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Beyond the debate, govt. accepts 65% Indians are poor


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Beyond the debate, govt. accepts 65% Indians are poor

Notional poverty line will stand at a per capita expenditure of around Rs. 50 per day in rural areas and Rs. 62 in urban areas

While the Opposition pillories the Planning Commission for using a formal definition of poverty that ensures the percentage of people below the poverty line is lower than what it ought to be, the government has begun moving to a broader and more realistic de facto definition that will include roughly 65 per cent of the population. This notional poverty line will stand at a per capita expenditure of around Rs. 50 per day in rural areas and Rs 62 in urban areas.

As first reported by The Hindu, the Planning Commission has revised the official poverty headcount ratio down from 37 per cent of the total population in 2004-5 to 22 per cent of the population in 2011-12.

These poverty rates come from applying the Suresh Tendulkar committee’s methodology for estimating poverty to draw a poverty line, and using the National Sample Survey Organisation’s consumption expenditure data for 2011-12 to see what proportion of the population falls below these lines.

While Planning Commission-derived poverty lines and estimates have been all-important in the past because they are used to draw up BPL lists and allot entitlements, their inappropriateness today is demonstrated by the fact that the government itself is now moving away from using these numbers altogether. Following the Union Cabinet’s clearing of the National Food Security Ordinance, the Planning Commission has estimated that subsidised foodgrain entitlements will cover 67 per cent of the population. Simultaneously, economists advising the Ministry of Rural Development have told The Hindu that the exclusion criteria to be derived from the ongoing Socio-Economic and Caste Census are likely to leave out the top 35 per cent of the population while the bottom 65 per cent will be considered BPL.

“This is a step away from the narrow definition of poverty we have been using, where the line is really what I call a ‘kutta-billi’ line; only cats and dogs can survive on it,” said N.C. Saxena, member of the National Advisory Council, who headed a Planning Commission panel on poverty that recommended automatic inclusion and exclusion criteria. Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh said last year that the government was moving towards universalising its social protection schemes, and the Public Distribution System and pensions remained the only schemes that still relied on BPL criteria, Mr. Saxena added. A World Bank study of India’s social protection schemes had shown that universal schemes were far better at actually reaching the poor than those targeted at the poor.

By covering 67 per cent of the population, the government is in effect drawing the poverty line 85 per cent higher than what it is currently drawn at, Planning Commission member Saumitra Chaudhuri told The Hindu. By 2011-12 consumption expenditures, this works out to roughly Rs.1,506 monthly per capita expenditure — or Rs. 50 per day — for rural areas, and Rs. 1,850 per month — or Rs. 62 per day — for urban areas. While India’s poverty line has usually corresponded with the World Bank’s definition of extreme poverty, which is $1.25 (in Purchasing Power Parity terms) per person per day, the new notional poverty line would correspond more closely with the Bank’s definition of moderate poverty. The $2 line corresponded with Rs. 45 per day in rural India and Rs. 57 per day in urban India in 2011-12, Bank representatives said on Wednesday.

“It’s important to remember that those who aren’t poor in our country can still be very disadvantaged,” Mr. Saxena said. The Hindu’s analysis of the new NSSO consumption expenditure data shows that 90 per cent of rural Indians spend less than Rs. 70 per day, while 90 per cent of urban Indians spend less than Rs. 154 per day.

Beyond the debate, govt. accepts 65% Indians are poor - The Hindu
All this are pre election stunts.

Nothing more. The Govt wants to prove that they have done a good job while the opposition will not allow this.
The reality is Indian percapita income is rising and more and more are getting uplifted from the poverty line.
good we have some serious work to do now
GoI does not make the criteria to look good, it does so to target the social expenditure. We do not have enough money to help 65 % of people, the money we give will be next to nothing.
Which is why its better to target same amout of money to poorest of poor, the most disadvanted, the starving people.
All this are pre election stunts.

Nothing more. The Govt wants to prove that they have done a good job while the opposition will not allow this.

Manipulating border news to support and approve military expenditure is also your govt's tricks.
Good move, that GoI raised the poverty line to mean "moderate level of poverty" for UN, instead of "extreme level".

Hope these 65% of the people, will be move above this new poverty line ... and then we can raise the poverty line even further.

In any case, the govt has done reasonably lifting a lot of people above the poverty line defined by the old defintion. :tup:
Manipulating border news to support and approve military expenditure is also your govt's tricks.

First post and a sixer ?

Wrong. left to themselves the Govt would not like to spend on Defence.

Care to introduce yourself ?
this is actually good. raising poverty line to 62 per day will benefit a large group of poor and increase their standard
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