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Battle of Narva "A Show of Valour"

The Sandman

Aug 26, 2015
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In mid 1941 during OP Barbarossa German forces captured city of Narva with little to no damage to infrastructure. Northern front (an Army group) was pushed back to the city of Leningrad where Germans laid the siege which remained for over 2.5 years. In August 1941 Northern front was divided into Leningrad front and Karelian front. Both the Leningrad city and a small pocket (in the town of Lomosov) known as Oranienbaum on the Baltic coast was left to survive by Army Group North and was being screened by weak field Luftwaffe divisions.

By 1944 Wehrmacht was on the retreat on entire eastern front. After 3 years of ferocious fighting both Army Group Center and South were pushed back into Ukraine. Army group North on the other hand had saw minimal fighting but this was soon to be changed.


Main choke point as can be seen was a 45km strip of land stretched between Gulf Of Finland and Lake Peipus. Narva-Talinn highway and railway was the only transportation route from east to west. Which was not enough to support a large scale troop movement.



On 14th Jan 1944 Red army launched their offensives with a massive barrage of artillery this operation was known as "Operation January Thunder". From Orianenbaum pocket Soviet 2nd Shock army with the support of several battleships in the Baltic rained hell on 9th and 10th Luftwaffe divisions which showed almost no resistance and fell apart quickly. While Soviet 42nd and 67th Armies launched attacked against three German divisions which were surrounded quickly. With the help of III SS Panzer Corps with the help of 502 Heavy Tank Battalion started to hold fortified positions giving retreating German units a safe passage.

On 18th Jan 2nd Shock army and 42nd Army met near "Ropscha" Leningrad siege was lifted finally after 900 days. On 24th Jan having no other choice Von Kuchler (Commander of Army Group North) ordered full retreat Luga River which was denied by Hitler. On 30th he got the permission but it was too late Soviet units had crossed the Luga, Von Kuchler was relieved of his command and was replaced with Walter Model a defensive expert. Model soon realized that line at Luga can not be held he so devised a plan to reel his troops back to "Panther Line" using tactic "Shield and Sword". Germans also starts to evacuate civilians.

"At "Ropscha" one Lt. Col. Lassmann received from Col Michaels who was still holding out with some of his men at Tuganty, about 15 kilometers south of Lassman’s position
His combat group was fighting against the advance elements of Fediuninskii’s assault forces, trying to prevent them from linking up with the 42nd Army. After giving Lassmann a report on the situation, he signed off by saying, “In this life, we will never see each other again.” Four days later Michaels was killed while defending his position."

German Objectives:

Holding on to this front for Germany was extremely crucial as loss of this area would've meant loss of Gulf of Finland giving access to Soviet Baltic Fleet in turn losing iron ore imports and oil shale reserves.

Soviet Forces:

Commanded by: Leonid Govorov & Ivan Fedyuninsky


2nd Shock Army (3 Corps)
8th Army (2 Corps)
59th Army (2 Corps)


8th Estonian Rifle Corps
14th Rifle Corps
124th Rifle Division
30th Guards Rifle Corps
46th, 260th and 261st Separate Guards Heavy Tank
1902nd Separate Self-propelled Artillery regiments
3rd Breakthrough Artillery Corps
3rd Guards Tank Corps

Total Men: 200,000
Tanks: 125
Artillery: 2500
Aircraft: 800

German Forces: (Renamed to Army Detachment "Narva")

Commanded by: Felix Steiner & Johannes Friessner


III SS Panzer Corps:

4th SS Panzergrenadier Brigade "Nederland"
11th SS Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland"
20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian)

XXVI Corps (4 Divisions and 1 Regiment)

XXXXIII Army Corps (4 Divisions and 1 Regiment)

2 Estonian Battalions and 1 Regiment

Additional Units:

Artillery Command No. 113
High Pioneer Command No. 32

502nd Heavy Tank Battalion
752nd Anti-Tank Battalion
540th Special Infantry (Training) Battalion

Total Men: 123,500
Tanks: 32
Aircraft: 137

Overview of Positions

Offensive begins!

