to cultural imperialism.
Subject the pedophile to torture and/or castration before hanging, but behind closed doors.

What's the need to broadcast it and ruin the image of the whole country
Public execution creates a deterrence.
Chemical castration is reversible and just hormonal therapy..Results are showing the the culprits(often part of bigger gangs) come back for revenge on authority personnel upon chemical castration... I personally think hanging is the best thing for all those involved in it, however public execution for a kingpin is necessary, not for all.
I am for capital punishment...My post was to the softies who wanna be in "par with European standard of no capital punishment" ...for them:

if they want to oppose hanging...I say we go with castrating! We can do it the EUROPEAN approved way:

BTW, there are other ways to castrate one...A blunt knife can do wonders...

Fully agree with this. Law and order must be imposed and severe punishments are a part of this.

Of course in reality it will change nothing. If a paedophile without influence is caught, he will hang. If a paedophile with influence is caught he will walk free.

The Human Rights minister herself stated that Pakistan is one of the biggest markets for child pornography.


Who has been caught for this? Who was hung? Who backed them? Every criminal enterprise in Pakistan has a political backer who shares in the profits.
Sometimes when I hear stuff like this, I just want to whip the bloody minister for failing his duty of furthering the case...But if you apply pressure they may pay someone to admit coz our courts arent clean...THAT is the 1st step we desperately need!

1 of the best ways is to tie everyone responsible and give them collective punishment...

SO if a rape happens in xyz district every official should be publicly flogged! To show us SOMETHING is going on! If they cant do their work and we pay for their salary we should be given a flogging show! And I am not saying the bottom people...But the top authorities starting with the district in charge - police, the politicians and all those involved in human safety!

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