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Bangladeshi 4 peacekeepers killed in bomb blasts in Mali

Un peacekeeping missions are mostly misuse of forces , uno and america enter into poor countries under pretext of peace keeping or altruism and all they engage is in looting of locals resources and fanning insurgency and oppressing locals.

No doubt why locals see peacekeepers as invaders and terrorists and attack them.

I am not in favor of pak forces deployment on these leacekeeping missions specially to african nations and other poor nations cause uno and worldbank and usa are sitting there for their own vested interests and not locals welfare. One could check what uno and world bank have been doing in congo on americas behalf.
RIP :(
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Be at peace in heaven ; most glorious sons of Bangladesh.
My sincere condolence to their families, may Allah give them the strength in this hard time. Amin.
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i got it simple sir BD send solders on UN request . all BD cn do pull back his solders now . but making policy and deciding what to do will be not in BD hands . lets be honest here .
AND Where did I said otherwise, dear sir?

I said pushing the UN, not the MINSUMA. Got it old man?
AND Where did I said otherwise, dear sir?

I said pushing the UN, not the MINSUMA. Got it old man?
push UN to let BD solder being aggressive ? valiance is already there peacekeepers have to minimize it
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