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Biden admits that a "new world order" is coming, implying that old world order is over including American hegemony


Jul 18, 2021
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President Biden, the former Senator from Delaware, addressed the Business Roundtable on Monday afternoon.

"We're at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy, not just the world economy, the world, that occurs every three or four generations," the president said. "[A general told me that] 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we've established a liberal world order, and it hasn't happened in a long while."

"A lot of people died, but nowhere near the chaos."

"Now is the time when things are shifting and there's going to be a new world order out there, and we've got to lead it. We've got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it."

The world has shifted completely politically so much that it seems an entirely different world.

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” - Lenin
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US hegemony will be remembered in the history books as the following 1945 - 2022... Empires come and gone gentlemen everything has it's time.

Currently we live in a multipolar world
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US hegemony will be remembered in the history books as the following 1945 - 2022... Empires come and gone gentlemen everything has it's time.

Currently we live in a multipolar world

Every empire be it Roman, British or American. No one want to remember it. Why there should be world order in the first place. Let's people trade as per their wish and let them live in peace. Why to fight over little things ? Poor countries with natural resources has been exploited by every empire or powerful country.
US hegemony will be remembered in the history books as the following 1945 - 2022... Empires come and gone gentlemen everything has it's time.

Currently we live in a multipolar world
US truly emerge as a superpower after the collapse of Soviet Union. US is still the sole superpowers. Rise of China and the bad JuJu of Afghan adventure seems to be catching up but it’s too early to deduct any conclusions.

US is not alone. Anglo-sphere countries work like a wolf pack. China and Russia work solo.
Every empire be it Roman, British or American. No one want to remember it. Why there should be world order in the first place.

Well empires rise and fall due to the heavens just like the two Islamic golden ages that followed each other including the Islamic expansionist era they came and went hence empires come and go nothing wrong with it..

There is eventually gonna be an entity that will ethablish itself after defeating the others returning to uni-polar and there is always long term peace with uni-polar dominance system not multipolar it is very hectic and turmoil filled.

China envision itself in that role and the same with Russia they envision themselves in that role..

The dice gets rolled and someone will eventually end up on top etbalishing a new era including with major alliances occuring here and there including manuverings etc etc It functions like lottery and the person where things aligns for will come to power
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Well empires rise and fall due to the heavens just like the two Islamic golden ages that followed each other including the Islamic expansionist eras they came and went hence empires come and go nothing wrong with it..

There is eventually gonna be an entity that will ethablish itself after defeating the others returning to uni-polar and there is always long term peace with uni-polar dominance.

China envision itself in that role

Have not have anything against China. They will be the one as they worked hard for it but trust me things are going to be same if not worse. They have expansionist policy just see annexation of Tibet and their claim on some part of Kazakhstan just because one of the Chinese emperor ruled over some part of it thousand of years ago. If they are right in doing so then we cannot criticize Western countries as they well have ruled over many countries over few century back.
Have not have anything against China. They will be the one as they worked hard for it but trust me things are going to be same if not worse. They have expansionist policy just see annexation of Tibet and their claim on some part of Kazakhstan just because one of the Chinese emperor ruled over some part of it thousand of years ago. If they are right in doing so then we cannot criticize Western countries as they well have ruled over many countries over few century back.

Look I am pragmatic I don't criticize the strong. I believe in destiny and the winner should reap whatever comes his way and whatever god has willed for them. I am not part of these who complain because my view point of the world is different.

If China was to end up on top they will paint the world in their own image as they see fit. It will be the sino era in that situation.

If things was to fall to me. I won't seek the favors of anyone or seek to please anyone except myself first and foremost ethablishing the world in my own image and the way I see it fit..

My view point is fair to everyone.. Hence everyone will create a bubble that caters to themselves that is just natural and that is what everyone did in the past
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Have not have anything against China. They will be the one as they worked hard for it but trust me things are going to be same if not worse. They have expansionist policy just see annexation of Tibet and their claim on some part of Kazakhstan just because one of the Chinese emperor ruled over some part of it thousand of years ago. If they are right in doing so then we cannot criticize Western countries as they well have ruled over many countries over few century back.
You are hallucinating about China just as a typical Indian, is that becos you have lived long in delusional land India ?
Have not have anything against China. They will be the one as they worked hard for it but trust me things are going to be same if not worse. They have expansionist policy just see annexation of Tibet and their claim on some part of Kazakhstan just because one of the Chinese emperor ruled over some part of it thousand of years ago. If they are right in doing so then we cannot criticize Western countries as they well have ruled over many countries over few century back.

Study Asian History more precisely Chinese History before you opined Simply calling some expansionist just because of your own belief.

Sovereignty is not negotiable and may leads to serious consequences e.g. war and even a nuclear one.
The rise of the East is inevitable. For most of human history China was the world's largest economy and will naturely become so again given it's population and level of development. European domination of the world was a relatively short-lived aberration sustained by colonialism and genocide and the once colonized are now too powerful for this to continue. India would have been in a similar position if it had not embraced neo-liberal economics, but under capitalism someone has to grow poor for someone to grow rich and they're fools if they think the whites will ever let them prosper outside of a handful of compradors who will sell their country away to the west.
A NWO is imperative and in a forming, forced upon the rest of world by the hegemony of the US and its allies.

Dedollarization is part of that process. Alternative to SWiFT is another.

Now the call is for UN HQ to be move to a more neutral venue.

Once upon a time we are all dependent on the US GPS until the world discovered the US can cut them off at will.

India will soon discovered that they can't fly any of the US GE powered Tejas if US gets offended by them.
....and US exclusivity policies under him making coming of new world order faster

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