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Bangladesh’s new radical Islamists



The resurgence of new radicals such as the madrasa-based Hefazet-e-Islam,

Hefazat-e-Islam is non political based organize group. They emerged to counter "Shahbaagi Murtads" created by current Islam hating Awami murtad league. Hefazat-e-Islam vow to preserve the authenticity of deen-e-Islam. If this makes them extremist then I guest most Bangladeshi Muslim(except Awami murtads) will fall under the category if so called "extremism". The reason I said most Bangladeshi Muslims because Qoomi madrasah run by public donation.
Hefazat-e-Islam is non political based organize group. They emerged to counter "Shahbaagi Murtads" created by current Islam hating Awami murtad league. Hefazat-e-Islam vow to preserve the authenticity of deen-e-Islam. If this makes them extremist then I guest most Bangladeshi Muslim(except Awami murtads) will fall under the category if so called "extremism". The reason I said most Bangladeshi Muslims because Qoomi madrasah run by public donation.
whatever some propaganda outlet calls most of us in Bangladesh, those murtad extremists known from their shahbagh fiasco should be dealt with a hard hand; they pose no less than an existential threat to the country
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