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POLTAVA 1709 - Rise of a New Power

Background -

Expansion of the Swedish Empire -

Sweden,the largest of the scandinavian powers began to grow in power from the late 16th century taking advantage of the relative power vaccumm in the baltic.Between 1560 and 1658, Sweden created a Baltic empire centred on the Gulf of Finland and comprising the provinces of Karelia,Ingria,Estonia and Livonia.
Under the famed Gustavas Adolphus and she gained land from russia and poland,then participated in the thirty years war in germany.Sweden gained tracts in Germany as well, including Western Pomerania,Wesmar the Bremen, and Verden. During the same period Sweden conquered Danish and Norwegian Provinces.The kings after gustavas adolphus maintained and expanded sweden to her apogee in the late 17th century.Western and central europe paid scant attention,absorbed as they were in desperate attempts to ward off the hegemonistic advance of Europe's new superpower -France and her 'Sun-king' - Louis XIV.

These conquests turned the baltic into a swedish lake,she controlled entirely the fur trade with west and also Hemp- a key ingredient of sailing ships which was the lifeblood of the royal and dutch navies.

Consolidation Of Russia - Swedish aggrandization had come at a cost to many,among them was the nascent russian state.Taking advantage of russia's political disunity and chaos during the 'time of troubles' Sweden had seized Ingria early in the 17 th century cutting off russia's access to the baltic and making her trade dependant on swedish mercy.It also locked russia out of contact with the west.Finally She was united under Czar Romanov in 1617.The subsequent czars were not powerful enough to challenge the baltic superpower of sweden alone and her army,which along with Louis XIV's french bluecoats were at this time considered the finest in europe.In 1694 Peter,the new russian czar(future peter the great) began to rule russia as an independent sovereign(A regent had ruled in his name during his adoloscence).At this time Russia was a country with vast potential ,both in manpower and natural resources but very much backward in both science and industry.The russian people were shared with the rest of europe only their religion and physical apperance,culturally they were closer to their steppe neighbours and their dress and customs reflected this.In western europe too russia was considered a semi-barbarous medieval outpost on the periphery of europe.(Infact on the french court's roll of kings of europe, russian rulers are not even mentioned before the very late 17th century).Peter sought to change all this.

Peter Tsarevich,the future Peter the great.Extremely tall at 6'8'',but thin in stature he aimed at implementing sweeping modernization and reformation of russia in education,manufacturing industry,scientific knowledge,shipbuilding and westernization of culture.He faced much opposition to these policies at home, but brutally suppressed any and all rebellions against his authority.Impulsive,farsighted, brilliant and brutal(a russian czar was unlikely to survive attempting reforms otherwise- but killing his own son may have been excessive) he was to change the face of russia forever.He went on a grand tour of western europe early in his reign for months where he personally inspected and learnt shipbuilding and industry in the netherlands and england.His experience impressed upon him the backwardness of contemporary russian science and industry(here vast resources were untapped and there was little if no industry) and he further strengthened the modernization process importing specialists from the west.

He understood that for russia to modernize she needed maritime outlets and thus shed her status as a landlocked prisoner of the continent.Her only outlet was the port of archanglesk which was frozen half of the year.Sweden controlled the baltic,The ottomans the black sea.Peter waged a prolonged war over the Port of Azov on the black sea and finally managed to capture it.Recognizing he lacked strength to make any further advance into ottoman territory he conducted a truce with them.However Azov didn't turn out to be as useful as he had hoped as Istanbul sitting at the entrance of the black sea still controlled all entry and exit into and from it.Peter now turned his attention to the baltic and sweden.He knew that the russian state at its current position couldn't challenge sweden alone,but also that sweden had many enemies.He thus waited for a suitable oppurtunity to present itself.

The Great Northern War -

In 1697,sweden's reigning monarch died succeeded by his 15 year old son Charles XII.During the first couple of years of his reign he spent most of his time hunting and ball-dancing giving the impression of a playful boy.Sweden's rivals sensed an oppurtunity.After adequate preaparations and behind the scenes diplomacy, in 1700 King Frederick of Denmark, King Augustus of Poland (Elector of Saxony) and Czar Peter of Russia joined in a coalition and simultaneously attacked sweden intending to dismemeber the swedish empire.. Frederick attacked Holstein, the duchy allied to Sweden by marriage; Augustus attacked Riga acting as Elector and not King. Russia lay siege to the Swedish garrison at Narva on the Gulf of Finland.The Great Northern War had begun.

