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Bangladesh Army winter exercise.

Oh be quiet, how much more bootlicking will you do?

You just applauded the exercise in the first post, now you undermine the whole thing?

Go to your Mahabharat subsection here or to your Bharat Rat$hit forum and cavort there with like-minded bhakts instead of false-flagging and pretending you are a Bangladeshi patriot.

Kind of an ironic comment since you're licking RSS/BJP boots day and night.
Go to your Mahabharat subsection here or to your Bharat Rat$hit forum and cavort there with like-minded bhakts instead of false-flagging and pretending you are a Bangladeshi patriot.

Kind of an ironic comment since you're licking RSS/BJP boots day and night.

You've lost the plot cretin.
Since the humidity in Bangladesh is higher than these dispayed places, water vapor gets trapped in our clothes making the insulation in our clothing less effective. That's why, the same temperature feels colder in Bangladesh.
you need tomato ??????

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