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Big deals to Algeria


Apr 27, 2012
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Algerian Army in 2020 : from russian newspaper
Мегаконтракты с Алжиром могут возобновиться | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»

100-120 ................... Su-30MKA

20-30 ..................... Su-35

50-60 ..................... yak130





4 ........................ Corvettes project 20382

2 ...................... Sous-marins 636M de plus

500 ............................ T-90SA

400 + 400 BMP2M Berezhok

Finally, the most promising segment of the traditionally expected in aeronautical engineering. In the future, Algeria will have to find a replacement deprecated, in spite of modernization, more than 40 frontline bombers and scouts Su-24M and 18 MiG-25PD and RBSH. The most likely is the purchase of additional Su-30MKI (A) in order to bring their numbers in the air up to 100-120 units. Given the failure of the purchase of a new lightweight fighter in the face of the MiG-29SMT, political risks associated with the countries - producers of fighter Eurofighter, Rafale and JAS-39 Gripen, there is reason to believe that this niche will probably take Su-35 (the first tranche may amount to 20-30 fighters) with a further (already in the 2020s), the transition to the purchase of a fifth generation fighter T-50. Bulk purchases of aircraft will inevitably entail the acquisition of additional parties trainer aircraft Yak-130 (about 16 units), and taking into account the already ongoing development at the Yak-130 light attack aircraft can be expected orders and modifications of the aircraft impact, potentially bringing the number of the Yak -130 to 50-60 units.

The experience of the military campaign in Libya once again confirmed the need for a strong and modern air defense system. Thus, in the coming years are likely purchase Algerians ZRS medium and shorter range and is likely to Algeria may become the third recipient of the export of S-400 after Belarus and China, but around 2020. It also will continue and the purchase of modern radars, which are carried out in 2009.

Finally, the ongoing counterinsurgency war is placing increased demands on helicopter technology, the existing fleet of combat helicopters Mi-24 / A, and Mi-24 Mk.III already largely outdated physically and mentally to a lesser extent. In this case, virtually no alternative is the purchase of Algeria several dozen combat helicopters Mi-35M and Mi-28NE. Given the fact that last year there were reports of the presence of first export customer for the Mi-28NE is likely they could be just Algeria. You also can not rule out additional purchases Algerian Air Force medium transport helicopter Mi-171E, and possibly upgraded Mi-171A2, as a contract for 42 AW101, it seems, has not yet been finalized, and yes they were originally designed for the needs of the Border Service. Finally, the analysis needs of the Air Force of this country suggests that Algeria will become the order of 10 heavy transport helicopter Mi-26T.

Thus, even rough estimates suggest that the Algerian market retains its potential for the Russian defense industry in the coming years, and contracts with European manufacturers is more evidence of a reasonable diversification of suppliers of Algeria, and Russia is not a sign of loss of its traditional market. In 2012 may well be announced new contracts with Algeria, comparable in terms of megakontraktami 2005-2006. However, the new agreement with the Algerian customers are likely to be based on a different basis, in particular increasing the percentage of offset programs and raising the level of localization.


JSC Nizhny Novgorod Machine Building Plant 2011 annual report :
to Algeria (Codename : 012 foreign customer) of three battalions of
S-300 took place as indicated on page 12 of the report as part of the
two divisions contract, and the third division (the second contract)
delivery to Algeria begun in December 2011 and will be fulfilled in
January 2012, said the top manager

ÂÅÄÎÌÎÑÒÈ - Ðîññèÿ îòêàçàëàñü îò ïîñòàâîê Ñ-300 â Ñèðèþ



Algeria will receive four Navy frigate class MEKO A-200

TSAMTO, April 9. Navy Algeria signed with the company "ThyssenKrupp Marin Systems» (TKMS) contract to supply four frigates class MEKO A-200. The cost of the agreement is estimated at 2.176 billion euros (2.886 billion dollars).

According to "Jane's Defence Weekly," despite the fact that TKMS not officially announce the details of the contract, signed on March 26, sources say the publication that the high price due to supply a complete set of combat systems for the four ships, six helicopters, "Super Lynx" Company "Agusta / Westland ', maintenance of equipment and trained crews.

The contract also includes the creation of infrastructure in Algeria for the construction of two frigates, which will be for several more dimensions acquired by South Africa's 3648-ton-class ships, "Valur» (MEKO A-200 SAN).

ÖÀÌÒÎ / Ãëàâíîå / ÂÌÑ Àëæèðà ïîëó÷àò ÷åòûðå ôðåãàòà êëàññà MEKO A-200

Manufacturing NIMR 2 in Algeria

ALGER - Une convention de partenariat pour la création d’une joint-venture de construction de véhicules entre le groupe de promotion de l’industrie mécanique du ministère de la Défense nationale et le groupe émirati Tawazon a été signée mercredi au siège du ministère de la Défense nationale.