This is as far as the allies calculations went to plan.For the 18 yr old 'boy king' turned out to be a military genius.He took direct command of the army and crossed the baltic to face his enemies.He was never to return.First he descended upon denmark's forces dispatching them in a mere six weeks,Augustus of Poland at this surprise lightning assault hastily withdrew from riga.Thereafter,inspite of winter and minimal rations charles force marched a force of just 8,000 effectives and met the russian army of 37,000 at Narva.In the subsequent battle Peter's army got a full taste of swedish shock tactics.Aided by a snowstorm 8,000 swedes routed the whole russian army killing 10,000 and capturing another 20,000 for just 600 losses.It was one of the most stunning victories of the era.

Contemptous of the russian performance at Narva he didn't bother to follow up his success and instead focused his attention to Poland.The years 1701-1707 would see a complex series of diplomatic and military initiatives and actions both in Poland and in the Swedish territories along the Gulf of Finland.Charles fought several battles-always outnumbered,always victorious.This continous string of victories finally brought auagustus to heel,he lost the throne of poland and was forced to break his alliance with peter.In 1707 with all but one of his enemies crushed,Charles seemed poised to win the war.He was unbeaten in the field of battle and hailed at once as the 'alexander of the west' and the 'madman of europe' - for his youthful age and his practice of accepting battle against any odds.At his side stood the largest army he had ever led into battle 40,000 veteran swedish soldiers.

Meanwhile Peter had not been idle.He had regrouped his forces and modernized and reformed his army.Then the Russians proceeded to gradually grind down Swedish resistance along the Gulf while Peter simultaneously saw to the construction of his new capital of St. Petersburg on what was technically occupied Swedish territory.Peter then sued for peace, but success and memory of russian military weakness had made Charles complacent .Instead of moving along the coast to retake the lost strongholds he decided to settle the affair once and for all. He answered he would discuss peace terms when he took Moscow....

Next: The Opposing Armies.

The Development of the Carolean Army -

The origins of charles's superb army were in the foundations laid by gustavas adolphus 'the founder of modern warfare'.Sweden's main problem was its acute manpower shortage.Almost every adult male was sent to battle and yet she was usually heavily outnumbered.To partially solve this issue the new allotment system was introduced in the 1680s.This essentially was a intricate conscription system that made a collection of farms obligated to supply a soldier with equipment to the king.Those farms having to support the horses of the cavalry recieved a tax reduction.In this way sweden ensured a standing army of 25,000 men and 11,000 cavalry at negligible cost to the treasury.Mercenaries and foreigners were common in swedish service.Sweden was rich both due to complete mastery of the baltic trade and due to here rich iron and copper mines and could afford them,but they were employed to fill up the ranks rather than as frontline shock troops.The allotment system allowed quick mobilization and with troops already trained and acquainted with their equipment.Also due to the territorial nature of the forces soldiers had good bonding.

Discipline and Religious Fervour -

To compensate for the lack of manpower and resources sweden strove for innovative ways to make an effective army. The successful path of innovative military ideas was in fact the only way Sweden managed to achieve a great power status.Strict discipline was necessary in the Carolean army to allow its very offensive tactics.To attain this steadfast discipline, the army had very strict rules.Religion was used as a tool for keeping the morale high amongst the troops. Not only within the army religion was used for military purposes, but regular priests also preached about the virtues of serving the crown and being a soldier in order for young men to join the army. Within the military, priests often participated in battles to raise morale amongst troops.Just as spain was the standard bearer of catholicism,sweden was considered the sword arm of protestant christianity. The Carolean soldier was told not to fear, since if God meant him to die, he would die no matter if he dodged the bullets or not.The swedish berserker tactics required this type of fatalist fearlessness.On top soldiers had strict rules of conduct with theft and looting forbidden,interrupting a prayer,taking god's name casually and rape punishable by death.After the battle of narva many soldiers believed that God had sent them the blizzard that helped them to victory.Swedes considerd it their duty to battle the catholic(holy roman empire,poland) and orthodox heretics(russia) and defend protestantism.

Swedish Infantry -

Organization - The swedish army was organized into regiments of 1200 men.Each regiment consisted of 2 battalions of 600 men which was the basic tactical unit.Each battalion had 4 companies of 150 men each.There were 3 types of soldiers.Musketeers armed with modern fast firing flintlock muskets as in the west and these formed the bulk of the troops.The bayonet had just begun to be adopted.Special companies of grenadiers who also carried grenades along with muskets.And 1/3 of a battalion was equipped with pikes,an anachronism in western europe which had switched to fire tactics and abandoned the pike,but remained in use for the swedish shock tactics and the russians too kept them.For close quarter fighting,the musketeers had rapiers.In their famous blue greatcoats swedish infantry were a common sight on the battlefields of northern europe.