After falling back to the west of Narva SS troops and 502 Heavy Tank Battalion realized that so called "Panther line" existed only in papers. Hard ground due to winter meant new defenses couldn't be set up easily and quickly. Soviets hot on the heels in pursuit on 1st Feb 1944 Launched offensive by attacking the town of Kingsiepp and capturing it. Meanwhile units of 2nd Shock Army's crossed Narva River and formed bridgeheads to north and south of the Narva city. III SS Corp's being in a precarious position started digging. 4th SS Brigade held on to northern flank while southern flank was being defended by the 11th SS division. III SS engineers hastily built up bunkers, trenches and barriers. Any remnants of Luftwaffe divisions were also sent to Northern and Southern sectors to reinforce defenses.


Soviet Artillery pounds German positions at Panther line

On 3rd feb, Soviet attempted to establish a bridge on the western bank north of river Narva which resulted in failure as Panzers of 11th SS and Tigers of 502 under Lt. Otto Carius repulsed the attack.

As Otto Carius described this in his book "Tigers in The Mud" p.57-58.

After weeks of probing attacks Soviets formed a bridgehead on 12th Feb at Ssiversti. To the south of Narva 8th army was now threatening the III SS Corps but German Commander Oberst Wengler gathered together elements of 170th, 227th, and 61st Infantry Divisions Feldherrnhalle Panzer division and tanks of 502. Otto Carius's Tigers once against proved crucial in warding off the soviets attacks Russians suffered heavy casualties.


Panzers with a halftrack move up to attack soviet positions

German 18th army on the other hand was also suffering heavy casualties over 30,000 wounded and over 10,000 killed several thousand guns lost, Hitler had no option but to accept the retreat of all units to Panther line by 17th Feb. Meanwhile 47th and 2nd Shock army of Soviets reinforced Ssiversti bridgehead and successfully established another crossing. Panicking Germans threw in 20th Estonian SS comprised mainly of Estonian volunteers reached front on 20th Feb. With the help of 502 German forces not only repulsed but also managed to force the soviets to withdraw.

After the setback at Ssiversti Soviets realizing the weak German positions south of Narva ordered 8th army to launch an attack west of Kriwasoo. On 24th Feb after the heavy bombardment Soviet units reached the main railway supplying the Narva area. German 61st division met and was pushed back. But with the help of Feldherrnhalle and 502 plugging gaps Soviet attack was once again completely repulsed. In the east Soviets ordered a heavy assault in the Lilienbach area being held by 49th SS Regiment composed of Dutch volunteers.

Advancing under the covering fire of artillery Soviets assaulted the 49th's trench position who in turn called up their artillery. After heavy hand to hand fighting attack was repulsed. After this failure Soviet commander started to look elsewhere to attack.


On 1st Mar, From Krivasoo Bridgehead Soviet 59th army with support of 2,500 guns and over 100 tanks attacked German 214th division. After 3 days of fighting Soviets acheieved a breakthrough and started encircling 214th German division, 658th and 659th Eastern Battalions. Axis forces resisted greatly, 59th Army commander delayed advance due to lack of manpower and artillery support giving Germans enough time to reinforce their units stopping soviet advances. Meanwhile in the North SS regiment 24. "DANMARK" counterattacked and took Siivertsi cemetery. While 1st and 2nd Estonian Regiments pushed back Soviet bridgehead and split it into two.

"A Soviet regiment of the 2nd Rifle Division attempted a surprise assault over the northeastern tip of Lake Peipus in order to seize the road along the north shore of the lake on 2 March. Up to 500 of them were killed by the 225th Infantry Division, a large number of weapons were captured, including seven assault guns."

On 6th March,
"Soviet aviation conducted an air raid, leveling the historical town of Narva. An air and artillery bombardment of 100,000 shells and bombs were aimed at the 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland" and the 4th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Brigade "Nederland" in Ivangorod on the opposite bank from Narva. It also prepared the 30th Guards Rifle Division's attack on 8 March. Simultaneous pitched battles took place north of the town, where the 14th Rifle Corps supported by artillery from the 8th Estonian Rifle Corps attempted to break through the defence of the 1st and 2nd Estonian Regiments. The defenders repulsed the attacks with great losses for the Soviets."

Soviet plan to turn people away from Germans backfired and more Estonians joined Germans. Another soviet attack on 17th March at Auvere station was repulsed by small force from 502.


