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Bilderberg rattled by China-Russia alliance: Expert

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Bilderberg rattled by China-Russia alliance: Expert

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin says Washington’s long-standing effort to keep China and Russia separated has given rise to the renewal of their alliance against America, and the topic is high on the agenda of this year’s Bilderberg meeting.

Estulin, author of The True Story of Bilderberg, said in an interview that “one American Bilderberger” reminded him “that just over forty years ago Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger persuaded China to turn against the Soviet Union and ally themselves with America.”

“So the question that was asked as a rhetorical question on the concept is that, does today’s cooperation between Russia and China amount to the renewal of alliance against America?” he said, referring to a recent landmark energy deal between the two powers.

The $400 billion deal allows China to buy energy from Russia’s state-owned gas supplier Gazprom.

The annual Bilderberg club meeting in Copenhagen this weekend comes as the political crisis in Ukraine has threatened Russia’s supply of natural gas to European nations.

“The American administration is trying to push Europeans to impose sanctions [on Russia] and you know European nations especially France and Germany understand that imposing sanctions will actually jeopardize their economy so they want to know exactly how the Americans, who have very little access to their own oil and gas, will be able to supply Europe with the gas they are getting right now from Russia,” Estulin said.

“And Germany especially is beginning to suspect there might have been some behind-the-scene manipulation or backroom talk between the Americans and Russians to actually get Germany out of the game using Ukraine as an excuse,” he added.

The author explained that, “European Bilderbergers agree that Ukraine will need Russia badly to work some kind of a deal and American Bilderbergers are trying everything in their power to separate Ukraine and Russia.”

The Bilderbergers' first concern, according to Estulin, is the rise of Iran, Russia and China. “Now both Russia and China want to assert themselves as regional powers and Bilderbergers understand this.”

Founded in 1954, Bilderberg is an annual conference designed ostensibly to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.

Between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media gather every year to discuss world affairs and topics such as cyber warfare, US foreign policy, “developments in the Middle East” and “Africa’s challenges” despite absence of regional representatives. The event is characterized as the “world’s most secretive gathering.”

PressTV - Bilderberg rattled by China-Russia alliance: Expert
The Bilderbergs have this dream of establishing a New World Order, controlled and ruled by them and the Illuminati. See what's been happening in the CAR and the Middle East. If China and Russia get together, it would be bad news for them. They will now try their best to pull them apart though it's easier said than done.
lol. Russia and China alliance is what Builderberg want for ww3 in order to put fourth the nwo.
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