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Bharat Forge-Elbit JV to focus on gun, vehicle programmes


Jun 24, 2012
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Bharat Forge-Elbit JV to focus on gun, vehicle programmes


The newly cleared Bharat Forge and Elbit Systems joint venture—BF Elbit Advanced Systems Ltd– will intially focus on the Army’s artillery requirements before expanding into more advanced equipment for all three services. SP’s can confirm that the new company has received RFIs and enquiries pertaining to several prospective acquisitions including surface to air missile systems and other advanced weapon platforms.

However, the company has taken a decision to initially focus on the Army’s 155mm artillery modernisation intiative. The JV will offer solutions in the artillery guns & mortars segment based on Elbit Systems’ ATHOS 155/52 Towed Gun System, the ATMOS 155/52 Mounted Gun System and the upgraded 130 mm M46 Gun to a 155/45 Gun (KARAN).

The JVC will also role out a range of products like the Advanced Indian Gun System. aba Kalyani, Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Forge Limited has said while announcing the joint venture earlier this year, “The Strategic Cooperation between Elbit Systems and Bharat Forge and specifically the JVC will address Indian defence requirements with operationally proven systems from Elbit Systems that have been customized and adapted for Indian conditions and manufactured at the World class manufacturing facility for end-to –end solutions for artillery systems and armoured vehicles upgrades established by Bharat Forge recently in India.

Link - Bharat Forge-Elbit JV to focus on gun, vehicle programmes | idrw.org
Interesting, so another Indian company found a foreign partner for the howitzer competitions.
Very good news. Because of almost non participation of private sector, We become reliant of Import for small and low tech stuff like rifles and Artillery guns. If private sectors can fill this gap, ther is nothing like that.
Very good news. Because of almost non participation of private sector, We become reliant of Import for small and low tech stuff like rifles and Artillery guns. If private sectors can fill this gap, ther is nothing like that.

It's still a foreign gun, just produced by an Indian partner just like Tata's proposal is still a S. African howitzer.
It's still a foreign gun, just produced by an Indian partner just like Tata's proposal is still a S. African howitzer.
Today it is, but when/if given the order the indigenous content will go up and the R&D investment by the pvt sector will also increase so down the line you could very well see Indian-deisgned and made guns. This is merely the first step down this long path.......
It's still a foreign gun, just produced by an Indian partner just like Tata's proposal is still a S. African howitzer.

thats the problem

in my opinion its better for us to get a totally indigenous gun(albeit inferior one) than these.we have to take that first step someday,why not now??

all these jv are not as rosy as they look and we gain no real tech
It's still a foreign gun, just produced by an Indian partner just like Tata's proposal is still a S. African howitzer.

You see foreign company will not be having more than 26% share as per our policy. So legally Gun will be in the control of Indian Company once the technology is transfer. Foreign company will have some share of profit. Am I right?
You see foreign company will not be having more than 26% share as per our policy. So legally Gun will be in the control of Indian Company once the technology is transfer. Foreign company will have some share of profit. Am I right?

u are 100% wrong

they will never give tot for gun,never
its their bread and butter..................we will provide truck and they will give gun
u are 100% wrong

they will never give tot for gun,never
its their bread and butter..................we will provide truck and they will give gun

Just FYI this time the Gun belong to Bharat Forge, it had acquired Switzerland’s Ruag(the original gun manufacturer) gun manufacturing facilities, a few year back n the JV is to further fine tune the system(rather a bit of upgrade) n to make it compatible for mountain terrein.

n besides Bharat Forge itself is one of the finest forging companies in the world(currently 2nd largest).

So plz do some research, it won't hurt...:)
Today it is, but when/if given the order the indigenous content will go up and the R&D investment by the pvt sector will also increase so down the line you could very well see Indian-deisgned and made guns. This is merely the first step down this long path.......

There is no R&D involved in a licence production, only if you would develop, or at least co-develop a howitzer which none of the companies does at the moment. Bharat Forge however seems to aim on own gun developments in the long run, which is why they also procured foreign companies with the necessary know how.

thats the problem

in my opinion its better for us to get a totally indigenous gun(albeit inferior one) than these.

Not at all, since defence of the country should come before improvement of the industry or economical benefits. That's why the best or most suitable arms are needed for our forces and not a compromise only to say it's indigenous.
There is no R&D involved in a licence production, only if you would develop, or at least co-develop a howitzer which none of the companies does at the moment. Bharat Forge however seems to aim on own gun developments in the long run, which is why they also procured foreign companies with the necessary know how.

Not at all, since defence of the country should come before improvement of the industry or economical benefits. That's why the best or most suitable arms are needed for our forces and not a compromise only to say it's indigenous.

bhai shuru to karo

if we try we can easily make a reasonable gun,,,problem is we haven't tried once.
i am telling u this is golden opportunity for indian industry to step up as if procurement is made then the next buying cycle would come after 20-25 years.

ppl should step up
There is no R&D involved in a licence production, only if you would develop, or at least co-develop a howitzer which none of the companies does at the moment. Bharat Forge however seems to aim on own gun developments in the long run, which is why they also procured foreign companies with the necessary know how.
I meant later down the road. If these pvt companies start seeing a market for their goods and start getting significant revenue from the Indian military they will invest their own R&D into this sector and there will be a snowball effect.
bhai shuru to karo

if we try we can easily make a reasonable gun,,,problem is we haven't tried once.
i am telling u this is golden opportunity for indian industry to step up as if procurement is made then the next buying cycle would come after 20-25 years.

ppl should step up

It's not that easy, we have the ToT of Bofors guns available since years and needed that long to build a comparable gun, which still needs to show that the performance is good enough too. That however is still not comparable to modern western howitzers and we will need a long time to get there. 
I meant later down the road. If these pvt companies start seeing a market for their goods and start getting significant revenue from the Indian military they will invest their own R&D into this sector and there will be a snowball effect.

But the market is available now, when we buy all these 1000s planned howitzers, the market will be filled for the next decade at least, don't you think?
It's not that easy, we have the ToT of Bofors guns available since years and needed that long to build a comparable gun, which still needs to show that the performance is good enough too. That however is still not comparable to modern western howitzers and we will need a long time to get there. 

But the market is available now, when we buy all these 1000s planned howitzers, the market will be filled for the next decade at least, don't you think?

i am 100 percent sure if tatas or l and t are given this job they will do it

plan---divide drdo labs into different categories and disinvest them and sell them to the highest bidder,,,,not all but 30-35% stake in each unit,rest will be govt stake.

u may think it a bad idea but mark my words sooner rather than later this will be done and the sooner ,the better.

ofb is a super lazy organisation and we need to privatise it too to galvanise it too

because if we don't manufacture anything in this procurement cycle then we will be 20 years behind at least as no orders will be there for 2 decades atleast.

so its time to take hard decisions
It's not that easy, we have the ToT of Bofors guns available since years and needed that long to build a comparable gun, which still needs to show that the performance is good enough too. That however is still not comparable to modern western howitzers and we will need a long time to get there. 

But the market is available now, when we buy all these 1000s planned howitzers, the market will be filled for the next decade at least, don't you think?

Excatly thats why i like Turkey's n South Korea's defence industry set up.

They get latest weapons, everyday becoming more n more self relient n even r exporting good chunk of weapons.

We could be have way better defence industry then Turkey n SK if we too follow similar policies, considering we already have a much stronger base to start with.

Besides most so called ''Indeginious Products'' usally end up in foreign colloboration at much later stage resulting in cost over runs n delays n most of the time useless by the time of induction...:hitwall:
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