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Bilawal lashes out at 'stone-age' Taliban

I agree with his stance on Taliban. Taliban killed her mother but still bilawal has balls to challenge the Taliban directly eye to eye ... U.S.A already stopped drone strikes , Now, terrorism is increasing, 18 bomb blast in just 3 weeks.... Now, they are threatening peaceful Areas like Kalash, chitral .....
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Its all politics,he knows the peace talks are likely to yield nothing.As his party is not in power he wants to earn brownie points for appearing like a patriot.Just politics to increase his chances in the next elections.

The real comedy is all the Pakistanis falling for his act.
It will be a last think in this nations coffin if this nations once again becomes fool by his cosmetic statements from bunkers..
The real comedy is all the Pakistanis falling for his act.

Its really easy to criticize someone on the internet
It takes a lot of courage to say anything against Taliban in open , (especially under the present circumstances)

naah hats off to the speech writer

naah , hats off for the one who delivered it :)

It will be a last think in this nations coffin if this nations once again becomes fool by his cosmetic statements from bunkers..

coming from the follower of IK (a TTP sympathizer) who is trying his best to convince the masses that our army is not capable of eliminating terrorists ??? :disagree::disagree:
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It will be a last think in this nations coffin if this nations once again becomes fool by his cosmetic statements from bunkers..

That is why I have little hope for Pakistan. We all know this charlatan will get elected into office by the same people who will then cry about the state of affairs in Pakistan.

It takes a lot of courage to say anything against Taliban in open , (especially under the present circumstances)

The people showing courage are the police officers and soldiers actually fighting these Taliban.

Sitting behind layers and layers of fortified defences and issuing tweets from the comfort of suburbia is not courage. It is pure political opportunism to fool the gullible.

Especially when everyone knows that the words don't need to be backed by anything substantial on the part of the speaker.
The people showing courage are the police officers and soldiers actually fighting these Taliban.

No doubt

Sitting behind layers and layers of fortified defences and issuing tweets from the comfort of suburbia is not courage. It is pure political opportunism to fool the gullible

We are not discussing his "tweets" here , but a public speech that he delivered today
True,the masses of the subcontinent are too easily fooled.

At least in India you guys have an alternative to the dynastic circus.

In Pakistan, it is musical chairs -- one set of dynastic despots switches chairs with the other set -- and it all repeats like clockwork.

We are not discussing his "tweets" here , but a public speech that he delivered today

It's all the same.
Prepared speeches, prepackaged and delivered to Billy Boy, so he can spout it off to the media.
It's all the same.
Prepared speeches, prepackaged and delivered to Billy Boy, so he can spout it off to the media.

No it is not the same ( if considered rationally )

Who prepared the speech does not matter
What matters is "who delivered it (thus putting his life at stake) "
His courage is admirable
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Aren't there many others condemning the Talibans as well?? Secondly, i don't find him either brave or gutsy if he was either of the two he would be contesting on his own not using her late mother as a pawn to further his political career. That would have earned true respect from the masses not these well rehearsed cliched lines reiterated by all and sundry. And honestly, if both he or his father can still use this Taliban card to protect the sinking ship that his party currently resembles, then it only validates the point that we are all too stubborn and ignorant as a nation to be fooled by the same party that has the worst track record as far as corruption is concerned and that has been the last ruling party of this country with hardly any performance to its credit. Its a matter of all show and no substance whatsoever. I expected PPP to finally change its strategy after the elections but they are too well aware of how they can cash over the same event by raising excessive hue and cry and how easily this nation can be fooled through such emotional charades.
Not much solace,to be honest.It either the gandhis or the right wing hindutva nutjobs..frying pan or fire scenario.

Yes, but at least they are sufficiently different to act as watchdogs on each other, which promotes at least some accountability.

In Pakistan, both dynastic parties are run by feudals and robber barons, who share a common goal to maintain the sham democracy without accountability or meritocracy.
Aren't there many others condemning the Talibans as well??

For example ?? listen to his speech and you may know that Bilawal Bhutto roared where self-assured giants dare to tread

i don't find him either brave or gutsy if he was either of the two he would be contesting on his own not using her late mother as a pawn to further his political career

Using his late mother as a "pawn" ??? those are very harsh words . You want that he completely dissociates himself from the legacy of his late mother if he wants to pursue a political career of his own ?? How rational does that sound now ?

And honestly, if both he or his father can still use this Taliban card to protect the sinking ship that his party currently resembles, then it only validates the point that we are all too stubborn and ignorant as a nation to be fooled by the same party that has the worst track record as far as corruption is concerned and that has been the last ruling party of this country with hardly any performance to its credit. Its a matter of all show and no substance whatsoever. I expected PPP to finally change its strategy after the elections but they are too well aware of how they can cash over the same event by raising excessive hue and cry and how easily this nation can be fooled through such emotional charades.

He should not be held responsible for the (mis)deeds of his father . And no one is saying that we should vote for PPP. The nation needs its leaders to stand up against the terrorists . NS is good for nothing and Nobody defines defeatist, surrender and capitulation politics as good as does Imran Khan !! . They should learn something from this young lad . It is not about politics , it is about our survival and our dignity .
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For example ?? listen to his speech and you may know that Bilawal Bhutto roared where self-assured giants dare to tread

Using his late mother as a "pawn" ??? those are very harsh words . You want that he completely dissociates himself from his mother if he wants to pursue his political career ?? How rational does that sound now ?

He should not be held responsible for the (mis)deeds of his father . And no one is saying that we should vote for PPPP. The nation needs its leaders to stand up against the terrorists . NS is good for nothing and Nobody defines defeatist, surrender and capitulation politics as good as does Imran Khan !! . They should learn something from this young lad . It is not about politics , it is about our survival and our dignity .

No, according to me these aren't harsh words i have used the most decent way of describing a man who wouldn't even stop short of using the killing of her mother to secure his vote bank. What else does this young man has to his credit in fact not just him even his father.

He is to be blamed because he is emulating his father. His father used both his wife and father in law to give such roaring and heroic speeches. He used their political careers and even played politics on their corpses ( i feel ashamed to say that so i wonder how low one can get to do something of this magnitude)

Why was PPP not standing against these terrorists in their five year tenure?? Has the leopard finally changed its spots?? Or maybe if you ask me they are merely playing with the cards they are pretty much left with.
coming from the follower of IK (a TTP sympathizer) who is trying his best to convince the masses that our army is not capable of eliminating terrorists ??? :disagree::disagree:

Whatever, IK is still far far better than these clowns, talk about the education, health, anti corruption, taxes, women empowerment etc its the same Taliban Khan everytime who's trying to salvage this country on all these fronts. How many schools or collages do we have in PPP's strong hold Larkana or in Sindh as a whole?

One of the key tool to defeat extremism, religious hatred and terrorism is Education, and guess what? Taliban Khan is working day and night to bring world's top 20 universities to a war hit city like Peshawar, get over it.

Think of IK as a complete package, and then compare him with the rest.
The nation needs its leaders to stand up against the terrorists
more then ever before, we need a leader with a spine.
IK is increasingly becoming more and more disapointing,

we need someone who knows and preachs that these monsters are ''wrong'' they have no right to tell us how should we live our life, and most importantly we don't need their mutilated version of islam.
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