Tawazun : : Automotive

It was reported in April 2010 that Algeria had placed an order for 100
helicopters with Anglo-Italian manufacturer Agusta Westland that
included 15 Merlin to meet battlefield and internal security
requirements. Delivery was to have been phased, with the first phase
accounting for 25 A109 and five AW139 light utility helicopters for the
Algerian Gendarmerie Nationale, UASN Police and Protection Civile
paramilitary forces, starting in mid to late 2010. The further
deliveries, including the delivery of the 15 Merlins for use by the
Gendarmerie Nationale, were planned for late 2010. Further helicopters,
including 27 more Merlins and 15 more light utility aircraft,
were planned to be assembled locally by a joint venture company to be
set up by AgustaWestland and the Algerian Ministry of
Defence.ELINT/SIGINT: six Beech 1900D MMSA aircraft
Special Forces (Air) (Algeria) - Jane’s Amphibious and Special Forces

Des Gripen NG pour l'armée de l'air algérienne

des informations circulant dans le monde du renseignement, l'Armée
nationale populaire (ANP) a entamé des négociations avec le Suédois Saab
pour l'achat d'avions de guerre devant remplacer une partie de sa
flotte de MiG-29 par des Gripen NG.

ALGERIA / FRANCE - Missed opportunity for Rafale - Intelligence Online

80 AW101s

Separately, he also announced the sale of six AW Super Lynx 300 helicopters to a Mediterranean customer that he did not name, but which is known to be Algeria, bringing the total number AgustaWestland helicopters — including AW101s — now sold to Algeria to around 80.

Law Protects Italian Firms From Unwanted Takeovers | Defense News | defensenews.com

Algerian MoD Orders a Vessel for the Navy from Orizzonte Sistemi Navali

Genova - Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, a joint venture of Fincantieri (controlling shareholder) and Selex Sistemi Integrati, has been awarded a contract by the Ministry of Defence of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to build a landing and logistical support vessel for the Algerian Navy.

The vessel will be built at the Italian shipyards of Fincantieri group.

Read more: Algerian MoD Orders a Vessel for the Navy from Orizzonte Sistemi Naval


The Security Council then approved by the Federal 200 Leopard main battle tank for the flawless democratic Saudi Arabian government have hit a few waves, which will not jeopardize the deal safely. At the same time and by the German press largely unnoticed German weapons to go to a country that has been as successful as the state oil suffocate the Gulf upcoming protests against the regime-specific suppression of each state in the bud: Algeria. German weapons for the equivalent of 10 billion euros to get the country over the next 10 years, including tanks, frigates and technology for border security
Waffen gehen immer | Tag der Wahrheit | Zeit & Wahrheit

"Boxer" will be build in Algeria
iemens sold its minority stake in KMW, the group can now accelerate their own growth. This is necessary because KMW/Rheinmetall have received significant foreign orders including the delivery of the wheeled armoured fighting vehicle "Boxer" to Algeria. They will be built in Algeria in a new factory, which could meet all future orders from Islamic countries.

FOX will be buit in Algeria


6 italian FREMM
Alger vient de conclure un contrat de € 2,2 milliards avec l’allemand TKMS (ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems) pour la livraison de deux corvettes Meko, armées en missiles par le suédois Saab Bofors Dynamics (missiles anti-navire suédois RBS 15 mark III) et le sud-africain Denel (missiles de défense anti-aérienne Umkhonto et air-sol Mokopa). Les corvettes seront également équipées de 6 hélicoptères Super Lynx par l’italien AgustaWestland.

Ces équipements et armements supplémentaires expliquent l’importance de la somme : avec un prix de vente de plus de € 1 milliard par corvette, soit plus du double du prix habituel unitaire, l’Algérie a payé le prix fort, et démontre que l’armement reste une priorité pour l’Etat.

Ce contrat est une occasion pour Alger de relancer sa coopération avec l’Italie, puisque cette commande fait suite à celle, en mars 2009, de six frégates italiennes ultrasophistiquées, pour € 4 milliards.

Mais c’est surtout le rapprochement avec l’Allemagne qui s’annonce prometteur. Le contrat des corvettes prévoit des clauses de formation d’officiers algériens et la fourniture d’équipements électroniques pour les gardes-frontières. En juillet 2011, c’est un contrat de € 10 milliards étalés sur 10 ans que l’Algérie a noué avec Berlin.

La Russie a des raisons de se sentir en perte de vitesse. Moscou est le premier fournisseur d’armes de l’Algérie depuis la guerre froide, pendant laquelle l’Algérie jouait souvent la carte russe. Alger est aujourd’hui encore le 2e importateur mondial d’armes russes.

C’est d’ailleurs la revue Périscope, proche du think tank russe Cast, qui a souligné il y a quelques jours la vente des corvettes allemandes.

MI-24 and KA52
перспективе возможны поставки Алжиру российских боевых вертолетов Ми-28
и Ка-52, ЗРК типа «Бук», корветов типа «Тигр» (пр. 20382). Изучается
вопрос о приобретении истребителей МиГ-35 и Су-35.
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