[Loading a musket,musket fire drill was slow and while could lay down a heavy volume of fire was vulnerable to cavalry due to slow reload time.This is where bayonets and pikes came into play -to protect the musketeers from cavalry.Muskets were also inaccurate beyond small to medium range and the closer u got to the target before discharging a volley the better the results]

Ga-Pa Tactics - It was said of Charles XII ,'He couldn't retreat,only attack or fall'.And indeed swedish tactics was inherently extremely bold bordering on reckless at times.When the rest of europe had switched to fire tactics dominated solely by synchronized manuevering and firing sequences,sweden relied on an entirely different approach -brutal shock tactics to end battles quickly and decisively to preserve their manpower.This unique swedish tactics - The 'Ga-Pa'(Go-on)was the standard combat technique used in the Swedish army at the time. This very aggressive tactic often resulted in short–lived battles in order to counter superior numbers of enemies.However at poltava its limitations against a determined prepared enemy would be revealed.

[swedish grenadier-armed as a musketeer but also with an arsenal of grenades]​

In four ranks with gaps, the Swedish battalion would "smooth and slowly" march against enemy fire (which often started at a distance of 100 meters), while making their way to the enemy lines. The Swedish soldiers were first issued to fire when "you could see the whites in the enemies eyes" a range of roughly 50 meters—when the marching drums stopped the two rear ranks would fill the gaps within the two foremost ranks and fire a salvo .At this range it was a horrible experience for the enemy soldiers- they would see the hammer cock, and looked directly into the aiming eyes of the caroleans; at this range it was no longer a gamble, it was execution by firing squad.
After the first salvo they would draw their swords. The two rear ranks would then fall right behind in their previous position and the two foremost would close the gaps after which the battalion would resume their attack. The two foremost ranks then discharged a second lethal salvo at a point blank range of roughly 20 meters before drawing their swords and the charge began. At this range, the powerful muskets usually felled many enemy troops and was highly demoralizing to them. Directly after the volley the Swedes charged the enemy ranks with pikes, bayonets and rapiers. Note that the pikes were used as an offensive weapon: in close combat they had the advantage over their foes' weapons thanks to their range, it often happened that complete ranks of enemies ran before physical contact, frightened by the long pikes and the fact that the morale of the battalion could calmly withstand their fire.The pikes were concentrated on the centre of the battalion.

Fire support and combined arms - To give fire support grenadiers would lob grenades from the flanks even as the attack proceeded with pikes in the centre.Also supporting regimental artillery would set up at close range and pour shot into the enemy ranks.Below -the combined arms assault on the enemy lines.

Method to the Madness
- The tactic was not random,it hinged on excellent observation of contemporary military tactical practice.Either the enemies fired by platoon,rank or all together - a common reload was in the end necessary, during this reload—which took in practice around 1 minute to finish—an opponent could calmly march 80 meters and run 150 meters (on one minute). This means—with the effective range of fire of roughly 50 meters—that the first line to open fire on 50 meters or above, made for a vulnerable target to the incoming enemy line which marched calmly, steady and fired at a more effective range. The Gå–På–method was based on these simple mathematics.Essentially the enemy was allowed the initial volleys at more ineffective ranges ,but the swedes would not only get the next one at crack range but also close to brutal hand to hand combat before the enemy line gained its balance.(remember here that in the swedish method in the first volley only the rear 2 ranks fire,and the second salvo the 21 foremost ranks -so reload is not necessary)

Modification - By 1709 the tactic had been further modified .The slow march was replaced by running.Also now the rear ranks would fire the first volley at point blank 15-20 meters and no longer fall back but instead draw rapiers or charge with bayonet with the whole line.The foremost 2 ranks would immediately follow the rear ranks salvo and join the melee assault as well.

Tactical formation - Apart from the common line,column and square.[Line used in battle,column to move and square against cavalry.To find more about these formations plz go to battle report#10 rossbach and leuthen].Swedes also made good use of the spackad formation against cavalry.

This formation was similar to the square and made excellent use of the reach of the pike to deter cavalry.

Next: Swedish cavalry and artillery.The russian army.

Cavalry was the premier offensive arm of the carolean army,swedish cavalry eschewed the caracole tactics of western europe and from the traditions set by gustavas adolphus prefered speed and shock with an emphasis on disciplined charges with sabre.The cavalry consisted of 2 types - the heavy cavalry kavallerie and the medium cavalry dragoner(dragoons).

The heavy cavalry were armed with a heavy rapier for close combat duty from horseback ,2 pistols,a carbine(small musket) and a cuirass protecting the upper body and back.These were mounted assault troops.The dragoons which were technically mounted infantry had a rapier,2 pistols and a flintlock musket with a socket bayonet.He lacked body armour.

Swedish rapiers.Primarily a thrusting weapon,these augmented the shock charge of the heavy cavalry.

