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Why does he have a desi accent? :laughcry:
And he's bang on target with the Sudani remark ! We had a few in our college, brilliant football players, shitty students though haha. But fun to be with.
He's also bang on target with the staring part. Our people just stare at everything and anything! Especially if you're a bit different lookswise. All in all we're a chill nation.
IMO, with regret and sorry if anyone's feelings hurt:
Human being or pets, whoever is black people use to give him a specific 'Call Sign' like 'Kaloo (the most popular one)/Kulo/Kala' and I personally feel that it is usually out of love and not in hate.
Pakistan has sheedi(siddi) community from East Africa in Sindh/Baluchistan already. Should take their views also.
We had plenty of sudanis and somalis in our uni. Shared a few courses with them as well.

Cool guys to hang out with.
Being black is equal to being white in Pakistan.

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