Narva after Soviet artillery and air raids, 1944

After a week of heavy fighting which ranged from hand to hand combat to tank shoot out SS Regiment's were battered and could not withstand another attack commander Collani decided to withdraw to new positions to the south. Soviet aware of this on 14th Mar after an artillery barrage launched another attack. Heavy shelling kept the Germans in trenches allowing Soviets to moving up silently before Germans could realize anything Soviets jumped into trenches brutal hand to hand fight broke out. Germans units from other trenches seeing this formed an assault group counter attacked and pushed back the enemy. Heavy fighting continued till late March 2nd Shock Army had lost upto 150,000 men while Army Group Narva suffered around 30,000 casualties. On 24th March 2nd Shock Army requested to adopt defensive posture

On 26th March Germans decided to launch their own assault known as Strachwitz offensive led by "Hyacinth Graf Strachwitz". This battle group was composed of 170th, 11th, and 227th Infantry Divisions and tanks. Supported by Luftwaffe using Panther tanks German forces flanked and encircled 109th and 72nd Rifle Corps by the end of the day. Next day counterattacks by Soviets were beaten back by 23rd East Prussian Grenadier Regiment. By 31st March Soviet bridgeheads were split into two and 6,000 soviets were dead. On 6th April smashing through the 59th army positions which was also being bombed by air, 61st Division and panzers of Strachwitz separated 6th and 117th Rifle Corps. Soviet bridgehead was destroyed.

On 7 April, Leonid Govorov ordered to switch the mode on Narva front to defensive. The 59th Army, having lost another 5,700 troops for all purposes, was removed from the bridgehead. 8th Army although managed to repel German attacks. For the next 2 months, relative calm descended upon the front which was only pierced by occasional artillery or sniper fire. Soviets now turned their attention towards Center and Southern army groups.

*Strachwitz received the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds for his actions.

To be continued...

@Joe Shearer @Desert Fox @Nilgiri @Moonlight @Hell hound
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Tiger I

Final Narva Offensive:

On 7 June, after heavy artillery bombardment and heavy air attacks Soviets attacked Danmark and Netherlands positions. Intense fighting broke out but Germans forces once again held their ground meanwhile Soviet forces also launched attacks against III SS Panzer Corps, XXVI and XXXXIII Army Corps in Ivangorod. On 12th June Soviet achieved a breakthrough in Danish lines and started to drive toward Narva bridge. One Danish Sgt. Egon Christopherson saw the disaster unfolding in front of him led an assault group against the Soviet flank. With his handful of men, Christopherson charged through the enemy, firing automatic weapons and tossing grenades as they went. Surprised and panicked Soviets pulled back. *Christophersen was awarded the Knight's Cross. Fighting continued for the next few weeks with neither side gaining or losing anything.


Narva crossing

On 24th July, Soviets after two hours of artillery bombardment and air attacks over the positions of SS 45 Estland in Auvere estate and 44th East Prussian Regiment in Sirgala settlement Soviet 122nd Rifle Corps and a tank brigade attacked the 44th East Prussians. 117th Rifle Corps encircled the Estonian regiment only to be saved by a company of Panther tanks and nebelwerfer artillery. More attempts were made by 117th and 122nd Rifle Corps but resulted in failure and heavy casualties compared to Germans.

On 25th July, Soviet assault guns fired 280,000 shells and grenades at the positions of the Estonian Division across Narva river who was responsible for protecting right flank of III SS. "Regiments of the 131st and the 191st Rifle Corps were ordered to cross the river on boats and rafts, accompanied by "Svyaschennaya Voyna" and the anthem of the Soviet Union playing from the loudspeakers". Attempts were made to stop 2nd shock army but it was too much for the outnumbered and depleted German forces.

On 26th July, Despite being outnumbered & outgunned by huge margins Germans and other foreign troops kept on fighting for 6 months inflicting heavy casualties upon the enemy but were now too much weakened themselves hence Steiner decided to withdraw to Tannenberg Line. The same day Soviets captured Narva.

While the soviets had brought up their divisions to full strengths Germans were completely depleted majority of the units consisted of foreign volunteers now. III SS Panzer Corps halted their withdrawal and moved into defensive positions on the hills. 4th SS Brigade took positions to the north (left), 20th SS Division in the center, 11th SS Division to the south (right) and units of 11th East Prussians to further south.

