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BBC reporter street interview in Beijing about the pandemic, ridiculed and mocked by the Beijing locals


Jan 20, 2012
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BBC reporter street interview in Beijing about the pandemic, ridiculed and mocked by the Beijing locals

"This is China, our country is always full of vitality, unlike your incompetent government, just leave people infected and die". The BBC reporter tried to laugh away this embarrassment and awkward moments in the interview.

This is the same BBC reporter who was in Xinjiang and made up Xinjiang concentration camp lies which later were debunked by a revisit by Chinese reporters.

BBC did have the GUTS to show negative comments of people in it's reporting

Is there any negative comment, even mistakenly, aired on your national TV?
They tried very hard to fish for the negative comments but failed, Chinese national TV also reports negative news like fake milk scandals and government corruptions and local official who failed their jobs etc, and Chinese TV channels don't always try to make fake news like BBC always does.
BBC reporter street interview in Beijing about the pandemic, ridiculed and mocked by the Beijing locals

"This is China, our country is always full of vitality, unlike your incompetent government, just leave people infected and die". The BBC reporter tried to laugh away this embarrassment and awkward moments in the interview.

This is the same BBC reporter who was in Xinjiang and made up Xinjiang concentration camp lies which later were debunked by a revisit by Chinese reporters.

This BBC report was positive on China - why are you trolling? Don't spin the news.
I think BBC is picking up on its own BS and now doing some self critical pieces as well.
As far as i can tell even the Chinese in the coverage have been asked to say these things.
BBC did have the GUTS to show negative comments of people in it's reporting

Is there any negative comment, even mistakenly, aired on your national TV?
If everyone asked has a quick dig at UK/Europe/USA, then what choice does the reporter have but to show "negative" comments. Well done to these people for telling it how it is.
BBC did have the GUTS to show negative comments of people in it's reporting

Is there any negative comment, even mistakenly, aired on your national TV?
You really think it try to show negative comment? BBC will spin it as China citizen brainwashed by CPC.

You think too highly of BBC. Btw, I do not know why BBC can still conduct interview in China? They are unlicensed and the reporter shall be arrested immediately for breaking law in China.
loved it how Chinese citizens mock him. British brainwashing corporation.
Good to know that that is what amounts to rude for the Chinese. They seemed really polite and nice to him. Only a couple of negative but truthful comments
Good to know that that is what amounts to rude for the Chinese. They seemed really polite and nice to him. Only a couple of negative but truthful comments
But when you repeatedly lie, people may get upset and angry. there is a limit for patience for everyone.

Western reporter reporting Zhengzhou flood was mobbed by the city locals accusing him reporting lies.

Two girls tried to stop the crowd from grabbing the reporter and pleaded the crowd to calm down, one girl explained to the reporter that BBC's previous reporting claiming that the passengers were throw onto the platforms in Zhengzhou subway and let die. This report enraged Zhengzhou residents.

In the end a local guys said you never want to report China , all you want to do is attacking China, and he walked away after making his last shout.
"Don't interview me, I hate you"
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