Organization: The swedish cavalry were organized into regiments like the infantry.The Swedish cavalry regiment consisted of roughly 1,000 men, divided into four squadrons of 250 men each. The squadron was the tactical unit of the Swedish army and consisted of two companies of 125 men each.An important distinction from other western armies was the heavy proportion of cavalry in swedish armies -half of the army was cavalry.

Tactics :
The Swedish cavalry was, just as the infantry, fighting in this extreme aggressive manner (also called the "Carolingian manner"). Prior to battle, contrary to the rest of Europe—which during the time would form in linear formations up knee to knee—the Swedish cavalry would form up in stretched wedge formations in two or three ranks, knee behind knee to successfully achieve the most clustered cavalry battle array possible in order to get a more fierce impact on the enemies. To achieve this, they had thrust rapiers which would further increase the shock of the charge. The squadron would usually not use any of their pistols during the charge, only cold steel. In 1704 a regulation was made, disbanding the pistol completely when charging . In 1705 another regulation was made, in which the cavalry would ride in trot during the initial phase of the attack and then full–gallop (which was the fastest possible speed) prior to the impact.Above u can see the swedish wedge formation.This required high discipline,more so than the linear formation and could achieve devastating results.The formation originated with the ancient thracians ,was made famous by alexander's companions,and was regularly used by persian cataphracts as well as byzantine ones.The swedes were historically the last to use this formation as the close clustering made it more and more vulnerable to rapidly developing artillery technology,and it also required heavy discipline to maintain.

[position of the officers and their subordinates in a swedish squadron charging in wedge,they are strategically placed to exert maximum control]

Swedish Heavy cavalry with body armour.

Swedish Artillery

Artillery during this era was still an arm in development,small in quantity and relegated to strictly a supporting role.Nevertheless since the time of gustavas adolphus sweden had been one of the pioneers in cannon technology.Charles entered russia with a small but modern and effective artillery arm.Composed of 12 and 6 pounders plus 4 pounder regimental pieces.However his personal almost religious devotion to shock tactics meant that he neglected and disregarded his artillery arm.Only the regimental field pieces with a direct infantry fire support role were thus employed properly usually by him.(see fire support diagram in infantry section in previous post)

Next:The Russian Army

The Old army of the 1690s - On assuming power peter had inherited the old style muscovite army,which was increasingly outdated and a lumbering slothful mass by and large.The infantry was divided into the streltsi and some foreign style foot regiments of dubious quality.Of the cavalry were the noble cavalry and the cossacks.Conscription was also used to get levies during military campaigns.These armies could make slight and painful advances against the ottomans and suffered occasional igonimous defeats to them and the crimean tatars.
The core of the old army were the streltsy- a 45,000 strong corps of men divided into 22 regiments -16 of whom were based in moscow.They were the closest russia had to a standing army.Unfortunately this force had become something like a praetorian guard,its economic and political activities more important by the day than its military competence.They were increasingly obsolete.It was with these forces that peter fought his earlier campaigns against the tatars and turks.

[The streltsy -armed with matchlocks and poleaxes plus pikes,an increasingly dated military force incapable of challenging the contemporaray armies of western europe]​

The Guard regiments - In 1682 the child peter 10 yrs old moved to the royal lodge at Preobrazhenskoe away from moscow,here he played wargames for the next decade with a group of friends and increasing number of officers/foreign experts that were added from the army.These play soldiers were increasingly organized into companies and finally regiments.Under the guise of roleplaying however these were increasingly practising large and complex manueveres.By the 1690s Peter organized these companies into the first 2 russian guard regiments -The Preobrazhenski and Semenovski regiments with czar peter becoming its 'first colonel'.[ A tradition to be followed by all czars till 1917].These guard regiments were fanatically loyal to peter,trained to western practices and were to become the model of peter's new army.Their first major action was at the disaster of narva in 1700,where only these 2 regiments in the whole army showed any ability or resilience.Subsequently these regiments were to become the foundation of the later russian imperial guard - celebrated during the napoleonic wars.(the soviets reintroduced the guards title to exceptional battle formations during ww2)

New Model Army of 1700 - One of the cornerstones of peter's vision for a new russia was the formation of a modern army on western lines.This conflicted with the entrenched interests of the streltsy and the moscow regiments revolted in 1698.Peter crushed them and now had full freedom to carry out his reforms.After the revolt the only standing army in russia consisted of 2 'old' regiments in moscow,the 2 guard regiments and the provincial streltsy regiments that had stayed loyal.To increase the manpower he issued a proclamation for volunteers who would recieve some pay and freedom from serfdom.While this would provide considerable available manpower still more was needed.This conscription of serfs was required.Each district of the orthodox church within the empire had to produce 25 men.By 1700 these were assembled and given a 3 month training course.
Then the total of 32,000 men were divided into 27 foot regiments each numbering between 950 - 1300 men.These were subdivided into 3 grand divisions under princes Repnin,Golovin and Weide.2 were mustered around moscow and the third on the tatar frontier to the south.Thus these 27 line regiments,plus 2 guards regiments were the army of foot with which russia entered the debacle at narva.These could be aided by the remaining provincial streltsy regiments.The disaster of narva exposed the short training times of these conscripts.Losing over 25,000 men peter's situation would have been dire if charles pressed his then,but he turned towards poland.Peter now determined to remedy the existing situation as soon as possible and make full use of this respite.