On 26th July, While pursuing German forces Soviets discovered the tannenberg line which was a bit surprised for the Soviets. Soviets seized eastern side of the Orphanage Hill. For the next two days Germans attempted to re-capture Orphanage hill but failed to do so. After intense fighting Soviets supported by IS-2 Heavy tanks and over 6,000 troops captured "Grenadier Hill" only to lose control of it by a German counter attack which also secured Talinn-Narva highway.

On 29th July, Soviet forces made eight attempts at regaining control of the Grenadier Hill only to be pushed back again and again. Germans situation became desperate with each attack but still managed to hold it. On 31st July intensity of Soviet attacks started to weaken while the Estonians defending ran out ammo. No fighting took place on 1st Aug as both forces needed reorganization and rest.

On 2nd August, Nederland after artillery bombardment came down the slopes but Waffen-Grenadier Regiment der SS 46 regained control. Over the next 3 days several attempst were made by Soviets only to be repulsed each time by weaker defending forces "Grenadier Hill" changed hands multiple times but ultimately remained in German hands till Sept.

On 10th Aug 1944, Leonid Govorov the commander of the Leningrad Front terminated the offensive on 10 August. Battle of Narva was over.


The 18 September 1944 proclamation of the Government of Estonia in Riigi Teataja (Government gazette)


  • On 1st Sep, Finland signed armistice with Soviet Union.
  • Stalin's hopes of forcing Finland into capitulation failed and entered into negotiations on Finland's terms.
  • On 14th Sep, after launch of Baltic offensive Hitler agreed for total evacuation of Estonia.
  • Over 90,000 troops, 85,000 Civilians and thousands of Soviet POW's were evacuated.
  • On 21st Sep, Newly formed Govt of Estonia seized buildings and placed it's flags only to be replaced by Soviets few days later.
  • Stavka's hopes of crushing Army Group North and rapidly moving on to Eastern Prussia and central Europe failed.



100,000 dead or missing
380,000 wounded or sick
300 Tanks destroyed
230 Aircrafts lost


14,000 dead or missing
54,000 wounded or sick

Obv all most all tanks, guns & aircrafts lost.


@Signalian @airmarshal @Mentee @Tps43 @RealNapster @Vergennes

Hope you people will like this!
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Tiger I

Final Narva Offensive:

On 7 June, after heavy artillery bombardment and heavy air attacks Soviets attacked Danmark and Netherlands positions. Intense fighting broke out but Germans forces once again held their ground meanwhile Soviet forces also launched attacks against III SS Panzer Corps, XXVI and XXXXIII Army Corps in Ivangorod. On 12th June Soviet achieved a breakthrough in Danish lines and started to drive toward Narva bridge. One Danish Sgt. Egon Christopherson saw the disaster unfolding in front of him led an assault group against the Soviet flank. With his handful of men, Christopherson charged through the enemy, firing automatic weapons and tossing grenades as they went. Surprised and panicked Soviets pulled back. *Christophersen was awarded the Knight's Cross. Fighting continued for the next few weeks with neither side gaining or losing anything.


Narva crossing

On 24th July, Soviets after two hours of artillery bombardment and air attacks over the positions of SS 45 Estland in Auvere estate and 44th East Prussian Regiment in Sirgala settlement Soviet 122nd Rifle Corps and a tank brigade attacked the 44th East Prussians. 117th Rifle Corps encircled the Estonian regiment only to be saved by a company of Panther tanks and nebelwerfer artillery. More attempts were made by 117th and 122nd Rifle Corps but resulted in failure and heavy casualties compared to Germans.

On 25th July, Soviet assault guns fired 280,000 shells and grenades at the positions of the Estonian Division across Narva river who was responsible for protecting right flank of III SS. "Regiments of the 131st and the 191st Rifle Corps were ordered to cross the river on boats and rafts, accompanied by "Svyaschennaya Voyna" and the anthem of the Soviet Union playing from the loudspeakers". Attempts were made to stop 2nd shock army but it was too much for the outnumbered and depleted German forces.

On 26th July, Despite being outnumbered & outgunned by huge margins Germans and other foreign troops kept on fighting for 6 months inflicting heavy casualties upon the enemy but were now too much weakened themselves hence Steiner decided to withdraw to Tannenberg Line. The same day Soviets captured Narva.

