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Bejing reaches out to India over not labeling Covid-19 as ‘China virus’

India officially will never label China. The more China asks the government not to label it the Chinese virus, the more publicity it gets. Better stay quiet about it and work towards finding a solution. These strong-arming tactics is not doing anybody any good.
India officially will never label China. The more China asks the government not to label it the Chinese virus, the more publicity it gets. Better stay quiet about it and work towards finding a solution. These strong-arming tactics is not doing anybody any good.

Chinese clowns did every thing possible to lie , cheat and suppress .
When the world started suffering now they are after every one barking, planting stories, arm twisting and buying articles in reputed news papers.
Are you inferring that the closure of fort Detrick was a cover for a cleanup to get rid of the evidence ? There is a lot of dirt linked to Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab: the lab virus/pathogen leaks, the lab closure, the resignation of the lab director, the death of a top scientist is suspicious circumstances, the complexity of the virus, the random appearances in countries with close ties to China etc. All conspiracy theories of course but sure does need looking into.

Whatever the Detrick lab created, it is not the novel corona virus. The novel corona virus is a natural evolution.
Good to see India acting sensibly and not jumping on Trump's bandwagon here.

While the world is still suffering so badly and may suffer even more in the future, this is the time of united global action.

Full investigation can wait until this crisis is over.

Due to political compulsion no Indian leader would be labelling it a Chinese virus, but when it comes to average Indian there is no doubt in their mind which country is responsible for the hardship everyone is facing. Post this crisis antichinese sentiment would reach new heights in India probably more than it was even during 1962 war.
You Imagine...good imagination.....but fact is China is approaching various countries to arrest it's defamation post Trump called the Virus Chinese and western media hell-bent to shame China for this crisis. So India was approached...
The US and the world needs China, more so than ever -- including India.
Supplies are needed by all....Here Chinese companies are caught sourcing masks, thermometers, medicines from local market (though local people are not getting them) and shipping them to China....Shame.


"As the coronavirus took hold in Wuhan earlier this year, staff from the Chinese government-backed global property giant Greenland Group were instructed to put their normal work on hold and source bulk supplies of essential medical items to ship back to China."

Nice try. They were instructed during their moment of crises. Not any more. They have COVID-19 under good control. It's the world; it's India that now needs help.
1. to calm down first and look at the source of the article - livemint (country of publication - India)
2. The title and content of the article make the reader feel that China is begging for India. And Indians have such an important voice that China has to do so.

How much is true. If the content were real, would it have been exaggerated to satisfy someone's wet dream?
Statistically, Corona is spreading (flourishing) more in Pakistan than India, despite you using toilets and not defecating in open as them. Italy, UK,Spain, S Korea and Iran have more people using toilets but still suffering more than Indians....
What a load of nonsense! And by what statistics did you come up to that conclusion? Pakistan is testing more than India, that's why the numbers are high. The Indian regime is not even bothered to test people, let alone the excuse of not having enough test kits or the fact that healthcare in India is the equivalent to a dirty toilet in India!

News such as 'Indian stocks give up gains, relief package fails to impress traders' proves the Indian regime is incompetent to handle this crisis. I can bring more facts up to prove to you the Indians can't be arsed to save their people. The sadist cunt Modi would rather see the poor die off, the Muslim and Christian communities die off!
What a load of nonsense! And by what statistics did you come up to that conclusion? 1.Pakistan is testing more than India, that's why the numbers are high. 2.The Indian regime is not even bothered to test people, let alone the excuse of not having enough test kits or the fact that healthcare in India is the equivalent to a dirty toilet in India!

News such as 'Indian stocks give up gains, relief package fails to impress traders' proves the Indian regime is incompetent to handle this crisis. I can bring more facts up to prove to you the Indians can't be arsed to save their people. The sadist cunt Modi would rather see the poor die off, 3.the Muslim and Christian communities die off!

Your post is full of bias.
1. Pakistan number is high because it took too long to act. At this moment too, IK govt is helpless and has passed on the buck to act on provincial governments. Took long to seal borders (with Iran/Afghanistan and China).....
2. Indian healthcare per my information is far better than any in that region. People from here go there from treatment....Have you heard of Medical tourism of India....look at Youtube/internet.
3.Again bringing religion unnecessarily.....Lockdown is not for Hindus there?
1. Pakistan number is high because it took too long to act. At this moment too, IK govt is helpless and has passed on the buck to act on provincial governments. Took long to seal borders (with Iran/Afghanistan and China).....
First of all, admittedly I'm not keeping much tabs on COVID-19 development in Pakistan, secondly, Modi did the same, he passed on the 'responsibility' to the states, didn't he?

2. Indian healthcare per my information is far better than any in that region. People from here go there from treatment....Have you heard of Medical tourism of India....look at Youtube/internet.
No I haven't as I've only started to follow news on COVID-19 in India recently, and from what I've gathered, India's healthcare is piss-poor. P.I.S.S.P.O.O.R.

You must be in awe about some of their privately run clinics offering cheaper treatment. That makes no difference to masses in India who are now in dire need for help to survive. Do you realize how many people will get infected and how many will die? It's scary numbers!
3.Again bringing religion unnecessarily.....Lockdown is not for Hindus there?
You and I know better than that. Except for Hindus, everyone else comes 2nd. The peace loving, secular system is dead in the water in India. You'll hear it/read about the complaints from other communities sooner or later as we go through this global crises. Something very similar is already happening to the poor in Manila, Philippines.
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I just hope people are disciplined and play it smart. With the great hospitals NYC is down on its knee in desperation because of the volume. Hospitals are overflowing and the healthcare providers are making do.

I recently watched a video about government hospitals in Tamil Nadu - free meds and services almost free. I know a couple of doctors that work in the govt hospitals there and the are top knotch. But I don't now how consistent it is across the state or the country.

WHat is true is, as one of those docs said, the doctors are way better trained in India because of the patient : doctor ratio (number of cases each doctor gets to see is several times relative richer countries).

Knowing India, they'll probably make ventilators out of coconut pronds and spicy pakora out of corona!
I just hope people are disciplined and play it smart. With the great hospitals NYC is down on its knee in desperation because of the volume. Hospitals are overflowing and the healthcare providers are making do.

I recently watched a video about government hospitals in Tamil Nadu - free meds and services almost free. I know a couple of doctors that work in the govt hospitals there and the are top knotch. But I don't now how consistent it is across the state or the country.

WHat is true is, as one of those docs said, the doctors are way better trained in India because of the patient : doctor ratio (number of cases each doctor gets to see is several times relative richer countries).

Knowing India, they'll probably make ventilators out of coconut pronds and spicy pakora out of corona!
The quality of our doctors is very good and they are sought after, primarily because of their expertise in variety of procedures. Hardly anywhere except China doctors perform as many surgeries on patients. The thing we should focus on is public infrastructure. Our private hospitals are world class.
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