Post-Narva Reforms - Peter's first task was to rebuild the army.23,000 survivors and repnin's 10,000 men division in the south gave him the base .Making full use of russia's manpower pool,and a proclamation for mandatory military service he rapidly expanded the army and by 1705 the foot army numbered 47 line regiments,2 guards and 5 regiments of grenadiers.The provincial streltsy regiments were gradually assimilated into the line regiments.The voluntary enrolment scheme was abandoned as it endangered control over the serfs.The army gradually gained experience in smaller actions aiding their allies in poland and began to win several small victories when outnumbering the swedes.In 1702 peter wrote -

''At long last we have beaten the swedes when we were superior,in some years we may beat them at equal strength''

A victory over a swedish army of equal strength came at kalisz 1706 and marked a considerable increase in its morale and self-image.At poltava peter's army was to show charles just how much they had learned from narva.(note though that none of these victories had come against the main swedish army under charles himself.Charles was as yet unbeaten.)

RUSSIAN INFANTRY - Organization :

In 1700 each infantry regiment consisted of 2 battalions,each of five companies.Only the guard regiments had four battalions.The regiments numbered around 1000-1300 in strength.They consisted of flintlock musketeers,pikemen(1/5th strength in emulation of the swedish model) and small numbers of grenadiers.

Almost all of the regiments commanded by a colonel were led by foreigners(saxons,scots) as officers trained in the western standards were as yet not sufficient in number in peter's newly reformed army.In general leadership was not particularly high class as many of these were rejects from european armies.Peter tried his best nonetheless to purge any incompetent officers and time servers.From 1708 the single grenadier company that was attached to each line regiment were now detached and all the companies converged into a total of 5 grenadiers regiments.Only the guard regiments retained their grenadier companies.

At the beginning of the invasion in 1709,each battalion consisted of four companies .Each company had about 150 men.The grenadier companies of each regiment had been consoplidated into seperate grenadier regiments.

The russian serf soldier by nature coming from a background of enormous hardship was stoic and inured to the privations of war to a large extent.Courageous and extremely durable especially in defense he was to prove a formidable adversary for charles and his neo-viking berserkers.

Tactics - The russian army was in its infancy and detailed tactics had not yet matured.Yet lessons had been learned from actions against the swedes.Massed firepower was now prefered to counter the swedish shock ga-pa tactics.Field fortifications would be used whenever possible to blunt the swedish frontal assaults.Battalions formed up in four ranks with pikes in centre.Firing was based upon the dutch or english systems.Either fire by rank or fire by platoon.Poltava was to show the application of several of these concepts.

Next : Russian Cavalry and Artillery.

Pre-Peter Cavalry - The cavalry arm peter inherited was not impressive .It consisted of thousands of 'noble cavalrymen' - Essentially consisting of minor russian noblemen and the boyars with their retainers.These feudal like contingents had low discipline and minimal co-operation and are described by most observers as a 'sorry multitude'.Added to this regular cavalry was the irregular cavalry of the cossacks.Cossacks however were only recently intregrated into the russian empire and their loyalty was still suspect.They also restricted their military service mostly to southern campaigns against the tatars and turks.At narva the noble cavalry performed miserably,being seized by panic at the assault of the swedish cuirassiers and fled even without engaging.After this peter gradually began to phase them out.

Peter's Dragoons - In 1699 peter ordered formation a new cavalry arm of dragoon's on western lines armed with carbines,muskets and sabres and trained to charge in unison knee to knee.By a combination of conscription and drafts of already serving cavalrymen from the existing units 2 of these new dragoon regiments were raised in time to take part at the battle of narva.Here they were igonimously routed by the swedish heavy cavalry.Given the even more miserable performance of the noble cavalry,peter didn't lose heart but began to rebuild his mounted arm with patience.The noble cavalry were phased out and more and more dragoon regiments raised .By poltava peter had at his disposal no less than 37 dragoon regiments.

[The increasing strength of the new russian arm in the years between narva and poltava]
A russian dragoon regiment composed of 5 squadrons originally each of 2 companies of 100 men each for a total of approx 1000 men per regiment.A reorganization was attempted to create a 3 squadron regiment of 4 companies each for a 1200 man regiment,but this wasn't implemented wholly in time for poltava.Apart from line regiments some of the moree experienced troops were concentrated in horse grenadier regiments.