While the soviets had brought up their divisions to full strengths Germans were completely depleted majority of the units consisted of foreign volunteers now. III SS Panzer Corps halted their withdrawal and moved into defensive positions on the hills. 4th SS Brigade took positions to the north (left), 20th SS Division in the center, 11th SS Division to the south (right) and units of 11th East Prussians to further south.

On 26th July, While pursuing German forces Soviets discovered the tannenberg line which was a bit surprised for the Soviets. Soviets seized eastern side of the Orphanage Hill. For the next two days Germans attempted to re-capture Orphanage hill but failed to do so. After intense fighting Soviets supported by IS-2 Heavy tanks and over 6,000 troops captured "Grenadier Hill" only to lose control of it by a German counter attack which also secured Talinn-Narva highway.

On 29th July, Soviet forces made eight attempts at regaining control of the Grenadier Hill only to be pushed back again and again. Germans situation became desperate with each attack but still managed to hold it. On 31st July intensity of Soviet attacks started to weaken while the Estonians defending ran out ammo. No fighting took place on 1st Aug as both forces needed reorganization and rest.

On 2nd August, Nederland after artillery bombardment came down the slopes but Waffen-Grenadier Regiment der SS 46 regained control. Over the next 3 days several attempst were made by Soviets only to be repulsed each time by weaker defending forces "Grenadier Hill" changed hands multiple times but ultimately remained in German hands till Sept.

On 10th Aug 1944, Leonid Govorov the commander of the Leningrad Front terminated the offensive on 10 August. Battle of Narva was over.


The 18 September 1944 proclamation of the Government of Estonia in Riigi Teataja (Government gazette)


  • On 1st Sep, Finland signed armistice with Soviet Union.
  • Stalin's hopes of forcing Finland into capitulation failed and entered into negotiations on Finland's terms.
  • On 14th Sep, after launch of Baltic offensive Hitler agreed for total evacuation of Estonia.
  • Over 90,000 troops, 85,000 Civilians and thousands of Soviet POW's were evacuated.
  • On 21st Sep, Newly formed Govt of Estonia seized buildings and placed it's flags only to be replaced by Soviets few days later.
  • Stavka's hopes of crushing Army Group North and rapidly moving on to Eastern Prussia and central Europe failed.



100,000 dead or missing
380,000 wounded or sick
300 Tanks destroyed
230 Aircrafts lost


14,000 dead or missing
54,000 wounded or sick

Obv all most all tanks, guns & aircrafts lost.


@Signalian @airmarshal @Mentee @Tps43 @RealNapster @Vergennes

Hope you people will like this!
Great piece of work champ
Hollywood will never show the truth, the back of the third reich was broken by the bear at stalingrad.
Hollywood will never show the truth, the back of the third reich was broken by the bear at stalingrad.
But this write up is not about Stalingrad it's about a defensive victory brilliantly and valiantly achieved by German forces and foreign volunteers despite being outnumbered & outgunned.
But this write up is not about Stalingrad it's about a defensive victory brilliantly and valiantly achieved by German forces and foreign volunteers despite being outnumbered & outgunned.
Yes, i was just making an observation. Taking nothing away from the germans here, thier military machine and top tier generals were brilliant, its just that idiots like hitler and himler interfering in military matters made germany loose the war.
But this write up is not about Stalingrad it's about a defensive victory brilliantly and valiantly achieved by German forces and foreign volunteers despite being outnumbered & outgunned.
Defence victory requires defensive weapons and the nazis were quite good at designing those
Here's an SS treat for you
Jump at 1:07
@The Sandman

A great presentation and worthy read. The Russians had quite similar massive offensive failures during Operation Mars in the counter-attacks near Moscow in that dreaded winter of 42-43 (same time Stalingrad was going on further south).

It was significant given those were essentially:

a) counter-offensives close to Moscow, thus they should have gotten more success given enough dynamic adequacy and short logistics chain length compared to Wehrmacht

b) Zhukov leading it...and he would be propagandized as the man who never lost a battle etc...which is part of the reason Operation Mars failure was suppressed a long long time till it was more recently opened up study-wise as to the exact scale the Zhukov+Soviets employed and failed at.

One would have thought they learned from that, but it seems it wasnt entirely the case as same kind of mistakes were repeated (though this time under different Generals, who in the earlier phase were tasked with the defense of Leningrad..which was separate to Moscow theatre etc).

