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Beny Karachun get in - This Man believes Israel is fictional but in reality they can't win another war today (Except in few instances yes)


Mar 1, 2019
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First of all I will like to underline that this is not in any way of shape dig but rather an academic look at things.

I wanna expel some delulu within some strange quarters in the Pakistani communities who are Israel stan's these I am talking about know who they are and this is not targetted only at Beny Karachun who is an Israeli fanboy and hey I don't blame him and why not mann and he should continue to be so but what I take issue with is when fiction meets reality.

1. First of all lets ethbalish some truths war is based on reality and in any form of conventional engagement there is a mathematical probablity outfall where you can get a good picture of things. Stragetic dept, Manpower, tech, weaponry, general tactical capabilities and understanding of maneuverability all play into factor.. War is not based on Cartoon this is not Goku who in a filmsy way rolls over 100 men.

2. Example Israel doesn't have conventionally what it takes to outright completely defeat Hezbollah a non-state actor. They have the necessary means to stop them in their tracks despite being a non-state and lacking all the stuff an state actor would have. They have the necessary means enough to stop them conventionally they have long tunnel chains, anti-tanks, missiles, drones etc etc and other forms of weapons to negate the conventional pressure hence Israel doesn't have the manpower to overwhelm them and can match them in that regard.

3. Example Hezbollah as non-state actor won't have an earthly chance against Egypt or even Iran? You may ask why? SCALE that is the right answer you see. If the Egyptian armed forces were to descent upon them they will hold for a time period and would be overwhelmed eventually because they have scale, numbers, manpower and technology THAT is potential.

4. The worldwide rapid technological growth means that there is not much wide gap between state actors in the region as the development has gone fast in recent years.

But the common PDF peasant doesn't understand this

@Beny Karachun
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Sorry for being late.

Israel has the power to destroy every organism in Lebanon if needed.

You'll see the next war what happens when we flatten Lebanon.

Also, we're far stronger than both Egypt and Iran.

Example Hezbollah as non-state actor won't have an earthly chance against Egypt or even Iran? You may ask why? SCALE that is the right answer you see. If the Egyptian armed forces were to descent upon them they will hold for a time period and would be overwhelmed eventually because they have scale, numbers, manpower and technology THAT is potential.
How does that scale help Russia lol?

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