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Big Eidi to be launched soon ! (for india)

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Plz name whatever this is after indigenous Pakistani people and not some AL Makhdoum lived in Arab or central Asia.

Tipu isn't arab or central Asian like Abdali gaznavi babur or ghauri...its Indian.
Tipu isn't arab or central Asian like Abdali gaznavi babur or ghauri...its Indian.
Who said it was Tipu? You Indians just love seeing yourselves as more important than you really are huh?
I was responding to the posters aspersions that you only name your missiles after Arabs and central Asians. ..Tipu is purely Indian...hence his aspersion is false.

P.s..Tipu can only be launched when you get the delivery.
Most of our missiles are named after people that ruled South Asia. However there are rumours of a Taimur missile which is supposed to be a ICBM or an IRBM.
Most of our missiles are named after people that ruled South Asia. However there are rumours of a Taimur missile which is supposed to be a ICBM

That's stupid..

Anyways enjoy your festival with a missile launch.
Tipu isn't arab or central Asian like Abdali gaznavi babur or ghauri...its Indian.
Historically renaming it after Abdali,Babur or Ghauri is inappropriate and disgrace as all of them personally commanded several invasions in Pakistan (Punjab,Multan etc) before Delhi and persecuted the people alike.

While Porus,Dahir and later punjabi Muslims opposed every foreign power even naming the missiles/Weapons after Mussharaf and Aboobakar Osman makes more sense.
Historically renaming it after Abdali,Babur or Ghauri is inappropriate and disgrace as all of them personally commanded several invasions in Pakistan (Punjab,Multan etc) before Delhi and persecuted the people alike.

While Porus,Dahir and later punjabi Muslims opposed every foreign power even naming the missiles/Weapons after Mussharaf and Aboobakar Osman makes more sense.

Sense is in limited supply..especially when one is talking in reference to zia, hamid gul et al.
Is that a true statement? And even after 4 wars....Pakistan is still able to put a boot up your rear, whether you do twice more the damage, its out of question as Pakistan is a defensive force in nature. Your perception of reality is A LOT different than your generals. Check with them the next time before writing silly stuff on here.

Here's some stuff I found over this upcoming missile test:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (API) – Pakistan's military says it is about to successfully test-fire a very long-range missile capable of delivering all kinds of warheads in total stealth mode to over 3000 miles, covering the entire India and remote IN bases.

A military statement says the Pigeon II missiles with a range of 4800 kilometers (roughly 3000 miles) would be launched on Sunday morning at the conclusion of the Eid celebrations by Army Strategic Force Command.

It is the second such test by Pakistan in the past one month. A few weeks ago, a prototype of the Pigeon 1 flying stealth for spy purposes was launched to test is stealthiness. The IA personnel and radars were unable to detect it but two small middle school children detected the Pigeon missile, way inside the Indian terrority as it landed near their home and they had to feed the Pigeon.

This shapes the future missile development program of Pakistan where high precision, high stealthiness and longer flight durations without needs of refueling or even making rocket motor sounds are given the highest priority, effectively blinding all Indian detection systems. However, the missile is identifiable by Children looking for birds so Pakistan plans on launching further tests away from school zones so no child could see this missile flying.


@kaonalpha : is this the news you are referring to?

How about this...
images (15).jpg
By the way these missiles are for India and its friend Israel...

And, are you aware that both individually can flatten pakistan in half an hour in retaliation?.

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Re-read my statement. One of the draw back of talking to people like you and your countrymen, is the fact that normal people think with their brain and can comprehend logic and response. You people, look at your flag and response. There is rarely comprehension involved!!

Dude..so how are you planning your eid celebrations?..happy eid to you.
Its Eid time, Time to celebrate and time to share. We would love to share Pakistani Eidi with everyone around. :lol:
We should be sending you some on Holi even, I guess :yay:

I am being serious..you think Israel or India cannot flatten pakistan in half an hour?.
The thing is you would also be flattened...Tali dono hath se baj ti hai.

It is not simple as ABC...In case of a war between Pakistan and India it would be India (Hindu) being losing much more than what Pakistan would loose. Pakistani people are Muslims and the number of Muslim Countries are far more then where as infidel ones...

Can you afford this kind of destruction?...

Rest assure there is going to be a war with India because this is the last remaining infidel strong hold...

Though I did not want to continue on this topic but you need to understand the real truth...
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