In the larger geopolitical sense, this stalwart defense by the Germans bought Finland much needed time to shore up its own defenses and posturing (given just the amount of men and material the Soviets used up to take Estonia).

If the Germans folded easy here, Finland likely would have been occupied by USSR and would not even factor into a separate armstice with the Soviets that preserved their independence (and then consolidated by assured neutrality pact + naval base lease and a few concessions in post war).

Still many Finns to this day look upon Wehrmacht (past what they may say hurriedly on the surface) quite favourably because of it. A Finnish friend of mine in High School knew quite a good number of Wehrmacht marching songs, no doubt passed onto him by his dad and granddad etc. set by the Axis cooperation of that most crucial time for Finland (which not many know was a Russian possession during most of 19th century, taken from Sweden, given to Russia...that was a real source of lingering animosity of Finns towards the Russian archenemy).

@Signalian @Joe Shearer @Moonlight @Levina @Desert Fox @Psychic @Vergennes @airmarshal @mingle

its just that idiots like hitler and himler interfering in military matters made germany loose the war.

Actually the original strategic interference that likely contributed the most to the effort being doomed was the 3rd lesser known "H"-guy....Halder.
@The Sandman

A great presentation and one that brought a sector and a part of the war little-known to me before to a vivid reality. Thanks for that.


I have grievances about you. I will raise them at the appropriate place, and that place is not here.
Defence victory requires defensive weapons and the nazis were quite good at designing those
Here's an SS treat for you
Jump at 1:07
Wow thanks for the share buddy! This was a surprise :tup::tup:
A great presentation and worthy read. The Russians had quite similar massive offensive failures during Operation Mars in the counter-attacks near Moscow in that dreaded winter of 42-43 (same time Stalingrad was going on further south).
Ah yes i have read about it few years back it was nicknamed "meat grinder" because of the losses to soviets iirc it was Model's genius mind which inflicted so many casualties to soviets just like in early operations of Narva. He was indeed a defensive genius.
In the larger geopolitical sense, this stalwart defense by the Germans bought Finland much needed time to shore up its own defenses and posturing (given just the amount of men and material the Soviets used up to take Estonia).
Yep finns gained most out of it and Estonians lost the most fought so bravely and still lost the country...
A great presentation and one that brought a sector and a part of the war little-known to me before to a vivid reality. Thanks for that.
I have grievances about you. I will raise them at the appropriate place, and that place is not here.
ok :cheers:
Great post. Thanks for sharing @The Sandman

Narva and many other battles of the Eastern Front have become overshadowed by much larger battles like Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk, but yet these smaller battles (in comparison to the former) are just as relevant and important withinthe greater framework of the Eastern front.
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@The Sandman bro if you can do a similar piece on another little known battle from the Eastern front; the battle of Korsun-Cherkassy pocket.

Interestingly the Baltic divisions also took part in that battle, along with the Wallonian legion of Leon Degrelle as well as the Viking division of Scandinavian volunteers. It was supposed to be the "second Stalingrad" according to the Soviets who were determined to close off the trapped Axis troops. Leon Degrelle's book is a great first hand account of that battle.

Interestingly the Cherkassy battle is mentioned here in this song of the Latvian legion, evidently their version of the famous German song:

@Nilgiri @Psychic
@The Sandman bro if you can do a similar piece on another little known battle from the Eastern front; the battle of Korsun-Cherkassy pocket.

Interestingly the Baltic divisions also took part in that battle, along with the Wallonian legion of Leon Degrelle as well as the Viking division of Scandinavian volunteers. It was supposed to be the "second Stalingrad" according to the Soviets who were determined to close off the trapped Axis troops. Leon Degrelle's book is a great first hand account of that battle.

Interestingly the Cherkassy battle is mentioned here in this song of the Latvian legion, evidently their version of the famous German song:

@Nilgiri @Psychic

It's all part of the reason why the first real fissures of the USSR in the 80s showed up not in the caucus mts or central asia (as many predicted) but in the Baltic states (and especially Estonia). A Russian buddy of mine (and fellow chess enthusiast) told me once....as long as they (Estonians) had (Paul) Keres, they felt enough kinship with us Russians....once he passed, the trouble started.

In fact in Estonia, Narva to this day is a real bitter issue, its still highly Russian populated (most of the Russian minority of Estonia is concentrated there).
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