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Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

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from Where did you get that , eh!!

btw - I missed your posts a lot while you took a little break.

Thanks I did not realize I was so much appreciated and by an Indian.

I got that information from an Indian on this forum and from my own analysis of the situation in BD. The Indians have put their propaganda machine in overdrive and RAW is very active and setting up dummy parties to lift the AL. They have also created anti-nationalist forces to undermine the BNP alliance. I know all this because I know people close to the Indian High Commission and the intelligence community both local and foreign.
That would really piss off the Indians who have stage managed everything to secure an AL victory.

That's all a paranoid mind can think of!

Instead of thinking what would be the effect of the cancellation of the election on the country concerned, the hyper paranoid mind can only think of how it would supposedly piss off the Indians!

But not entirely unexpected given the history of the person and the known paranoia.

PS: 99 % of the Indians are not even aware that there are elections scheduled in Bangladesh. Same would be true for 99 % Pakistanis, I guess.

They couldn't care less.
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It is only the 1% of Indian policy makers and RAW operatives who know and who do care that matters.
It is only the 1% of Indian policy makers and RAW operatives who know and who do care that matters.

Could be possible , maybe not. Who is to know

Since there is no real concrete proof of report of it , let this one die and keep the topic on BD-Myanmar , like it was
btw, MBI, according to my previous post, Myanmar has not backed off - this is from yahoo asia - is bangladesh reporting something different?? pls keep it posted.
It is only the 1% of Indian policy makers and RAW operatives who know and who do care that matters.

Even 1 % of Indians would make more than 10 millions. I doubt we have that many policy makers and RAW operatives.

But you seem to feel that RAW can stage manage an entire election in Bangladesh and ensure AL victory! Well that can only point to some serious flaws within Bangladesh.

A true patriot doesn't need to worry who will come to power rather what they will do once they come to power.

Is it the fear of the the corrupt people of the current regime being brought to book that is effecting some here!
Dont worry, soon india will be having wars for this peace of land, the area is full of OIL.

Myanmar, which has discovered huge reserves of natural gas in the Bay of Bengal, insisted its exploration work was legal.

I dont get tis B.S matter...why those ******s would enter our territory for gas or oil survey....!! After all, it belongs to Bangladesh, rite? Isnt it illegal.
It really disturbs my equanimity...:angry:. The Bangladesh Navy should have blown 'em up so that they wouldnt even dare to commit this sort of crime against us in the next time...

Anyone agree with me...?
But you seem to feel that RAW can stage manage an entire election in Bangladesh and ensure AL victory! Well that can only point to some serious flaws within Bangladesh.

RAW thought it could stage manage an election in 2001 and was shocked when the BNP alliance came back with a 2/3 majority. This time around they roped in the army to help out but whether this will work out is impossible to say.


I am keeping track of the Myanmar dispute but at the same time I think it is closely related to our elections and the outcome if any.


That was certainly my gut reaction that the Myanmar navy should have been shelled but there are several other factors and considerations to take into account. A limited conflict would derail the elections probably bringing in the military to power. This would wreck Indian plans for the AL to capture power with a manipulated election. Why has Myanmar chosen this time for such a provocation?
Korean firm stops Bay of Bengal exploration - minister

Fri Nov 7, 2008 1:00pm IST

DHAKA (Reuters) - A Korean company hired by Myanmar to explore for oil and gas in disputed waters in the Bay of Bengal is withdrawing, a senior Bangladesh foreign ministry official said on Friday.

"The Daewoo-Myanmar company, a South Korean firm appointed by Myanmar for oil and gas exploration in the Bay of Bengal, has started the process of withdrawal from areas Bangladesh claims to be her territorial water," said Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, Foreign Affairs adviser (minister).

"The government of the Republic of Korea and the Daewoo company informed us that the dismantling process had begun which might take a few days to complete," he told Reuters.

Iftekhar said Bangladesh still hoped for a peaceful resolution of the dispute in the Bay, where both countries have deployed navy ships.

Dhaka has noted the issue to China, a friend of both.

In Yangon, a Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday Myanmar had only "paused" in its exploration activities in the disputed waters.

"We don't have any reason to change our stance on this matter because it is located in our exclusive economic zone," said the Foreign Ministry official, who declined to be identified.

"We will continue it soon and move somewhere else within our zone when it's finished," he said of the exploration work.

Meanwhile, the head of Bangladesh's army-backed interim government, Fakhruddin Ahmed, held a meeting on Thursday with the armed forces chiefs and foreign ministry officials to take stock of the situation.

Iftekhar said the meeting underscored Bangladesh's "strong resolve" to protect sovereign territory, including in the Bay.

Yangon summoned the Bangladesh ambassador on Sunday to protest against Dhaka's actions, after Dhaka had done the same for Yangon's envoy to lodge a protest over Myanmar's moves.

A Bangladesh diplomatic mission led by Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossain is in Yangon to discuss the issue, ministry officials said.