Equipment and Tactics -

Dragoons were meant as all-purpose verstaile horsemen who could double up as mounted infantry.They were invaluable for scouting,harassment and in employing peter's scorched earth policy before poltava.Weaponry included muskets/carbines,flintlock pistols(in picture above and sabres.When dismounted the dragoons fought as regular infantry.Mounted tactics relied on firepower lacking the superb discipline of the swedish horse.

Dragoon regiments formed up 3 deep with a frontage of four or five companies(half a regiment).They rode at a trot to 30 paces and discharged their firearms ,then they closed at a trot with pistols and sabres.Since charging at gallop while holding formation required excellent discipline this was not attempted,instead reliance was placed on firepower to disrupt the concentrated swedish 'chevron' wedge style formations of horsemen.

Cossacks -Apart from the dragoons were the irregular cavalry of cossacks.Excellent scouts,raiders,pursuers and harassers but as yet of little battlefield value.


Peter in contrast to charles paid deep attention to his artillery arm and the result was that by poltava russia possed a numerous and strong cannon force.It consisted of 68 3 pdr light guns integrated into the line infantry regiments for fire support.13 2-pdr light horse artillery- a unique innovation attempted first by the russians.8 pdr guns as the main calibre.And 12 12-pdr heavy guns plus siege mortars of higher calibre.

[Artillery calibres with roundshot ammunition.For artillery tactics consult plz battle reports 10 and 12.Remember that artillery ammunition doesn't include heavy explosive shells which came into use in 1850s but solid iron balls for physical damage by hurling them using the force of a controlled gunpowder explsion via fuse]
Peter would use these guns to devastating effect at poltava.He would prove himself superior to charles as an exponent of artillery.

Next: The campaign begins.
This battle is a complete tactical disaster on the Swedish Parts, and all the blame could chase to one name and one name only. C.G. Roos.

The battle plan called for the Swede to bypass the redoubt and that see between 2 forests which essential for taking the main Russian Camps. The battle plan had called for Roos to cease attacking the redoubt once the main force by-passed and formed a flank/rear guard action to prevent the Russian from flanking the Swede once over the redoubt.

For unknown reason, Roos forces continue to crash the redoubt even though the Swedish force have by passed the redoubt on both side and routed the Russian Cavalry, only to have the main force left flank exposed by Roos ridiculous attempt on ptaken those redoubt when they are not needed to dealt with anymore.

Now, the waiting begin. For 2 hours, the Main Swedish Force of 14 infantry battalion and half the cavalry squadron just lay in wait for Roos to get back to the position and form a battle line to the left. While the wait begin, Roos exhausted his man trying to take the redoubt and retreated. Allowing the defensive position to be retook by the Russian, Then came the encirclement of Swedish troop and what follow is simply disarray.

A textbook case of what not to do in break out warfare. It come down to following orders and follow through. It's important for the attacking force to NOT wait and let the defender regroup. Once an attack started, you don't stop for whatever reason until there are nothing there to fight anymore.

Here is one of the more self-explained map of the battle


Colored Square - Swedish battalion
Red -Hollowed Square - Russian Redoubt
Red - Solid Square - Taken Russian Redoubt
Green Arrow, Gold Arrow, Blue Arrow - Movement for Swedish battalion (Main Force)
Black Arrow - Roos Battalions
Red Arrow - Movement, Russian Force
Last edited:
This battle is a complete tactical disaster on the Swedish Parts, and all the blame could chase to one name and one name only. C.G. Roos.

The battle plan called for the Swede to bypass the redoubt and that see between 2 forests which essential for taking the main Russian Camps. The battle plan had called for Roos to cease attacking the redoubt once the main force by-passed and formed a flank/rear guard action to prevent the Russian from flanking the Swede once over the redoubt.

For unknown reason, Roos forces continue to crash the redoubt even though the Swedish force have by passed the redoubt on both side and routed the Russian Cavalry, only to have the main force left flank exposed by Roos ridiculous attempt on ptaken those redoubt when they are not needed to dealt with anymore.

Now, the waiting begin. For 2 hours, the Main Swedish Force of 14 infantry battalion and half the cavalry squadron just lay in wait for Roos to get back to the position and form a battle line to the left. While the wait begin, Roos exhausted his man trying to take the redoubt and retreated. Allowing the defensive position to be retook by the Russian, Then came the encirclement of Swedish troop and what follow is simply disarray.

A textbook case of what not to do in break out warfare. It come down to following orders and follow through. It's important for the attacking force to NOT wait and let the defender regroup. Once an attack started, you don't stop for whatever reason until there are nothing there to fight anymore.

