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Bangladesh stable as 46th military power


Dec 31, 2010
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Bangladesh stable as 46th military power​

Diplomatic Correspondent | Published: 17:12, Jan 22,2022 | Updated: 23:34, Jan 22,2022


A representational image of Bangladesh Army. – UNB photo.

Bangladesh has remained stable as the 46th powerful military in the world in 2022 compared to the position last year, according to the Global Firepower Index released on Saturday.

Among two neighbours of Bangladesh with land and maritime borders, India ranked fourth and Myanmar remained stable at the 39th position in the index.

The United States topped the 2022 list followed by Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Pakistan and Brazil respectively.
Italy, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, Israel, Spain and Saudi Arabia ranked 11th to 20th respectively in the list made for 2022.

Among the countries in South Asia, India ranked fourth, Pakistan ninth, Sri Lanka 79th, Afghanistan 118th, Nepal 119th and Bhutan 140th.

The GFP ranking is based on each nation’s potential war-making capability across the land, sea, and air fought by conventional means.
The results incorporate values related to manpower, equipment, natural resources, finances, and geography.

More than 50 individual factors are used in formulating the finalised GFP ranks, which provide a glimpse into an increasingly volatile global landscape where war seems all but inevitability.

The GFP assessment incorporates values related to resources, finances and geography with about 55 different factors, including the strength of active military personnel, paramilitary, reserve force, combat tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery, towed artillery, rocket projectors, naval assets including aircraft carriers, submarines, frigates, destroyers, corvettes, patrol vessels, mine warfare.

It also incorporates aircraft strength, including fighters, total helicopter strength, transport planes, training aircraft, etc.

The GFP also takes into consideration oil production, oil consumption, proven oil reserve, labour force, merchant marine strength, major seaports, roadway coverage, railway coverage, usable airports, defence budget, external debt, the reserve of foreign exchanges, purchasing power parity.
Geographical considerations include shared borders and coastline coverage, among others.

Since 2006, Global Firepower has provided an analytical display of data concerning at least 136 military powers.
GFP not only see warplanes and others, but also professional armed force personnel, population, economy, territory, and others. It is intended to measure country ability to face total war like invasion attempt.
It is intended to measure country ability to face total war like invasion attempt.
I humbly disagree! According to this website, India, Japan and South Korea all are above UK and France.

So this ranking is numbers only and in real war numbers don't really make big difference, but logistics make the major difference!
I humbly disagree! According to this website, India, Japan and South Korea all are above UK and France.
It is because Japan, South Korea and India are way stronger than UK and France. UK and France may have power projection. But in conventional terms Japan, South Korea and India are way stronger. They are not even in the same league.
I humbly disagree! According to this website, India, Japan and South Korea all are above UK and France.

So this ranking is numbers only and in real war numbers don't really make big difference, but logistics make the major difference!
I don't agree with it either. I have even Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan above south korea and japan.. How is brazil in top 10? seriously I have Ukraine and Algeria above brazil besides Turkey is above pakistan.. Israel in top 20:lol:

Tho i don't think this list is purely military and considers other things outside military hence it is not military based and the ppl doing it has zero military knowledge about military hardware.. I can do a more pragmatic one
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It is because Japan, South Korea and India are way stronger than UK and France. UK and France may have power projection. But in conventional terms Japan, South Korea and India are way stronger. They are not even in the same league.
I would say , not numbers but logistics are more important in military.

As Indian army is bigger than Pakistan army, yet India didn't win any war against Pakistan!

I don't agree with it either. I have even Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan above south korea and japan.. How is brazil in top 10? seriously I have Ukraine and Algeria above brazil besides Turkey is above pakistan.. Israel in top 20:lol:

Tho i don't think this list is purely military and considers other things outside military hence it is not military based and the ppl doing it has zero military knowledge about military hardware.. I can do a more pragmatic one
Agree. However the power of Israel comes from different source , so it can be an exception.

South Korea and Japan are no military power , doesn't matter how bigger their armed forces sizes are.

Unfortunately a large number of civilians don't understand what military actually is , so compare them with video game and war movie military!
Quality > Quantity

Logistics power > firepower

Combat experience > troops sleeping in barracks

Doctrinal and system design > Import of ready-made products

Operational readiness level > inventory numbers on paper

Combat-ready systems > Systems just for in counting goods

I love Bangladesh so much and always best wishes with them. But this site is too crap to be referenced.
Quality > Quantity

Logistics power > firepower

Combat experience > troops sleeping in barracks

Doctrinal and system design > Import of ready-made products

Operational readiness level > inventory numbers on paper

Combat-ready systems > Systems just for in counting goods

I love Bangladesh so much and always best wishes with them. But this site is too crap to be referenced.
Exactly my words bro, that you explained very nicely.

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