Bangladesh was also in contact with some diplomats, including the Chinese ambassador in Dhaka and Bangladeshi ambassadors abroad, trying to find a solution, foreign ministry officials said.

China's foreign ministry on Thursday urged both countries to take measures to resolve the dispute amicably.

Bangladesh and Myanmar have been holding talks for years to settle their claims in the Bay of Bengal.

Technical delegations from both sides were scheduled to meet in Dhaka on Nov. 16 and 17 to discuss maritime boundary demarcation, officials said.

Korean firm stops Bay of Bengal exploration - minister | Reuters
the foes in Myanmar are well under influence of Indian chessmasters and this issues will never settle down. Until or unless Myanmar did not liberate it from them.

The other way is that Bangladesh need to enhance its military power, as well as economic conditions (to support its growing military power and for well being of its people). The strong military presence from Bangladesh will provide the guarantee against the Bunya mantality of Myanmar's foes.

As far as refugees in Pakistan and Bangladesh is concern. Some other foes in Pakistan politicalised the issue of East Pakistan and they are FORCED not to return. Anyway, it is a matter of satisfaction that Bangladeshi government is giving them nationalities and equal oppertunities within the country.

Yes, we do not have migrants from Iraq, but no we had some. Though majority of them were Pakistani but you should not forget that there were many others like indians who evcuated from Iraq/Kuwait and they were MIGRANTS. Additionally, we have more than 1.5 million migrants from Bangladesh and far more than that from India and again, far more from Indians, Afghanis.

Interestingly but tragically, Pakistan is probably world's biggest refugee camp in the world. As almost equal to 10% of our population are migrants from Afghanistan, Nepal, Burma, India, Bangladesh and many other countries. This figure do not include legal foreigners, such as Chinese. Though, many many Bangalees are also living and working in Pakistan legally.
I hope no one is pushing for a proxy war between Myanmar and Bangladesh with the US and China behind. Who does this help? It could easily escalate into a wider war involving India and other regional powers. Not a good idea.


China Urges Fair Settlement of Myanmar-Bangladesh Gas Dispute

By Michael Heath

Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- China called on Myanmar and Bangladesh to settle their dispute over oil and natural-gas reserves in the Bay of Bengal that triggered a naval standoff in waters contested by the two countries.

Bangladesh deployed warships to the area about 93 kilometers (58 miles) southwest of St. Martin's island earlier this week after a Myanmar ship, escorted by three naval vessels, began oil and gas exploration. Bangladesh says the area falls within its territorial waters and summoned Myanmar's ambassador before sending envoys to the nation formerly known as Burma.

``We hope the countries will settle it through equal and friendly negotiations,'' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters in Beijing yesterday, according to the official Xinhua news agency. ``As their friend, China will contribute in an appropriate manner.''

The impoverished neighbors have failed to agree on a maritime border as they vie to control as much of the potentially energy rich Bay of Bengal as possible. Myanmar late yesterday rejected Bangladesh's demand that it stop drilling, Xinhua said, citing a government statement.

``When the test drilling was being conducted, neighboring Bangladesh claimed that the AD-7 block falls within its territorial waters and lawlessly demanded that the drilling should be suspended immediately,'' Myanmar's ruling junta said in the statement carried on state television, Xinhua reported.

``To protect the interest of our own country in accordance with the international laws'' the drilling will carry on until it is concluded, the government said, according to Xinhua.

Key Ally

China, the world's fastest-growing major economy, is a key ally of Myanmar and last year won the rights to buy gas from the country's biggest field.

Myanmar had 21.19 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves, or 0.3 percent of the world's total, while Bangladesh had 13.77 trillion cubic feet, or 0.2 percent, at the end of 2007, according to BP Plc. Most of this is located in the Bay of Bengal, though not all as it includes onshore fields.

Myanmar and Bangladesh had per capita gross domestic product of $1,900 and $1,400 respectively in 2007, according to U.S. government data.

A delegation from Myanmar is scheduled to arrive in Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, Nov. 16 for a two-day visit to discuss the issue, a Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said Nov. 4.

Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan
I dont get tis B.S matter...why those ******s would enter our territory for gas or oil survey....!! After all, it belongs to Bangladesh, rite? Isnt it illegal.
It really disturbs my equanimity...:angry:. The Bangladesh Navy should have blown 'em up so that they wouldnt even dare to commit this sort of crime against us in the next time...

Anyone agree with me...?

Blowing them up is easy to say, but the repercussions could be severe. The Burmese military Junta have nothing much to lose, and will probably engage in war. I dunno about the military capabilities of Burma and Bangladesh, so I can't say who'll win, but since both countries are not very advanced militarily, it is likely that both sides will be engaged in a brutal brawl along the border, with causalities escalating on both sides. since neither country is an economic power, a war could have dire consequences to the people of both countries. This is just my analysis based on what i feel will happen. feel free to correct any mistakes.

the best solution in this case is diplomatic.
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