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Beijing orders more toilets at major events

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third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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No intention to cause angst, only to highlight the fact that we all have the same problems..



Participants in the Beijing Marathon answerthe call of nature — in a hedge. The government has ordered organizers of large events to provide enough portable toilets after marathon runners complained there was a shortage offacilities on Oct 20. ..HeiKe / for China Daily

Beijing Marathon participants said the city government's order to provide more toilets during major events came too late to prevent well-publicized problems at this year's event, but the ruling is still "better late than never".

Responding to the glaring lack of portable toilets during the capital's 42.195-kilometer marathonth is year — a situation that forced many of the 35,000-plus participants to urinate in public — the government has ordered organizers of big events to ensure they provide at least one temporary toilet for every 70 people.

The Beijing Municipal Commission of City Administration and Environment also emphasized the importance of providing directions to and signs for toilets and cleaning them up soon after the event ends. Any organizing committee failing to comply will face a fine.

The commission did not say how much the fine will be.

Lu Zhen, a 25-year-old Beijing resident who participated in this year's marathon, welcomed the mandate.

"Considering that the lack of temporary toilets has been a tradition for the Beijing Marathon, it's surprising the government did not act until now," he said.

"However, it's better late than never."

Lu said the locations and shortage of temporary toilets has been a problem, with only a few at the starting line, with competitors shivering in the cold while waiting their turn to use the facilities.

"You have to wait six minutes for your turn," he said. "You need some two hours to finish the competition as an experienced runner, and the amateur needs four to five hours, and you can't simply hold it."

Photos of marathon runners, from both China and abroad, urinating against the walls of the Palace Museum during the Beijing Marathon created a splash online.

Wang Zhiyong, a resident of Beijing's Dongcheng district, said the situation was "disgusting".

"It's hard to imagine crowds of people urinating in public without any shame," he said.

Luo Yin, another participant in this year's marathon, said the limited number of temporary toilets made things very difficult and especially embarrassing for female competitors.

"Guys can urinate outside, whereas the girls can only hold it or wait in line," she said.

The competition is grand in scale and the participants' performances are impressive, yet the absence of toilets ruins it, Luo said.

"The organizing committee suggested the participants drink less water, and local residents blame the runners for their improper behavior, yet no one really thought about the organizing committee's responsibility until now."

The organizing committee said before the new regulation was released that it had set up about 300 temporary toilets, most near the starting line, ensuring there was one toilet for every 100 runners.

Committee members said they have witnessed occasional public urinations, but the shortage of toilets made an impression with the public this year.

The government commission said it drew up the rules this year because of the strong reaction of netizens.

Tadese Tola from Ethiopia broke the event's record set 27 years ago, winning the men's race,and Zhang Yingying from China won the women's race.

"No intention to cause angst, only to highlight the fact that we all have the same problems.."

I don't know how to reply to this sentence, want to slap myself, not because I agree your opinion, but I can't understand you connect it with your "toilet" problem.:hitwall:
"No intention to cause angst, only to highlight the fact that we all have the same problems.."

I don't know how to reply to this sentence, want to slap myself, not because I agree your opinion, but I can't understand you connect it with your "toilet" problem.:hitwall:

Dont slap yourself because it will not help.

Appreciate the fact that in developing nations things do need to ' develop'. Public conveniences is one among them. Therefore it would be appreciated if we saw each other in that light and desisted from finding fault.
Dont slap yourself because it will not help.

Appreciate the fact that in developing nations things do need to ' develop'. Public conveniences is one among them. Therefore it would be appreciated if we saw each other in that light and desisted from finding fault.

while the two country do share some, even many, similar problems(for instance, pollution), this is not one of them

the chinese problem with public toilets for large events, is fundamentally different from indian problems with private toilets in general. one is a convenience the other should be a necessity, well a necessity for a modern life anyways.
it is just a childish thread created by the op.

Event of Beijing Marathon lasts for a few hours
No of runners 30-40 thousand

the failed state's sanitary problems is a life-time frustration
no of people affected = 6 out of 10 i.e. 60% of the population of the failed state

Go figure the difference

However, having said that the condition of the BJ Marathon must be improved
I dont want to see some more kids to repeat the same thread next year on PDF!
china is still a developing country and for few decades will remain so but few paid trolls boast as its a developed nation or suppa powa. And supported by few cheer leaders.
"No intention to cause angst, only to highlight the fact that we all have the same problems.."

I don't know how to reply to this sentence, want to slap myself, not because I agree your opinion, but I can't understand you connect it with your "toilet" problem.:hitwall:

The picture in OP post tends to suggest otherwise.
it is just a childish thread created by the op.

Event of Beijing Marathon lasts for a few hours
No of runners 30-40 thousand

the failed state's sanitary problems is a life-time frustration
no of people affected = 6 out of 10 i.e. 60% of the population of the failed state

Go figure the difference

However, having said that the condition of the BJ Marathon must be improved
I dont want to see some more kids to repeat the same thread next year on PDF!

just wanted to tell u.....china ranks 66 in the failed state index while india ranks 79.....


now u can carry on with your pathetic trolling ............thank you
just wanted to tell u.....china ranks 66 in the failed state index while india ranks 79.....


now u can carry on with your pathetic trolling ............thank you

the list sucks.

China is fast moving out of it while the failed state sits and is sinking deeper

failed state india ranks top of most uncivilised indices PERIOD

End of my comments here on this thread not to feed this trolling and childish thread
How exactly are you supposed to temporarily provide thousands of marathon runners with toilets who have gathered at a place for a few hours if not this ? :what: I mean how is it a problem actually .
"No intention to cause angst, only to highlight the fact that we all have the same problems.."

I don't know how to reply to this sentence, want to slap myself, not because I agree your opinion, but I can't understand you connect it with your "toilet" problem.:hitwall:

The OP wants to say that not having enough Toilet is an International problem and not a problem in India only. LOL
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