Here is one of the more self-explained map of the battle


Colored Square - Swedish battalion
Red -Hollowed Square - Russian Redoubt
Red - Solid Square - Taken Russian Redoubt
Green Arrow, Gold Arrow, Blue Arrow - Movement for Swedish battalion (Main Force)
Black Arrow - Roos Battalions
Red Arrow - Movement, Russian Force

Hold up,i haven't even got there.:crazy_pilot:
can someone give me the link for the thread,, where the whole list it?

Charles's main war goals were to reclaim his baltic holdings and achieve a lasting peace on this russian front.He hoped to achieve this without further devastating the baltic provinces by making them a battleground.His initial aim would be to drive out the russian forces from east poland and then penetrate into russia itself.Once into russia though he would face 3 choices -the northern route to retake the baltic provinces culminating in an attack on st petersburg.Or the central route through smolensk -the road to moscow.Finally the southern route to ukraine where he perhaps could enter into an alliance with the ottomans or any dissident cossacks.Initially charles chose the second option as it would avoid baltic states becoming a battleground,but more importantly charles wanted to secure a lasting triumph over peter,and taking moscow-right into the heart of the enemy,this go for the jugular approach was consistent with his personality.

Peter's main objective as can be discerned from his letters seems to centre around his obsession to defend his new capital at st.petersburg.Poland was to be a buffer where the russian advance elements would employ scorched earth tactics and draw in and exhaust the advancing swedes.After that peter was prepared to employ scorched earth as far as moscow itself to wear down the swedish army.Charles had no idea of peter's weakness for st.petersburg,had he understood the czar's obsession with holding his new capital at all costs,he may have opted for the northern route and co-ordinated it with a pincer strike from finland and swedish livonia by swedish forces there.The result of such a campaign may have been very different.However charles was never much to bothered about reading his enemy and chose his own path.

In late august charles rode out from saxony with his forces,entering poland where russian advnace force led by peter's foremost lieutenant prince menshikov fell back employing scorched earth policy.Crops burned,livestock killed or diverted and wells poisoned.Swedish army 44,000 strong crossed the vistula river in the final days of 1707.(see the rivers on the first map)From vistula they headed towards grodno,taking a seemingly inhospitable road south of east prussia through forests and thus bypassing the russian defences as well as staying away from the burned wasteland that the russians had prepared for them.Here charles faced guerilla resistance from the local peasantry over requisition of food stocks,which were dwindling among his army's supply train.Crushing this nuisance charles moved forward to grodno.Peter joined menshikov at grodno and abandoned the city to continue the retreat.His army was screened by coassacks and dragoons.Swedes continued into lithuania by mid-february 1708 charles asked general Lewenhaupt to prepare his forces in swedish livonia and join him with 12,000 men and a full supply train by mid-summer.The supply train was essential as though casualities from the scorched earth policy had till then been minimal,charles's army was beginning to feel the pinch.Charles then abruptly moved north towards minsk where the area was relatively intact.Here the swedes halted and rested for 3 months - replenishing their stocks and gathering information.Meanwhile charles detatched a contingent of 5,000 men to return to poland to maintain swedish influence there and secure his rear.This reduced the army to 38,000 men but also shortened its logistical burden a little.


By mid-june charles resumed his march.35,000 + swedes were concentrated around grodno and minsk.The 50,000 strong russian army was forced to be more dispersed -they had to cover both the route to moscow and towards st.petersburg.The russian forces were strung out behind the river lines of the Dvina and the Dnieper-berezina.Here charles' prime minister advocated a drive towards st.petersburg by a rapid attack.Done with enough speed this could overwhelm the defenders on the northern route seperated from the russian forces in the south by geography.However charles opted to march in between the opening left by the 2 rivers around smolensk.A river gate.(See map u'll see the 2 rivers don't meet but bend away creating a gap without a defensive river line north of smolensk.)Through this route charles envisioned a march on moscow along the highway from smolensk.Tentative russian peace offers were rejected by him-
''I will treat with the czar in moscow''
To which Peter is supposed to have said -
''My brother Charles wishes as always to play the part of Alexander,but i flatter myself that he will not find in me another darius''

On 6 june charles marched with the intention of crossing the berezina,russian advance guard of 8000 cavalry around borisov hovered menacingly to disrupt any crossing.Charles sent a diversionary cavalry detatchment to pin down this force and crossed unhindered further south.His original plan was to swing round and trap the russian cavalry,but atrocious weather and rain allowed the russian cavalry to disengage.Now advancing on smolensk ,the swedish army reached the village of Holowczyn.Defended by extensive field fortifications it was clear that this was the main russian defensive position in the sector.No means of outflanking the position were available.As the swedish army assembled charles planned his battle.


