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Bangladesh urges end of hostilities in Ukraine


Dec 31, 2010
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Bangladesh urges end of hostilities in Ukraine​

Staff Correspondent | Published: 00:26, Feb 27,2023

Bangladesh said in a statement on Sunday that it was concerned about the situation in Ukraine, particularly the loss of lives, and called for a cessation of hostilities there. Explaining the country’s position in favour of abstention from the United Nations General Assembly resolution on ‘Just Peace in Ukraine’ adopted on Thursday, foreign ministry spokesperson Seheli Sabrin read out the written statement at a media briefing.

‘While the ultimate objective of the current resolution is to seek a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine, we believe that any meaningful and sustainable solution to the current conflict must need intensive diplomatic engagement and dialogue between the parties involved in the conflict,’ she said.

In Bangladesh’s opinion, she said that this important practical point was missing in the resolution, which prompted the country to remain abstain.

‘Guided by Bangabandhu’s philosophy of “Friendship to all and malice towards none”, Bangladesh pursues a peace-centric foreign policy, which is based on the principles of respect for sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all states, peaceful settlement of international disputes, and respect for the principles enunciated in the Charter of the United Nations,’ she said.

She said, ‘Bangladesh continued to remain concerned over the situation in Ukraine, particularly the loss of (civilian) lives, deteriorating humanitarian situation in conflict zone and consequential socio- economic fallout around the globe.’

Meanwhile, Russia on Saturday thanked Bangladesh for abstaining from voting in the United Nations General Assembly on a resolution that demanded Russia leave Ukraine.

‘Thank you, Bangladesh, for abstaining,’ the Russian Embassy in Dhaka tweeted, adding, ‘The non-binding “anti-Russian” resolution of the UNGA will not bring the world closer to ending the Ukraine conflict.’

Seheli, also director general of the public diplomacy wing, said that ‘We call for a cessation of hostilities and remain steadfast in our commitment that purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be upheld at any cost.’

In this regard, she mentioned that they saw the importance of urging the UN secretary-general and member states to promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine in the proposed resolution.

‘We also firmly believe that peaceful settlement of international disputes must be complied with universally for everyone, everywhere, under all circumstances, without exception,’ she added.

The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted the resolution that demands Russia leave Ukraine, with 32 countries, including Bangladesh, India, China, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, abstaining from voting while seven countries, including Russia, voted against it.

A total of 141 countries voted in favour of the resolution.

The UN General Assembly approved the non-binding resolution that called for Russia to end hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw its forces, sending a strong message on the eve of the first anniversary of the invasion that Moscow’s ‘aggression’ must stop, United News of Bangladesh reports quoting international news agency Associated Press.

The seven countries voting against Thursday’s resolution were Belarus, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, and Mali, all of which have developed close military ties with Russia.
right, what else might bangladesh be urging ?

a settlement to the Israel thing

or Kashmir ?

fish, stitch undies, and jeans.. BD

k ?
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