As charles reconnoitered the russian positions on the other bank of the vaubitch he made an important discovery.There was a gap in the russian lines between the divisions of repnin and shermetiev.The cause of this was the presence of a extensive marshy land that was regarded as impassbale by the russians and left undefended.Charles resolved to force this gap by making a surprise crossing and then take repnin in the flank and roll up his line.It was a daring plan,if the russians could contest the crossing in force before bulk of charles army could redeploy on the solid ground beyond the marsh the result could be disastrous.

1.Extensive russian field fortifications and earthworks behind which 24 battalions of repnin's division lay in defense.Behind him on his left rear in the woods remained Goltz's russian dragoons.His immediate left was anchored by a village.Sheremetiev's 18 battalions were some distance off,again in a wooden area.The marsh seperated them.

2.On the evening of 3rd july the swedish guns under bunow begin to deploy facing repnin's right to silence the russian guns,bombard the entrenchmenst and provide cover for the crossing.

3.In the dead of night under cover of darkness,charles leads his forces across the water and into the other bank.At about 2 am this operation begins,immediately bunow's guns begin their barrage.Charles however doesn't manage to completely surprise the russians,the sentries on the bank fire warning shots when they see the swedish engineers and soldiers about to make the crossing.

4.Even in darkness,charles leads the swedish infantry with the guard regiments in the vanguard across chest high water.Russian artillery opens up but the swedes come on.Repnin understands the danger and sends for help from sheremetiev via dispatch.The darkness causes much confusion in communications.

5 and 6.Swedish commander sparre manages to deploy his forces on solid ground after doggedly struggling through the marsh.The swedish soldiers are bit fatigued but they have made it.Meanwhile charles deploys his other division on solid ground as well ready to now make a move.The swedish cavalry is also plodding across trying to gain a foothold.
Repnin redeploys some of his battalions and extends and bends his right flank to halt the swedish advance.However many russian troops are still in the entrenchments.

7.Charles sees a space for him to conduct a flanking movement and expose repnin's already extended right flank.The swedish infantry move to exploit this oppurtunity.

1.The russians initially hold their ground but as charles makes his flanking move and repnin's front is in danger of being rolled up.He orders a withdrawal into the woods and to buy time for sheremetiev's arrival.bitter confused fighting rages till 7AM in the darkness and amongst broken woody terrain.

2.Finally swedish pressure begins to tell.Russian problems are compounded by shortage of ammunition and they begin to withdraw hastily.The battalions on the sides manage a steady retreat being aided by the woods-but the centre battalions collapse and are routed.

3.The swedish cavalry are now across and depolying under creutz.

4.While the swedes have broken repnin's line,their infantry is now scattered and vulnerable.Goltz aims for this disorganized and exposed mass.A timely charge from the flank would reverse the tide of the battle at this juncture.

5.Rheinskold ,leading the vanguard of the swedish cavalry however is not idle.He has moved up his squadrons to support the infantry.

6.Goltz's dragoons almost make it to the swedish infantry,but are instead intercepted by rheinskold's horse.Initially the swedes are outnumbered and in peril ,but as more and more squadrons enter the fray goltz's situation becomes difficult.Finally the household cavalry of the swedes break through.The rear squadrons of goltz's force attempt a last ditch intervention but are caught in order of march before they can redeploy and routed.Goltz's cavalry withdraws in disarray.The wooded terrain and forests prevents any kind of organized pursuit.

7.Finally sheremetiev's leading battalions make an appearance,too little too late.He can do no more than cover repnin's retreat.The battle of holowczyn is over.

Aftermath :

While the crossing operation had been masterly with glimpses of alexander's famed operation at the hydaspes-gains on the ground for charles were not as impressive.It had been a pyrrhic victory.Russian losses were about a 1000 killed and 675 wounded to swedish losses of 267 killed and about a 1000 wounded.However many of the swedish wounded would subsequently die from lack of medical attention.Much of the russian forces had escaped intact and not before they had given a good fight.There was no mass panic flight like narva.But charles had succeeded for the time being in his original objective,the road to moscow through smolensk was now open.

Causes of russian failure - -

Faulty tactical deployment
,the russian commanders seem to have assumed without deep thought the marsh was impassable.They seperated their own army for charles to exploit.They had underestimated the audacity of charles.
Poor communications and sheremetiev's slothful movement - Poor co-ordination between the russian commanders and sheremetiev's dragging his feet led to russian forces being unable to be reinforced despite being present closeby.The darkness added to the confusion.
Lack of strategic reserve - There seemed to have been no mobile reserve that could be employed in an emergency.Thus when charles managed to outflank repnin's right ,there was no force available to counter the move and withdrawal became inevitable.

Despite this however,the russian army remained almost wholly intact and capable of contesting swedish movement towards moscow.Holowczyn marked the first episode of the campaign,round 1 had gone to the swedes.

NEXT : Battle of lasnaya.
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